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Vermont WIC MIS/EBT Implementation Readiness Coordinator Network January 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Vermont WIC MIS/EBT Implementation Readiness Coordinator Network January 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vermont WIC MIS/EBT Implementation Readiness Coordinator Network January 23, 2014

2 Agenda Project Update RCN Effectiveness Survey Clinic Enablement –Overview of Clinic Enablement –Homework: Clinic IT Inventory 2

3 Project Update Current Phase – PLANNING –Completing dozens of plans documenting all tasks, responsibilities, resources and required outcomes (due 1/31/14) –Two weeks of meetings with VT WIC, Ciber and JP Morgan for orientation to Ceres and working on linking Ceres and EBT WIC Central Activity –Grocer Authorization Standards and Retailer Enablement Plans –Approved Products List –Disaster Recovery for the WIC Program –Clinic Enablement planning: checklists and inventories 3

4 RCN Effectiveness Survey Two surveys: RCN Members and WIC/VDH DO staff RCN: 100% participation; WIC/VDH DO staff: n = 109 Overall, significant knowledge and support of the MIS/EBT implementation by RCN and WIC staff generally 4

5 RCN Members How do you communicate with other staff about the project? 5

6 RCN Members 6

7 FAQS –100% of you read the FAQs every month and find them helpful –100% use the FAQs to explain the project to others –Comments: Organize with specific headings; too early to give a lot of details Mini-Demos –11 find them useful themselves and 6 also for others. –Comments: Too early, hands on is better; takes too much time in staff to show the PPT 7

8 RCN Members RCN Website –7 find it useful and refer others –6 find it hard to navigate –Comments: Navigation and finding what I need is difficult Amount and frequency of info: –11: Just right –1: too much and/or too frequent 8

9 DO / WIC Staff Survey n=109 9

10 DO / WIC Staff Survey 10

11 DO / WIC Staff Survey Knowledge of Readiness Coordinator Network –81% knew about the RCN –85% reported the name of their RCN –82% direct questions about the project to the RCN member –86% say the RCN member either answers the question immediately or gets back with the answer (the other 14% had no questions…effectively, you score 100%!) 11

12 DO / WIC Staff Survey 12

13 DO / WIC Staff Survey 13

14 DO / WIC Staff Survey 14 Did you find them helpful? 93% YES

15 DO / WIC Staff Survey 15 If you did see mini- demos, were they helpful? 92% YES

16 Staff Support for Project 16

17 Perceptions of Staff Support 17

18 RCN Survey – State Level We’ve learned: –The RCN website is too confusing. Needs to be easier to navigate and find resources. –The mini-demos are appreciated, but we need to find a way to get them in front of more staff –Same with the FAQ – those who read them find them very helpful –BUT, we now have so many FAQs, need to consolidate and create better “tags” for finding what you need 18

19 RCN Effectiveness Survey – DO level You will receive a report on all the responses from your DO, and comparing your DO to the state overall. Call Jeanne or Donna if you want to discuss the results You are encouraged to email the other RCN members for ideas if you want to improve your outreach. Next month’s agenda will include time for report- back on your reactions to your own results. 19

20 Clinic Enablement Comprehensive Plan under development Covers workflow analysis and modifications, job descriptions, changes in state rules, development of handbooks, training, etc. Here’s the current Table of Contents Lots of checklists – for preparation, before pilot and before each DO rolls out. 20

21 Clinic Enablement – RCN Assignment Need baseline assessment for fitting out DO clinic and admin locations –Where are the data ports and outlets? –What IT eqpt is currently available and is it assigned to particular areas of the DO? 21

22 Clinic Enablement – RCN Assignment #2 Method for DO offices: –“Mark up” the BGS plan for your DO for data ports and outlets –Complete spreadsheet identifying laptops, PCs, printers and location/assignment Method for satellite clinics: Keep a log of … –Wireless coverage and signal strength –Power outlets You’ll get an email with the floor plan for your DO, spreadsheets and instructions 22

23 Clinic Enablement – RCN Assignment #3 Due Dates: –For clinic information: Wednesday, February 18 –For satellite information: Update Jeanne Keller monthly as you collect it All satellites must be completed in three months – by Friday, May 2 23

24 Reminder: Report Network Problems We need to establish “baseline” for current network capability If it’s not good enough now, it won’t be later! Report to HelpDesk if Network is s-l-o-w, not responding quickly, timing out, etc. HelpDesk tickets are used by DII to determine if there’s enough capacity for the new system Please spread the word in your DO --- Report any and all network problems to HelpDesk --- not just network outages! 24

25 NEXT MEETING’S AGENDA What’s ahead….

26 February 27, 2014 - 12:30pm – 1:30pm Update on Projects Continuation of Clinic Enablement activities Feedback from your own survey results If you will miss (or have missed) the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestionsIf you will miss (or have missed) the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 26

27 SEE YOU FEB 27 12:30– 1:00 PM

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