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Contribute to the Organisation and Management of Classroom or Centre

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Presentation on theme: "Contribute to the Organisation and Management of Classroom or Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contribute to the Organisation and Management of Classroom or Centre
CHCEDS004 Contribute to the Organisation and Management of Classroom or Centre

2 In the Classroom Job Application Details Location Profile
School Profile Selection Criteria Role Responsibilities Who May Apply EEO & OHS Committee Other information

3 Procedures Everyone will know what is expected Written explanation of
What needs to be done How it should be done Step by step

4 Activity 1 Procedure for bullying incidents Listen to conversation
Note any changes Look for any distress Provide immediate support for student Report to Supervisor, Welfare coordinator, or Principal Record events and your actions Include appropriate activities with whole grade Follow up Review

5 Communication in the Classroom
Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages

6 Communication in the Students
When speaking to students Understandable Given sequentially Describe what to be done Describe how it is to done Check understanding Repeat more difficult aspects What to do next Provide examples Wait time Answer questions

7 Communication with Students
Identify & stating lesson goals Presenting info in a sequential manner Ensure main concept is understand Many examples Give demonstrations Use understandable language Repeat and emphasis main points Be precise

8 Types of Communication
Paralanguage Tone Pitch Speech Body Language 700,000 unique movement 60 signals 60 gestures

9 Types of Communication
Listening Skills Non-hearing level Hearing level Thinking level 4. Questioning Open Closed Probing Hypothetical

10 Effective Communication
Speak clearly and at the correct pace Be precise Check the listener understands Be a good listener

11 Communicate Progress Feedback to teacher re student’s understanding
Regular meetings Casual

12 Feedback Self improvement Pre-empt difficulties
Create open work environment Encourages repeat behaviour Motivation & Performance

13 Seek Assistance Are you trained/authorised to deal with this
Can I fix this Assess the seriousness Do I need help Who do I need to help If unable to fix advise supervisor Never ignore situation Be proactive

14 Roles in a School Administrators Business Managers Co-Ordinators
ESL Teachers Guidance Officers/Speech Therapists IT Techs Lab Assistants Librarians Special Education Teachers Specialists

15 Equipment Computers/laptops Tablets Printers scanners Photocopier Fax
Shredders Laminators

16 Equipment Digital Cameras/flip cameras CD players DVD/Blu-ray Player
Smartboard/IWB Answering Machine Intercom

17 Communication Specialist Equipment
Speech and Augmentative communication Aids Writing and Typing Skills Computer Aids Alternative input devices Alternative output devices Accessible software Universal design

18 Communication Specialist Equipment
Education & Learning Aids Cognitive aids Early Intervention aids

19 Environment Aids Home & School Adaptations Hearing & Listening Aids
Mobility & Transportation Aids Recreation & Leisure Aids Vision & Reading Aids

20 Worksheet Design Key instructions – independent work Avoid abstract
White space Sequence – easiest to hardest Headings & Subheadings Not too long Colours for dyslexic kids Proof read

21 Worksheet Design Attractive Plain English Limit Technical words
Short Sentences Use interesting style






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