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RAF Sub-Aqua Association Committee Mtg 6 Jun 08.

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1 RAF Sub-Aqua Association Committee Mtg 6 Jun 08


3 FD AT Policy & guidance: –Civilians (Minor (UK) & Major (overseas) expeds) –Exped organization & arrangements Single service provider / agentSingle service provider / agent LocationLocation AccommodationAccommodation Jt Services Adv Trg Form ‘Alpha’ (JSATFA)Jt Services Adv Trg Form ‘Alpha’ (JSATFA) Contents – Aim & ObjContents – Aim & Obj Approvals procedureApprovals procedure What Clubs & Exped Ldrs can do to help themselves?What Clubs & Exped Ldrs can do to help themselves? –Medical & Fitness Declaration – 1023A –AT Scheme & PADI dive centres / qualifications

4 Context – Supervisory Framework Jt Services Sub-Aqua Diving Policy Advisory Committee –DNLM, Chair - CO HMS Temeraire –Superintendent of Diving (SoD) –Institute of Naval Medicine (INM) RN BR1750A & Surgeon General’s Policy Letter RN BR1750A & Surgeon General’s Policy Letter –Jt Services Sub-Aqua Diving Centre - CO –Single Service Association Chairman

5 Context – Supervisory Framework Service branches affiliated to BSAC Service branches affiliated to BSAC BSAC Safe Diving (best practice) BSAC Safe Diving (best practice) HSE Diving at Work Regs ’97 HSE Diving at Work Regs ’97 –All MOD sport diving – ‘diving at work’ Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) JSP 419 JSP 419 Jt Services Sub-Aqua Diving Regulations (JSSADRs) Jt Services Sub-Aqua Diving Regulations (JSSADRs) DIN Guidance to COs DIN Guidance to COs AP 3342 AP 3342

6 Context – Supervisory Framework All Armed Forces open water diving is Adventurous Trg All Armed Forces open water diving is Adventurous Trg –JSTAFA and risk assessment reqd –Minor expeds – PEdO approval –Major expeds – FD AT –Civilian participation – FD AT –Highlights civilian ‘excessive’ use vs other activities / sports

7 BSAC Diver Trg Programme Progressive Challenging Comprehensive Numerous events per grade Takes time to progress through grades More than one exped to complete + Skill Development Courses

8 Supervision - SADS SADS – supervize all open water dives from surface SADS – supervize all open water dives from surface No SADS = no diving = exped cancelled No SADS = no diving = exped cancelled SADS = BSAC Advanced Diver + 1 Yr; 1 week course; 1 week assessment SADS = BSAC Advanced Diver + 1 Yr; 1 week course; 1 week assessment Limitations: Limitations: –< 30m = 8 divers –> 30m = 6 divers –More restrictive - weather & water conditions One BSAC Advanced Diver – one wave only while SADS dives One BSAC Advanced Diver – one wave only while SADS dives –< 30m = 4 divers –> 30m = 2 divers Dive conduct – SADS availability; wave timing; slack water Dive conduct – SADS availability; wave timing; slack water Exped requirements: Exped requirements: –Ideally, 2 SADS – flexibility for sickness, dive wave structure & timing –One SADS & one BSAC Advanced Diver

9 Diver Trg & Instructor Development Instructor Development Programme Not directly related to Diver Grade BSAC instructor requirements vs diver grade and skill development courses Instructor : student ratios Defined in BSAC Instructor Manual & JSSADRs 1:2 maximum 1:1 National Instructors for specified courses – RAF Adv Inst Trg in ASI

10 Implications Takes time to develop & progress through diver grades - gain sufficient experience and knowledge to lead dives, supervize & instructTakes time to develop & progress through diver grades - gain sufficient experience and knowledge to lead dives, supervize & instruct No SADS, Advanced Divers or OWI / AIs:No SADS, Advanced Divers or OWI / AIs: –Critical for Branch –Exped aim and obj - compromised –RAF diving withers SADS & Instructor : student ratios importantSADS & Instructor : student ratios important –Affect / limit exped conduct / outcome Most (All) expeds involve trg, experience progressionMost (All) expeds involve trg, experience progression Only Diving Officer can award qualificationOnly Diving Officer can award qualification

11 Implications RAF redundancy, operational tempo, civilianization, contractorization RAF redundancy, operational tempo, civilianization, contractorization –Smaller pool of SADS, Advanced Divers, OWI/AIs –In demand – across all 3 Services Greater reliance on civilians – most retired militaryGreater reliance on civilians – most retired military –To supervize & instruct expeds –Day-to-day Club management, organization and trg –No diving? Disenfranchised? – RAF Clubs wither

12 Implications Greater reliance on civilians (continued)Greater reliance on civilians (continued) –Totally self-fund – no Public expense –Leave from civilian employer: Timely approvals required Timely approvals required

13 Expedition Planning Aim of AT / Ex objective:Aim of AT / Ex objective: Undertake challenging divingUndertake challenging diving Exped organization – ‘package holiday’Exped organization – ‘package holiday’ Live ‘rough’ – tents, self catering, B&B, boats, hotelsLive ‘rough’ – tents, self catering, B&B, boats, hotels Boats – day boat / liveaboards to access best dive sitesBoats – day boat / liveaboards to access best dive sites Single source provider / agent:Single source provider / agent: More cost effectiveMore cost effective ‘Free’ places for group‘Free’ places for group BSAC Duke of Edinburgh Prize WinnersBSAC Duke of Edinburgh Prize Winners

14 Medicals IAW JSSADRs and BSAC IAW JSSADRs and BSAC –RN BR 1750 and Surgeon General’s Policy Letter –Chest x-ray –Full medical – every 5, 3, 1 year –Medical Certificate Fitness to Dive – annual –BSAC Self Declaration –Medical and Fitness Declaration – Leaflet 1023A

15 PADI During PADI courses do not need to dive iaw with JSSADRs or with SADS supervision During PADI courses do not need to dive iaw with JSSADRs or with SADS supervision Package Package –More expensive? Paying professional instructors Not BSAC qualified – little incentive to join and contribute to Service diving on return? Not BSAC qualified – little incentive to join and contribute to Service diving on return? Greater opportunity to use BSAC schools / centres Greater opportunity to use BSAC schools / centres

16 Potential Way Ahead Exped Organizers:Exped Organizers: More clearly define on JSATFA:More clearly define on JSATFA: Exped aims, objectives, expected outcomesExped aims, objectives, expected outcomes Need for civilian supervisors & instructorsNeed for civilian supervisors & instructors RAFSAA to provide guidanceRAFSAA to provide guidance ‘Essential’ civilians‘Essential’ civilians More pragmatic ‘Essential’ definition & approval processMore pragmatic ‘Essential’ definition & approval process Different level of UK and overseas scrutiny?Different level of UK and overseas scrutiny?

17 Potential Way Ahead Leaflet 1023 exemptionLeaflet 1023 exemption Use BSAC centres for BSAC qualificationsUse BSAC centres for BSAC qualifications


19 vBulletin® gets people talking $180.00 $180.00 vBulletin (Owned License) vBulletin (Owned License) The owned vBulletin Forum license allows you to run the software on your site indefinitely. Along with this license, you will receive one year of free updates. Beyond the first year, a nominal fee of $60 (or $40 if purchased within 60 days of the license expiring) is payable to obtain updates for an additional year. This license includes free support via email and on the community forum. Phone Support is not included in the license price but may be purchased for an additional cost either at the time of initial purchase, or afterwards through the Members' Area. The owned vBulletin Forum license allows you to run the software on your site indefinitely. Along with this license, you will receive one year of free updates. Beyond the first year, a nominal fee of $60 (or $40 if purchased within 60 days of the license expiring) is payable to obtain updates for an additional year. This license includes free support via email and on the community forum. Phone Support is not included in the license price but may be purchased for an additional cost either at the time of initial purchase, or afterwards through the Members' Area.Members' AreaMembers' Area


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