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Project SoCal Social Calendars Kevin Chiu Laurence Do Brittany Luk.

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Presentation on theme: "Project SoCal Social Calendars Kevin Chiu Laurence Do Brittany Luk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project SoCal Social Calendars Kevin Chiu Laurence Do Brittany Luk

2 Introduction  Scheduling  Tedious  Time-consuming  Questions  When is everyone free?  What if some people’s attendance are more important than others?  Which time slot accommodates the most people?

3 Operational Concepts  What is SoCal?  Light-weight, networked, web-based scheduling application  Benefits:  Saves time – simple, yet efficient  Negligible learning-curve  Portable  For Whom?  Students  Businesses  Anyone and everyone!!  Anyone and everyone!!

4 System Requirements Features:  Registration  Subscription  Personal event calendar  Combined conflict calendar  Email notification for the time of the planned event

5 Conflict Calendar

6 Architecture Major Components:  Database  Data Access  Data Model  Web Application

7 Staged Delivery Lifecycle Week 1 Week 2-3 Week 4-6 Week 7 Week 8 Define client-server interface Implement Data Model, static calendar display. Implement Data Access, interactive web-application. Integrate. Working prototype. Implement login, subscription, email systems. Final testing.

8 Feasibility Rationale Risks  TIME!  Knowledge of.NET, C#, web development?  Do people want an online social calendar?  Privacy  Prefer simplicity over features?

9 Direction for Growth Additional Features….  View calendar by days, weeks, or months  Repeat option – weekly, monthly  Distinguish between private and public events

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