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Andrea Handzus, Nicole Morton, Michelle Reneé Sciarini and Jason Casares Ball State University Andrea Handzus, Nicole Morton, Michelle Reneé Sciarini and.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrea Handzus, Nicole Morton, Michelle Reneé Sciarini and Jason Casares Ball State University Andrea Handzus, Nicole Morton, Michelle Reneé Sciarini and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrea Handzus, Nicole Morton, Michelle Reneé Sciarini and Jason Casares Ball State University Andrea Handzus, Nicole Morton, Michelle Reneé Sciarini and Jason Casares Ball State University

2 Content of Presentation Statement of Philosophy Importance of Divisional Website What is Division Trying to Accomplish? Targeted Audience Related Literature References

3 Statement of Philosophy for Website The website will serve as an informative means to link students to Student Life at Western Idaho College via the internet.

4 Importance of Divisional Website A divisional website allows the department of student life to have its own unique identity and sense of credibility. Other departments will continue to find innovative ways to intrigue students and grasp their attention by allowing students the opportunity to take a virtual tour of the college. It is vital for the Student Life Department to have its own website because it makes them a key player in the quest to attract students to attend Western Idaho College. Students can gain information about student life, including housing and dining information, opportunities for campus involvement and leadership, as well as new student programs. This website offers all of this information and much more in just a few clicks.

5 What is the Division Trying to Accomplish? Currently, it seems the division is predominately focused on Residence Life and its place in student life. The website includes a calendar of upcoming events and headlines from around the nation. To the left of the calendar of events is a short list of links included in the division. The Quick Links section (above the calendar of events) links the division website to other related links. The current purpose of the website is unclear. The proposed website clearly defines the objectives of the divisional website.

6 Targeted Audience The website is geared towards current and prospective students. The website may used by current students for upcoming events, links to other informative sites, news in the community and world. The website may be used by prospective students to link to the Orientation site and to gather information on student life on Western Idaho College’s campus.

7 Related Literature A majority of colleges and universities use the internet for recruitment purposes and the transmission of information. Prospective students relied on campus web sites to serve as their first campus visit at a rate of 78 percent in 1998 (Banning, Davies, & Quick, 2003). This is a 74 percent increase from 1996. Prospective students are now able to gather information, apply online, and even be admitted to a university via the internet (Upcraft, Terenzini, and Kruger).

8 Related Literature (cont.) The increased use of technology affected prospective students through virtual tours and information transmission, but students on campus are also affected by the increase in technology. Campuses boast two computers in every residence hall room and multiple computer lab locations across campus (Upcraft, Terenzini, & Kruger). The increased use and accessibility of technology pushed universities to make more information available via the internet. Standards and guidelines have been established to evaluate student affairs web sites. Barratt (2001) listed several values to be used when evaluating student affairs web sites.

9 Related Literature (cont.) These values included: inclusion, representation, active, informative, interactive, currency, convenience, community building, developmental, learning focused, clarity, accountability, and accessibility. Inclusion referred to the fact that all students, groups, and organizations should be included (Barratt, 2001). The website was representative if it represented student affairs departments and divisions. A website was considered active and current if events, times, and locations are listed and current. It was informative if it contained specific information including codes of conduct, and regulations, and constitutions.

10 Related Literature (cont.) Student affairs website was interactive if there were mechanisms for the student to interact (Barratt 2001). The convenience of a website was determined by its ease of use. Community building referred to links available on the site to news on campus, in the community and world. A site was developmental when it promoted student learning and learning focused when it promotes learning goals. The clarity value was established to determine the site’s goals and outcomes. Evaluation was included in the accountability value. The site met the accessibility value if it promoted accessibility.

11 References Banning, J. H., Davies, T. G., & Quick, D. G. (2003). The campus web visit. Student Affairs Online, 1. Retrieved February 18, 2003, from 2000/art3.html.

12 References Barratt, W. (2001). Models for evaluating student affairs web sites. Student Affairs Online, 2. Retrieved February 18, 2003, from http://www.studentaffairs. com/ejournal/Spring_2001/will1.html. Upcraft, M. L., Terenzini, P. T., & Kruger, K. Retrieved February 18, 2003, from seniorscholars/trends/trends5.htm.

13 The “Mission” link states the mission of the Student Life Department and provides links to the mission and vision of Western Idaho College. The “Student Services” button provides links to the websites for each individual entity within the Student Life Department at Western Idaho College. At this point, all offices have been commissioned to complete their individual websites by June 30, 2003. The “Publications” button provides links to publications and newsletters from individual offices or organizations within the Student Life Department. This provides a way for students to find out the latest information about any entity of interest. The “Resources” button provides links for students such as “Ask a nurse,” “Ask a police officer,” “Advising Answers,” and other FAQ-type pages. Additionally, it includes all online forms from offices such as financial aid, housing, and the registrar. The “News” button provides Student Life Division news as well as links to the campus newspaper, local newspapers, and national news websites. This helps to link students to the campus, community, and nation. The “Meet our Staff” button allows students to search all Student Life Division staff members by name or office. Each staff member has an individual website that provides a picture and contact information. The “Calendar” button provides a comprehensive university calendar as well as a link to the community calendar. There are also files that can be downloaded to the students’ Microsoft outlook calendars. The “Campus Maps” button provides students with maps and virtual tours of the campus as well as each individual building. There is also a link that allows students to find walking directions from one building to another, and even from one room to another. The “Contact Info” page provides contact information for the Student Life Division and a feedback page for the website. The counter allows students and staff to see how many people have viewed the website. The “Welcome” area provides the personal touch for students to see a campus administrator. This section provides the daily campus events This area provides important announcements.


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