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CTAP 295 – Final Presentation for CTAP 295 Teaching With Technology by Richard Juarez Chowchilla Union High School.

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Presentation on theme: "CTAP 295 – Final Presentation for CTAP 295 Teaching With Technology by Richard Juarez Chowchilla Union High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTAP 295 – Final Presentation for CTAP 295 Teaching With Technology by Richard Juarez Chowchilla Union High School

2 Introduction – Who am I? Math and Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Area Coordinator Baseball Coach Husband and Father of One My website: – r/public_html

3 Expectations… Knowledge of web design Completion of the project Teacher lesson to present online

4 Actual Learning… Creation of a final web page Connection of individual web pages Creating links and transitions

5 Successes and Shortcomings I feel that this lesson was success. I learned how to prepare for a lesson that ultimately depends on technology that I created. I also feel that although the project may not have felt successful, my students were successful in using the website. Also the links created for my students involved the use of visual imagery before they ever touched a compass.

6 Shortcomings “In a Nutshell” Time Requirements Visual Instruction Web Site Demonstration

7 Successes “In a Nutshell” Technology as a tool Internet sites for demonstration What to do

8 Student Data  This graph shows the improvement in the student’s knowledge about orienteering. All but one student improved after completing the unit on orienteering.

9 Revision Summary… The student data was very helpful for the analysis of the final project. The following revision were made during the CTAP 295 course: –Objective revision –Update website continually –Pretest revision

10 Suggested Revisions… RevisionsSuggestions ObjectivesRefinement Update WebsiteStudent to check links Pretest and PosttestModify to meet refined objectives and student needs

11 Conclusion… I feel the use of technology is a fundamental need in today’s society. Although the actual integration of technology into the curriculum is really time consuming. Teachers, unfortunately do not have enough time to maintain websites that are current with the changing in learning that take place in the classroom. It can be done but budgeting time is really crucial.

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