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Women’s Week Slides. Eve In the creation story, we discussed Eve as representing: The Innocent, in her temptation by the serpent The Temptress, in her.

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s Week Slides. Eve In the creation story, we discussed Eve as representing: The Innocent, in her temptation by the serpent The Temptress, in her."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s Week Slides

2 Eve In the creation story, we discussed Eve as representing: The Innocent, in her temptation by the serpent The Temptress, in her temptation of Adam

3 Mary In the Christian tradition, Mary is the mother of Jesus, whom Christians believe to be the Savior. Christians view her as being an extremely blessed and faithful woman. In the Catholic faith, Mary is also believed to be without any sin.

4 Mary and Eve "Christ became a man by a virgin to overcome the disobedience caused by the the same way it had originated.“ St. Justin, the Martyr, in his work, Dialogue with Trypho

5 Mary and Eve "For believing and obeying, Mary brought forth on earth the Father's Son. This she did, knowing not man but overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, as the New Eve, who put absolute trust, not in the ancient serpent, but in the messenger of God. Second Vatican Council



8 Missal of Bernhard von Rohr, Archbishop of Salzburg ca.1481 from Eva Und Maria Verlag Böhlau

9 "Virgin Mary Consoles Eve" Crayon and pencil by Sr. Grace Remington, OCSO Copyright 2005, Sisters of the Mississippi Abbey

10 Roles of Women Examine the following images of Ruth, Naomi and Orpah and of Ruth and Boaz As you view each image, record the impression you get of each character from the way they are depicted in the painting. Which image of these characters matches your impression of them from what you read? Explain why. Which image(s) provide(s) an uplifting role for women? Which image(s) provide(s) a deflating role for women?

11 A

12 B

13 C

14 D

15 Journal #6 Are women more or less empowered in the Book of Ruth as compared to Genesis 29 and 30?

16 “With More Equity, More Sweat” As you read the article, take turns doing the following: 1 person READS ALOUD 4 paragraphs; 1 person ANNOTATES in response to the following questions: 1. What do you think is the purpose of this article? 2. Is there any evidence of bias in this article? In other words, are both sides of the argument presented equally and fairly? 3. Are the sources in this article respectable and credible sources? 4. What is the role of women, according to this article? Back up your claim with a specific piece of evidence. 5.What is the role of men, according to this article? Back up your claim with a specific piece of evidence.

17 Constructed Response Should there be specific gender roles for men and for women? If not, why not? If so, what should these roles be? To start your response, write a thesis statement that begins with the following: Gender roles should/ should not exist because ____________, ____________ and _____________. Make sure each paragraphs starts with a strong topic sentence that reflects a main point from you thesis. You must write at least 2 of your supporting paragraphs. In your response, you must include at least 1 specific example from: 1- Our study of Rachel/Leah/Jacob OR The Book of Ruth 2- The video that we watched on gender roles in education 3- The Washington Post article on gender roles

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