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Welcome to Wawasan Open Library. Where is Wawasan Open Library? Main Campus, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Wawasan Open Library, 10050 Penang Kuala Lumpur.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Wawasan Open Library. Where is Wawasan Open Library? Main Campus, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Wawasan Open Library, 10050 Penang Kuala Lumpur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Wawasan Open Library

2 Where is Wawasan Open Library? Main Campus, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Wawasan Open Library, 10050 Penang Kuala Lumpur Regional Office Library Level 3, Menara PGRM, 8 Jalan Pudu Ulu, 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur Johor Bahru Regional Office Library, No 17 & 19 Jalan Jaya 2, Taman Jaya, 81300 Skudai, Johor Ipoh Regional Office Library Wisma Gerakan, 80 Persiaran Green Hill, 30450 Ipoh, Perak Kota Bharu Regional Office Library No 3956, Wisma Gerakan, Jalan Temenggong, 1500 Kota Bharu


4 Library Opening Hours Main Library During Semester : Monday : 8.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday : 8.30 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday : 9.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. Semester Break : Monday - Friday : 8.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday : Closed

5 Library Opening Hours Regional Office Libraries at KL, JB and Ipoh Tuesday –Sunday : 10.00 am – 7.00 pm Kota Bahru Regional Office Monday –Saturday : 10.00 am -7.00 pm

6 What are my Library Privileges? Undergraduate - 2 books from the General Collections / 2 weeks Graduate - 5 books from the General Collections / 30 days Unlimited access to MyDigital Library Open access computers Inter-library Loan & Document Delivery Services

7 What is the Digital Library ? Complements the traditional collections and services of the Library Access 24/7 from home or office Need computer with Internet connection Restricted to WOU students, staff & tutors

8 What is the Digital Library? Electronic resources subscribed or purchased by the Library Virtual reference resources - freely available Internet information sources Course Reserves - reading materials set aside by course co-ordinators WOU Media Collection Past examination papers WOU staff contributions

9 Access to MyDigital Library Log-in with your user ID & password using single sign-on method

10 Single Sign-on (via MyDigitalLibrary) Student is required to login using their student- ID

11 What is an electronic book? An electronic version of a book Viewed on computers To read e-book just click on the book image

12 Electronic books in NetLibrary

13 Doing a search in Emerald Management

14 E-Journal Listing

15 What is an electronic journal? A publication issued at regular intervals & available electronically Different types of electronic journals

16 How do I capture electronic information? Common ways include: printing copying and pasting downloading to disk forwarding to an e-mail account Procedures vary depending on which database your are using and how you are accessing it. Consult the online help for further information

17 How do I find a book on the catalogue? Go to MyCatalogue homepage You can search a number of ways including By author (lastname first) By title By subject By keyword For additional help, see the catalogue online help

18 MyCatalogue

19 How can I search MyCatalogue? Basic search - basic search lets you see an alphabetical list of headings that come closest to matching your search terms. Advanced search - search for keywords within headings, can select one or more logical connectors to combine your keywords Refer to the Catalogue Help section for detailed instructions

20 Basic Search Author search : kotler OR kotler, philip

21 Advanced Search ( using Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT ) Example: market* (title) AND Asian (title) AND armstrong (author)

22 How do I find a book on the shelves? Once you find the item you are looking for Note the library location and call number LOCATION CALL NUMBERBARCODE STATUS HQ HD30.28.D245 2003 0000004135 Available HQ HD30.28.D245 2003 0000005162 DUE 9/21/2006 RCIpoh HD30.28.D245 2003 0000006289 Available Check that the item status is available Locate the book on the shelves. The call number is generally taped to the bottom of the spine of each book or in the case of “thin” book, at the bottom left hand corner of the book

23 How do I find a book on the shelves? The Library uses Library of Congress Classification for call numbers This system uses a combination of letters and numbers to arrange materials by subject Go to the shelves to find the book

24 How can I check my loan records? Borrower’s Full record Go to MyLibrary account

25 What is the renewal policy? Renewals are processed in person or electronically 1 online renewal allowed for students and tutors Materials held or recalled for another patron may not be renewed Media Resources Videos and DVDs may not be renewed

26 How do I do an online renewal? Select overdue item(s) and click “Renew” button Go to MyLibrary account

27 How much is the fine for late returns? 20 cents per day per book 20 cents per hour per book for reserved books RM1.00 per day for non-circulating materials For a lost book – total overdue fines + current cost of the book + RM25.00 per volume as processing fee RM50.00 for lost ID card

28 Do I need to carry my WOU ID card? student card required to enter the Library for checking out materials for using library services and facilities

29 Are there computers for students to use? Open access computers available in all Wawasan libraries Sign-in at the Circulation Desk Available on a walk-in basis, first come-first served No advanced reservations taken Intended for students doing class work that requires access to online information resources

30 How do I request for assistance? Go to library homepage and click on Chat online or Ask a librarian or E-mail library



33 Can I request for books available only in the Main Library collection? Yes, just fill in the document delivery form and then click on Submit request button

34 Can I request for inter-library loan? Yes, just fill in the document delivery form and then click on Submit request button. Note that charges will be borne by the requestor.

35 Circulation Desk Learning & Library Services Department Wawasan Open University, Main Campus, Circulation/Reference Librarian: Mrs Farzanah Ali Hassan Tel: 04-228 9323 Fax: 04-226 9323 Regional/Learning Offices: Ipoh : 05-2436 323 (Doreen Anthony Samy) Kuala Lumpur : 03-9281 7323 / 9283 8323 Johor Bahru : 07-5566 323 / 5564 323 (Teresa Wong Chui Hong) Kota Bharu : 09-7487 323 (Nur Shahidah W. Jusoh)

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