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Presentation on theme: "Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules


3 Be Respectful Use quiet voices: Whisper to the person next to you
Only talk to those who are one arm’s length away I must remember to whisper.

4 Listen to instruction & directions from staff:
Be Respectful Listen to instruction & directions from staff: Librarian Teacher Aide This is a gum free zone!

5 Be Respectful Wait in a single file line: Wait quietly
Stay one arm’s length away from the person next to you How close?

6 Make sure it’s pushed under the table
Be Responsible Push in your chair: Quietly Make sure it’s pushed under the table

7 Sit and read once you have checked out your book:
Be Responsible Sit and read once you have checked out your book: Find a quiet spot Read to yourself Holes

8 Be Responsible Use book paddle to mark the books place: Teacher!
Slide paddle into book position Take out book Replace book Take out paddle Teacher! Will this paddle work?

9 Be Safe Keep hands and feet to yourself: Respect others personal space
Look only at your books/materials Cat in the Hat

10 Do not rock back in chairs
Be Safe While seated, keep 2 feet and 4 legs on the floor: Do not rock back in chairs

11 No running, skipping, jogging, hopping, etc.
Be Safe Walk at all times: No running, skipping, jogging, hopping, etc.

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