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ITech Preparatory Library Orientation Teacher Librarian: Mrs. Nedved.

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Presentation on theme: "ITech Preparatory Library Orientation Teacher Librarian: Mrs. Nedved."— Presentation transcript:

1 iTech Preparatory Library Orientation Teacher Librarian: Mrs. Nedved

2 Hours of Operation Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:35 pm Teacher-Librarian Hours Tues 1:00-4:35 (@ JPCC or WSUV) Wed 9:00-4:35 (@ WSUV) Thurs 9:00-4:35 (@ JPCC) If you need to reach me on a Monday, Tues morning, or Friday, just email me at

3 About the Library  Visit the About the Library link & answer the following questions with a partner:About the Library - How many books can students check out & for how long? - How do researchers use library databases? -Why should you consider using our library’s databases for research? GREAT NEWS! Last year, iTech students were in the top 3 among all schools for usage stats of databases even though we are one of the smallest schools in the district!

4 Library Services Check out…  Books & Magazines  Textbooks (see classroom teacher & fill out the checkout form with barcode)  Headphones & Mice (daily checkout)  Cameras (daily checkout with teacher approval)  Databases, a collection of online resources the district pays for to support student research  Research support- set up an appointment for 1-on-1 or small group research help Don’t forget to let me know any book requests you have. I base our purchasing on what students are interested in!

5 Library Databases & Resources Can you find how many students have visited the library homepage just since September?  Visit the Library Homepage & answer the following questions with a partner: Library Homepage  How many databases are there?  Name 3 resources that are available for assignments (Example: Khan Academy).  Where on the webpage can you find information about Digital Citizenship at iTech?  Where on the webpage can you find MS & HS resources with links to online textbooks, project resources, & library presentations?

6 That’s all great but do we even have a library? The bigger our school gets, the larger our library will become! As for now, we will be considered small but MIGHTY  MS Library Location: in the hallway next to the Fab Lab & in the new Book Room  HS Library Location: We’ve moved! An area will be set up by the copiers for students to peruse books, work on projects, and just get away from it all

7 But…how do I check a book or magazine out? If Mrs. Nedved is not on campus, just fill out the checkout form. Don’t forget to include:  First & Last Name  Student ID Number  Title of book  Barcode # (Example: T 24344)  Date of checkout/in What about headphones, mice, & cameras? If Mrs. Nedved is not on campus, see Cedar at the HS and Mrs. Jill or Mrs. Arica at the MS

8 Come Visit Your Library!

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