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Lecture 09 Project Management ISE Dept.-IU Office: Room 508.

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1 Lecture 09 Project Management ISE Dept.-IU Office: Room 508

2 Chapter Outline 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Gantt Chart PERT/CPM Terminology PERT/CPM Procedure Drawing PERT/CPM Network Example (General Foundry) Activity Times How to Find Critical Path Probability of Project Completion 13.3 Project Monitoring and Controlling: PERT/Cost Budgeting Controlling Appendix: Normal Distribution Table

3 Introduction Project: a combination of Resources Money Manpower etc.
to finish a set of pre-determined tasks in a specified time. Project Management: set of principles and tools for Defining Planning Executing Controlling Completing a PROJECT A project is a series of tasks (jobs) performed sequentially or in parallel aiming to achieve an important goal, and requiring a significant amount of resources and time Project management is the planning, scheduling, and controlling of those activities that must be performed to achieve project objectives. Series of actions to achieve a result” A project is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to specifications.

4 Why Project Management?
Introduction Why Project Management? Organize your approach Generate a credible schedule Track progress and control your project Identify where to focus your efforts Identify problems early – before they are crises Saves your TIME….MONEY

5 Introduction The first step in planning and scheduling a project is to develop the work breakdown structure Time, cost, resource requirements, predecessors, and people required are identified for each activity Then a schedule for the project can be developed: the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and the critical path method (CPM) to help plan, schedule, monitor, and control projects PERT used three time estimates to develop a probabilistic estimate of completion time CPM was a more deterministic technique They have become so similar they are commonly considered one technique, PERT/CPM Series of actions to achieve a result”

6 Historical Evolution Gantt Chart
Henry Laurence Gantt, ( ): a mechanical engineer and management consultant, developed the Gantt chart in the 1910s. Gantt charts were employed on major infrastructure projects including the Hoover Dam and Interstate highway system

7 The USS George Washington.
Historical Evolution CPM and PERT Critical Path Method (CPM,1957) was developed jointly by representatives of Du Pont and Remington-Rand. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT,1958) was developed jointly by representatives of the United States Navy and the management consulting firm of Booze, Allen, and Hamilton. The USS George Washington. Ballistic Missile Project included more than: 250 prime contractors 9,000 subcontractors. 70,000 different activities PERT bringing the Polaris missile submarine to combat readiness approximately two years ahead of the originally scheduled completion date In the late 1950s, two methods for managing projects emerged concurrently: PERT and CPM

8 Work Breakdown Structure
1. Project 2. Major tasks in the project 3. Subtasks in the major tasks 4. Activities (or work packages) to be completed When work is broken down into its components it is easier to understand what resources are needed and how to proceed. In addition, when work is broken down into its components then milestones can be set and work progress can be monitored. Finally, breaking work down allows us to recognize the sequence with which work must be done so that it is completed at the earliest possible time and under budget.

9 Gantt Charts Time on horizontal axis,
Activities on vertical axis. Each bar per activity Length of bar = required activity time Left end of bar at Earliest Start Time Activity Activity 1 Activity 2 Milestone day 1 day 2 day Time

10 Terminology Activity A task or a certain amount of work required in the project Requires time to complete Dummy Activity Indicates only precedence relationships Does not require any time of effort Event Signals the beginning or ending of an activity Designates a point in time Network Shows the sequential relationships among activities using nodes and arrows Path A connected sequence of activities leading from the starting event to the ending event Critical Path The longest path (time); determines the project duration Critical Activities All of the activities that make up the critical path

11 Terminology For an activity, there are 4 types of quantities must be considered Earliest Start Time (ES) The earliest that an activity can begin; assumes all preceding activities have been completed ES = 0 for starting activities ES = Maximum EF of all predecessors for non-starting activities Earliest Finish Time (EF) EF = ES + activity time Latest Finish Time (LF) The latest that an activity can finish and not change the project completion time LF = Maximum EF for ending activities LF = Minimum LS of all successors for non-ending activities Latest Start Time (LS) LS = LF - activity time Begin at starting event and work forward Begin at ending event and work backward

12 PERT/CPM Procedure Six Steps
Define the project and all of its significant activities or tasks Develop the relationships among the activities and decide which activities must precede others Draw the network connecting all of the activities Assign time and/or cost estimates to each activity Compute the longest time path through the network; this is called the critical path Use the network to help plan, schedule, monitor, and control the project Identifying precedence relationships Sequencing activities Determining activity times & costs Estimating material & worker requirements Determining critical activities The critical path is important since any delay in these activities can delay the completion of the project

13 Drawing the PERT/CPM Network
There are two common techniques for drawing PERT/CPM networks Activity-on-node (AON) where the nodes represent activities One node represents the start of the project, one node for the end of the project, and nodes for each of the activities The arcs are used to show the predecessors for each activity Activity-on-arc (AOA) where the arcs are used to represent the activities

14 Drawing the PERT/CPM Network
AON Activity Relationships S precedes T, which precedes U. S: predecessor of T U: successor of T S T U S T U S and T must be completed before U can be started.

15 Drawing the PERT/CPM Network
AON Activity Relationships T U S T and U cannot begin until S has been completed. S T U V U and V can’t begin until both S and T have been completed.

16 Drawing the PERT/CPM Network
AON Activity Relationships S T U V U cannot begin until both S and T have been completed; V cannot begin until T has been completed. S T V U T and U cannot begin until S has been completed and V cannot begin until both T and U have been completed.

17 General Foundry Example of PERT/CPM
General Foundry, Inc.: to install air pollution control equipment in 16 weeks Activities and immediate predecessors for G.F. Inc. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION IMMEDIATE PREDECESSORS A Build internal components B Modify roof and floor C Construct collection stack D Pour concrete and install frame E Build high-temperature burner F Install control system G Install air pollution device D, E H Inspect and test F, G Draw the network.

18 Activity Times CPM assigns just one time estimate to each activity and
this is used to find the critical path PERT employs a probability distribution based on three time estimates for each activity The time estimates in PERT are Optimistic time (a) = time an activity will take if everything goes as well as possible (a small probability (say, 1/100) of this occurring) Pessimistic time (b) = time an activity would take assuming very unfavorable conditions. (a small probability of this occurring) Most likely time (m) = most realistic time estimate to complete the activity

19 Activity Times PERT often assumes time estimates follow a beta prob. distribution To find the expected activity time (t), the beta distribution weights the estimates: To compute the dispersion or variance of activity completion time:

20 Activity Times Time estimates (weeks) for General Foundry ACTIVITY
OPTIMISTIC, a MOST PROBABLE, m PESSIMISTIC, b EXPECTED TIME, t = [(a + 4m + b)/6] VARIANCE, [(b – a)/6]2 A 1 2 3 4/36 B 4 C D 6 16/36 E 7 36/36 F 9 64/36 G 11 5 H 25

21 Gantt Chart

22 Find the Critical Path General Foundry’s network with expected activity times ACTIVITY t ES EF LS LF ACTIVITY IMMEDIATE PREDECESSOR EXPECTED TIME A 2 B 3 C D 4 E F G D, E 5 H F, G A 2 C 2 H 2 E 4 B 3 D 4 G 5 F 3 Start Finish

23 ES and EF Times 2 4 2 4 8 8 3 7 13 ACTIVITY t ES EF LS LF
Early Finish Time = Early Start Time + Activity Time A C 2 2 4 E Starting Activity 8 ES(G)= Max[EF(D), EF(E)] D G 13

24 LS and LF Times C 2 F 3 2 4 4 7 2 4 10 13 LF(C)=Min[LS(E), LS(F)] E 4
ACTIVITY t ES EF LS LF LS and LF Times Late Start Time = Late Finish Time - Activity Time C F 2 4 4 7 2 4 10 13 LF(C)=Min[LS(E), LS(F)] E H 4 8 13 15 15 Finish 4 8 13 G 8 13 8 13

25 How to Find the Critical Path (General Foundry’s example)
Early Finish Time = Early Start Time + Activity Time ACTIVITY t ES EF LS LF At the start of the project we set the time to zero Thus ES = 0 for both A and B A 2 C 2 F 3 2 2 4 4 7 E 4 H 2 Start 4 8 13 15 Finish B 3 D 4 G 5 3 3 3 3 7 8 13 Project’s EF = => LF = 15

26 How to Find the Critical Path (General Foundry’s example)
ACTIVITY t ES EF LS LF LS and LF Times Late Start Time = Late Finish Time - Activity Time A 2 C 2 F 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 7 2 2 4 10 13 E 4 H 2 Start 4 8 13 15 Finish 4 8 13 15 B 3 D 4 G 5 3 3 3 3 7 8 13 1 4 4 8 8 13

27 How to Find the Critical Path
Slack time that each activity: Slack = LS – ES, or Slack = LF – EF Activities with no slack time are called critical activities and they are said to be on the critical path ACTIVITY EARLIEST START, ES EARLIEST FINISH, EF LATEST START, LS LATEST FINISH, LF SLACK, LS – ES ON CRITICAL PATH? A 2 Yes B 3 1 4 No C D 7 8 E F 10 13 6 G H 15 Slack time is the amount of time that the activities can delay but do not delay the finish time of the whole project.

28 How to Find the Critical Path
General Foundry’s critical path A 2 0 2 C 2 2 4 H 2 13 15 E 4 4 8 B 3 0 3 1 4 D 4 3 7 G 5 8 13 F 3 4 7 10 13 Start Finish

29 Probability of Project Completion
The critical path analysis determine the expected project completion time of 15 weeks But variation in activities on the critical path can affect overall project completion Project variance = variances of activities on the critical path ACTIVITY VARIANCE A 4/36 B C D 16/36 E 36/36 F 64/36 G H Project variance = 4/36 + 4/ / /36 + 4/36 = 112/36 = 3.111 We assume activity times are independent and total project completion time is normally distributed

30 Probability of Project Completion
Determine the probability that a project is completed within a specified period of time: using standard normal distribution where m = tp = project mean time (or expected date of completion) s = project standard deviation x = proposed project time (or due date) Z = number of standard deviations x is from mean x - m Z = s 30

31 P(T<16) = P(z < (16 -15)/1.76) = P(z < 0.57) = 0.716
What’s probability that project will finish before 16 weeks? P(T<16) = P(z < (16 -15)/1.76) = P(z < 0.57) = 0.716 From Appendix A we find the probability of associated with this Z value That means there is a 71.6% probability this project can be completed in 16 weeks or less What’s probability that project will finish from 13 to 18 weeks? P(13<T<18) = P((13 -15)/1.76 <z < (18 -15)/1.76) = P( <z < 1.7)

32 What PERT Was Able to Provide
From PERT, G.F. Inc. knows The project’s expected completion date is 15 weeks There is a 71.6% chance that the equipment will be in place within the 16-week deadline Five activities (A, C, E, G, H) are on the critical path Three activities (B, D, F) are not critical but have some slack time built in A detailed schedule of activity starting and ending dates has been made available

33 PERT/COST PERT does not consider the very important factor of project: COST PERT/Cost allows a manager to plan, schedule, monitor, and control cost and time Budgeting: The overall approach in the budgeting process of a project is to determine how much is to be spent every week or month Four steps for budgeting - Identifying the cost for each activity - Creating work package (a logical collection of activities) if available - Converting cost per activity to cost per time period - Determining how much spending for each time period in order to finish project.

34 Budgeting for General Foundry
Example 3 (text book – p. 534) Consider General Foundry project. The data: expected processing time, ES, LS, budget for each activity are given in the following Table Activity costs for General Foundry ACTIVITY EARLIEST START, ES LATEST START, LS EXPECTED TIME, t TOTAL BUDGETED COST ($) BUDGETED COST PER WEEK ($) A 2 22,000 11,000 B 1 3 30,000 10,000 C 26,000 13,000 D 4 48,000 12,000 E 56,000 14,000 F 10 G 8 5 80,000 16,000 H 13 8,000 Total 308,000

35 Budgeting for General Foundry
Early Start budgeted cost for General Foundry WEEK ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL A 22 B 30 C 26 D 48 E 56 F G 16 80 H 308 Total per week 21 23 25 36 Total to date 42 65 90 126 162 198 212 228 244 260 276 292 300

36 Budgeting for General Foundry
Late start budgeted cost for General Foundry WEEK ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL A 22 B 30 C 26 D 48 E 56 F G 16 80 H 308 Total per week 21 23 Total to date 32 55 78 104 130 156 182 198 214 240 266 292 300

37 Using PERT/COST approach, we are easily to control project implementation in terms of time and cost.
Example: at 6th week, project manager review the progress and found that: ACTIVITY TOTAL BUDGETED COST ($) PERCENT OF COMPLETION VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED ($) A 22,000 100 B 30,000 C 26,000 D 48,000 10 4,800 E 56,000 20 11,200 F 6,000 G 80,000 H 16,000 Questions: Project is on schedule? What is value of work completed? Are there any cost overrun?

38 The overall project is overrun budget now!
Using these formula: Value of Work Completed = % of Work completed x activity budget Difference = Actual Cost – Value of Work completed If Difference > 0  Activity/Project is overrun If Difference < 0  Activity/Project is under control The overall project is overrun budget now! ACTIVITY TOTAL BUDGETED COST ($) PERCENT OF COMPLETION VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED ($) ACTUAL COST ($) ACTIVITY DIFFERENCE ($) A 22,000 100 20,000 –2,000 B 30,000 36,000 6,000 C 26,000 D 48,000 10 4,800 1,200 E 56,000 20 11,200 8,800 F 4,000 G 80,000 H 16,000 Total 100,000 112,000 12,000 Overrun

39 Project Crashing Projects will sometimes have deadlines that are impossible to meet using normal procedures By using exceptional methods it may be possible to finish the project in less time than normally required However, this usually increases the cost of the project Reducing a project’s completion time is called crashing

40 Project Crashing Crashing a project starts with using the normal time to create the critical path The normal cost is the cost for completing the activity using normal procedures If the project will not meet the required deadline, extraordinary measures must be taken The crash time is the shortest possible activity time and will require additional resources The crash cost is the price of completing the activity in the earlier-than-normal time

41 Four Steps to Project Crashing
Find the normal critical path and identify the critical activities Compute the crash cost per week (or other time period) for all activities in the network using the formula Crash cost/Time period = Crash cost – Normal cost Normal time – Crash time

42 Four Steps to Project Crashing
Select the activity on the critical path with the smallest crash cost per week and crash this activity to the maximum extent possible or to the point at which your desired deadline has been reached Check to be sure that the critical path you were crashing is still critical. If the critical path is still the longest path through the network, return to step 3. If not, find the new critical path and return to step 2.

43 General Foundry Example
General Foundry has been given 14 weeks instead of 16 weeks to install the new equipment The critical path for the project is 15 weeks What options do they have? The normal and crash times and costs are shown in Table 13.9 Crash costs are assumed to be linear and Figure shows the crash cost for activity B Crashing activities B and A will shorten the completion time to 14 but it creates a second critical path Any further crashing must be done to both critical paths

44 General Foundry Example
Normal and crash data for General Foundry ACTIVITY TIME (WEEKS) COST ($) CRASH COST PER WEEK ($) CRITICAL PATH? NORMAL CRASH A 2 1 22,000 23,000 1,000 Yes B 3 30,000 34,000 2,000 No C 26,000 27,000 D 4 48,000 49,000 E 56,000 58,000 F 30,500 500 G 5 80,000 86,000 H 16,000 19,000 3,000 Table 13.9

45 General Foundry Example
Crash and normal times and costs for activity B Activity Cost Time (Weeks) $34,000 – $33,000 – $32,000 – $31,000 – $30,000 – | | | | Crash Crash Cost/Week = Crash Cost – Normal Cost Normal Time – Crash Time = = $2,000/Week $4,000 2 Weeks $34,000 – $30,000 3 – 1 = Crash Cost Normal Normal Cost Figure 13.11 Crash Time Normal Time

46 Project Crashing with Linear Programming
Linear programming is another approach to finding the best project crashing schedule We can illustrate its use on General Foundry’s network The data needed are derived from the normal and crash data for General Foundry and the project network with activity times

47 Project Crashing with Linear Programming
General Foundry’s network with activity times A 2 H 2 B 3 D 4 G 5 Finish Start C 2 E 4 F 3 Figure 13.12

48 Project Crashing with Linear Programming
The decision variables for the problem are XA = EF for activity A XB = EF for activity B XC = EF for activity C XD = EF for activity D XE = EF for activity E XF = EF for activity F XG = EF for activity G XH = EF for activity H Xstart = start time for project (usually 0) Xfinish = earliest finish time for the project

49 Project Crashing with Linear Programming
The decision variables for the problem are Y = the number of weeks that each activity is crashed YA = the number of weeks activity A is crashed and so forth The objective function is Minimize crash cost = 1,000YA + 2,000YB + 1,000YC + 1,000YD + 1,000YE + 500YF + 2,000YG + 3,000YH

50 Project Crashing with Linear Programming
Crash time constraints ensure activities are not crashed more than is allowed This completion constraint specifies that the last event must take place before the project deadline YA ≤ 1 YB ≤ 2 YC ≤ 1 YD ≤ 1 YE ≤ 2 YF ≤ 1 YG ≤ 3 YH ≤ 1 Xfinish ≤ 12 This constraint indicates the project is finished when activity H is finished Xfinish ≥ XH

51 Project Crashing with Linear Programming
Constraints describing the network have the form EF time ≥ EF time for predecessor + Activity time EF ≥ EFpredecessor + (t – Y), or X ≥ Xpredecessor + (t – Y) For activity A, XA ≥ Xstart + (2 – YA) or XA – Xstart + YA ≥ 2 For activity B, XB ≥ Xstart + (3 – YB) or XB – Xstart + YB ≥ 3 For activity C, XC ≥ XA + (2 – YC) or XC – XA + YC ≥ 2 For activity D, XD ≥ XB + (4 – YD) or XD – XB + YD ≥ 4 For activity E, XE ≥ XC + (4 – YE) or XE – XC + YE ≥ 4 For activity F, XF ≥ XC + (3 – YF) or XF – XC + YF ≥ 3 For activity G, XG ≥ XD + (5 – YG) or XG – XD + YG ≥ 5 For activity G, XG ≥ XE + (5 – YG) or XG – XE + YG ≥ 5 For activity H, XH ≥ XF + (2 – YH) or XH – XF + YH ≥ 2 For activity H, XH ≥ XG + (2 – YH) or XH – XG + YH ≥ 2

52 Appendix: Normal Distribution Table


54 Homework 13.14, 13.15, 13.17, 13.18, 13.19

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