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115 The Technology Platform Plants for the Future Karin Metzlaff Executive director EPSO & Coordinator TP European Forest Research – outlook.

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Presentation on theme: "115 The Technology Platform Plants for the Future Karin Metzlaff Executive director EPSO & Coordinator TP European Forest Research – outlook."— Presentation transcript:

1 115 The Technology Platform Plants for the Future Karin Metzlaff Executive director EPSO & Coordinator TP European Forest Research – outlook for the future Brussels, 12 November 2004 EuropaBio

2 215 TP Plants for the Future Goal: Strengthen the European Plant Research and Innovation Area Start: European Council Mar03: create European Technology Platforms …. in areas such plant genomics Support needed: At European, national and regional level; From public and private sources State: Vision 2025 Jun04 Strategic Research Agenda 2025 Feb05 Action Plan 2010Oct06 Amend SRA, more APsfrom 2006 Implementation activities Stakeholders: Companies & research institutions incl. forestry sector, financial world, regulatory authorities, experts in education and communication, consumer and environmental organisations

3 315 Structure: Long term groupings: Advisory Council Advise & Political weight + forestry ? Steering CommitteeLong-term goal; Leading actors; Support among stakeholders + forestry ? Secretariat Manage Balance, Interaction, Dissemination Mirror groupsAdvise & support from the 3 political institutions European, national & regional level Crucial for implementation of TP recommendations Short term groupings: E.g. for SRA 2025 / AP 2010: 4 Workshops groups 4 views: Basic research, Sustainability, Products (has forestry sector incl.), Horizontal Issues

4 415 Method to develop SRA: To discuss Basic research Products Horizontal issues Vision Plants for the Future Sustainability Sustainable agriculture Securing a healthy and safe food supply Green and pleasant land Challenges taken fromPlants for the Future (chapter 1) 4 Views to address the challenges. Competitiveness and consumer choice Develop SRA 2025: BR HI PP bio based economy renewable raw material diversity of systems viable countryside biodiversity Strategic Research Agenda P SS P

5 515 Articulate SRA 2025 and Action Plan 2010 - Opportunity for input from forestry sector Vision 2025, Jun04 (+ related papers) 4 Expert workshops (Products) drafts Feedback from stakeholders, Steering Committee SRA 2025 + Draft AP 2010 (Feb05) Meetings in 10-20 Member States Feedback to working groups (Dec05) Workshops to amend draft In parallel AP 2010 (Oct06) input to FP7, National research programs; industry, farmer, forestry …

6 615 For input & information:

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