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Synthetic Biology Practices Working Group Meeting May 10 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Synthetic Biology Practices Working Group Meeting May 10 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthetic Biology Practices Working Group Meeting May 10 2011

2 Agenda 0. Welcome & Practices@SynBERC Update 1. Discussion of Proposed Working Group Vision, Goals and Formats 2. Breaking Down Practices v1.0 - Informal Presentations and Discussion 3. Drafting of Topic and Invited Guest List for Future Meetings 4. Discussion of Additional Opportunities: Slam & Bay Area Science Festival 5. Next Meeting - Content and Scheduling

3 0. Welcome Thanks for coming! Introduce yourself!

4 0. Practices Update 0.1 SynBERC Practices Strategy & Deliverables 0.2 Project Opportunities

5 Practices Strategy v1.2* 1. Core Essentials (1a) safety & (1b) security 2. Strategic Policy (2a) innovation & property rights (2b) beyond the bioreactor 3. Gap Minding 4. Community * living document VISION & GOALS: We are working with all SynBERC researchers and partners to ensure that the practice of synthetic biology benefits all people and the planet. We envision that each member of the SynBERC community can help to consider and develop leading examples of responsible synthetic biology in practice.

6 Deliverables for Spring 2012 AreaDeliverablesGrade Safety & Security Safety Learning Module Security Learning Module Innovation & Property Standing Committee on Property Rights (IAB, Community, Outside Experts) OSI Framework Recommendations Community Primer on Property Rights & Practices Beyond the Bioreactor Beyond the Bioreactor Follow-up Workshop Manuscript on Historical Lessons, Current Policy & Scientific Basis, Gaps & Needs Gap Minding Practices Advisory Board Utilized Gap Finding Tools Prioritized List of Gaps ('Top 10') Community Listening Tour 2011 Visible Synthetic Biology Working Groups Leaders in Practice Workshop Curriculum & Tools in Practices

7 Practices Opportunities SynBERC Practices soliciting proposals for projects, fellows (e-mail me!) Potential for this working group to demonstrate leadership in ‘practices in practice’, contribute to ‘gap minding’ -Learn -Make connections -Do good work -Develop authority -Be recognized -Have fun

8 1. Working Group Vision, Goals Even though we are compelled to think about how our individual and collective practices in synthetic biology can improve lives while avoiding potential or realized harm, we often lack the knowledge, time and incentives to carefully consider how we interact with society in areas such as safety, security, ethics, policy, law, and communication. This working group attempts to address this gap with two broad goals: (1) create an ongoing open monthly forum for 'expert' discussion relating to the development of synthetic biology and its societal ramifications (2) produce materials and activities in which we can share outcomes, conclusions and recommendations from our discussions with both the broader synthetic biology community and the public-at-large, and, through these communications, become an authoritative source for synthetic biology practices

9 1. Working Group Format Model 1: Practices in Practice Meetings: invite community member to discuss instances where they've had to beyond stretch their base technical expertise to propose and address problems in synthetic biology. Output: a short illustrative vignette capturing how practitioners deal with interdisciplinary problems and practices they feel could be improved Model 2: Breaking Down Practices Meetings: 1+ members of the group leads an in-depth discussion through a practices area (e.g. safety, security etc) or case study asking what challenges SB poses. Invite in 'experts' to help guide & inform our discussion. Output: a simple summary of each topic reflecting current practices and open questions.

10 1. Working Group Project Goals Mind the Gaps Use meetings to seed, prioritize and sustain a list of 'Top 10 gaps' in our practice of synthetic biology for this group - and others - to consider, discuss, and work towards addressing. Maintain the list and associated information and resources as an open online document for ongoing contribution and discussion. Work with SynBERC Practices to produce from these materials a series of simple, digestible co-authored papers summarizing each gap, current practices, open questions, and recommendations for moving forward.

11 1. Working Group Mechanism: Wiki

12 1. Gaps to Mind

13 Emergence of DIY & Implications for Safety, Security Preparedness for Syn Bio-Labeled Accidents Trust in a World of Profits and Secrets Property Rights Frameworks for Synthetic Biology Testing Engineered Biological Designs in the Real World

14 1. Working Group History


16 1. After Tonight 1. Go to OpenWetWare Site and: - Request addition to listserv - Add yourself to members page - Upload notes, slides, materials to meetings/resources page - Suggest future meeting topics/guests on meetings page - Add potential gaps to gap page 2. Tell Others

17 2. Breaking Down Practices v1.0 Topics Ownership, Sharing and Innovation- Ryan, Joseph Safety - Robin (unable to attend; will send materials) Security - Mike Ethics - Marlee (unable to attend, will send materials) Philosophy - Reid Communication, Education, Outreach - Danielle Applications - Megan In 5-minutes: - what are new, real challenges that SB poses in this domain? - how might this relate to your current or future work? - what case studies might be relevant? - who are people that might help us work through these problems? - can you find articles we might draw upon for background?

18 4. Bay Area Science Festival October 29-Nov 6 2011 Hundreds of Public Science Events Festival Director Interested in SB Event Series - public forum - science cafes - activities & demos Let me know if you’re interested

19 4. Synthetic Biology Slam Participate!!! Help/Feedback - Format - Mediating Roadmapping - Data Collection (Slam,Poster, Presentation) - Follow-up

20 5. Next Meeting June 7,8,9 (T,W,Th) ?

21 Thank you!

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