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Network for a European Forest Information Service WP 4 Data preparation and data provision.

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Presentation on theme: "Network for a European Forest Information Service WP 4 Data preparation and data provision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network for a European Forest Information Service WP 4 Data preparation and data provision

2 Objectives n to identify a limited number of datasets for input to the EFIS n to prepare metadata records for Internet-, PC based datasets n to provide and prepare actual sample datasets available through the EFIS system

3 Identify a limited number of datasets

4 Metadata preparation for identified datasets

5 Sample datasets available through the EFIS system (1) Relational Internet database Adding an attribute manually

6 Sample datasets available through the EFIS system (2) Linking large data files in csv. format

7 Adding GIS data sets Sample datasets available through the EFIS system (3)

8 Data processing and visualisation - some results

9 Methodology Metadata n n Dublin Core (DC) metadata elements (15+) n n Use of keyword lists from WP2 n n Adding metadata to entry form (Resource Discovery component of EFIS) Data sets n n Preparation of data according to given guidelines for linkage to EFIS

10 Items to clarify Availability of the data n (1) public, (2) consortium only, (3) data agreement needed n Other? Datasets n Detailed description of the data needed n Do the data have a corresponding map (maps) (where applicable)? n Linkage to EFIS Other items?

11 Partners n n European Forest Institute 6 n n Dresden University of Technology – Forest Biometrics and Computer Sciences 1 n n Finnish Forest Research Institute 2 n n Inventaire Forestier National 2 n n Danish Forest and Lanscape Reseach Institute – Dept. of Forestry 1.5 n n Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet – Dept. of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics 2 n n Regione DellUmbria – Servizio Programmazione Forestale 2 n n Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali 2 n n Centre Tecnologic Forestal de Catalunya – Forest Policy and Rural Development Dept 2 TOTAL: 20.5 TOTAL: 20.5 Input in MM

12 Deliverables and milestones Deliverables n D6: Metadata record for each provided dataset n D7: Readily prepared sample datasets Milestones n Meeting for data provider group (12) n Comprehensive set of metadata records for various types of forest data (Month 18) n Prepared sample datasets from NEFIS partners (Month 21)

13 Looking forward to getting this project on the road !!

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