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Why go into physics? Go to Find 3 areas that interest you List 2 jobs that you could have in that area Google 1 of the jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Why go into physics? Go to Find 3 areas that interest you List 2 jobs that you could have in that area Google 1 of the jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why go into physics? Go to Find 3 areas that interest you List 2 jobs that you could have in that area Google 1 of the jobs and try and find out how much that job makes

2 Physics effects every moment of your life! ____________________

3 CH. 2 Motion Keep on truckin

4 What is motion? Motion is a change of position of an object. A reference point must be specified in order to determine an object's position

5 What is Speed? Rate—any change over time Speed—the distance an object travels per unit of time. fastest

6 Graphs! Speed= distance time graphs The slope of a line (steepness) on a distance- time graph is equal to the speed.  Shallow slope is slower than steep slope The Comic Book of Science

7 Draw this on your paper! slower faster Time (seconds) Distance (meters) Standing still X-axis Y-axis

8 Distance Time Graphs What information is recorded on the x-axis? How many minutes does each line represent? In what units is distance measured on the graph? The graphs represent three swimmers, What does the slope of the lines tell you about the swimmers?

9 Which swimmer swam the fastest? Which swimmer stopped for 10 minutes? How far did the blue swimmer travel in 15 minutes? What is the difference in distance traveled between the red and green swimmer?

10 Warm-up 1/31/11 Review questions: What is one thing that is good for the brain to learn? Teach the teacher questions: What is your favorite dessert? Do you have a cell phone? Does your cell phone have a camera?

11 What are the fastest animals (mph)? Cheetah 70 Pronghorn antelope 61 Lion 50 Thomson's gazelle 50 Wildebeest 50 Springbok 50 Quarter horse 47.5 Cape hunting dog 45 Elk 45 Coyote 43

12 The real world graphing… The Band is on the Field!

13 Calculating Speed The speed of an object can be calculated from this equation:  Speed = Distance Time S=D/T When working equations ◦ Write the formula ◦ Plug in the values for each known ◦ Calculate the answer ◦ Write the answer and a unit D S T multiply divide

14 Average & Instantaneous Speed Average speed—the total distance traveled divided by the total time of travel. Instantaneous speed—the speed at a given point in time.

15 Physics To Win It Tada

16 Warm-up 2/1/11 Review questions: list everything you need to make a distance time graph and/or how do we calculate speed? Teach the teacher questions: What would be your dream vacation?

17 VelocityVelocityVelocityVelocity Speed describes only how fast something is moving. Velocity —includes the speed of an object AND the direction of its motion

18 Example: Example: a race car has a constant speed of 100km/hr around an oval track. ◦ The speed remains constant, but the velocity changes.

19 Acceleration Acceleration —the rate of change of velocity. ◦ The change in velocity over time ◦ acceleration = change in velocity time When something speeds up, it has a positive acceleration When something slows down, it has a negative acceleration.

20 Change in velocity= v final –V start Acceleration= v final –V start Time Units= distance (meters, miles)/sec 2

21 Application of speed, velocity, and acceleration Sports Science

22 Binder Sections Warm-up Notes Lab or Projects Unfinished work Put as many warm-ups that will fit on a page as possible

23 Vocab Sheet Vocab Poster needs: Word, definition, and picture (depending on the word). MUST BE BIG ENOUGH TO READ FROM ACROSS THE ROOM! vocab: Motion, speed, acceleration, velocity, distance time graph, rate, speed, reference point, neurons, 6 keys

24 Kinetic energy

25 Warm-up 2/4 Review: list any of the six keys you can think of and anything from speed or velocity? Question: list any cartoons you have seen more then once…family guy, sponge bob ect.

26 Warm-Up 2/8/11 Review questions: Draw the distance, speed, time triangle and list any professions that might use speed, velocity, and acceleration Teach the teacher questions: What were your feelings on the super bowl

27 Practice Acceleration Problems 1.A skater increases her velocity from 2.0 m/s to 10.0 m/s in 3.0 seconds. What is the skater’s acceleration? Looking for Acceleration of the skater Given Beginning speed = 2.0 m/s Final speed = 10.0 m/s Change in time = 3 seconds V A T Divide -> multiply

28 Solution A=10.0 m/s – 2.0 m/s = 2.7m/s 2 3s The acceleration of the skater is 2.7 meters per second per second.

29 Negative vs. Positive Acceleration An object speeds up if its acceleration is in the direction of its motion. An object slows down if its acceleration is opposite to the direction of its motion.

30 Velocity vs Time Graph of Positive Acceleration

31 Calculating Negative Acceleration A skateboarder is moving at 3 m/s and comes to a stop in 2 s. What is the acceleration? a = (v f – v i ) = (0 m/s – 3 m/s) = -1.5 m/s 2 t 2 s The skateboarder slowed down, so the acceleration is negative.

32 Velocity vs Time Graph of Negative Acceleration

33 Zero Acceleration When an object has a constant velocity, the acceleration is zero.

34 An Object Changing Acceleration

35 ACCELERATION ANIMATION Observe the animation of the three cars below. Which car or cars (red, green, and/or blue) are undergoing an acceleration? ◦ S tudy each car individually in order to determine the answer. Now that you've answered the first question correctly, try this one: which car (red, green, or blue) experiences the greatest acceleration?

36 As a final test of your understanding, consider the position- time graph at the right. Each one of the three lines on the position- time graph corresponds to the motion of one of the three cars. Match the appropriate line to the particular color of car.

37 Warm-Up 2/10/11 Review: List all the different units you can think of for time, distance, speed/velocity, acceleration. Teacher the Teacher: What is your favorite soda or flavored drink?

38 See acceleration happening

39 Flash Card On the front write: Motion On the back write: a change of position of an object.

40 Flash Card On the front write: Reference Point On the back write: Determines an object’s position and if motion happened

41 Flash Card On the front write: Average Speed On the back write: the total distance traveled divided by the total time of travel

42 Flash Card On the front write: Acceleration On the back write: The change in velocity over time (draw triangle)

43 Flash Card On the front write: Instantaneous Speed On the back write: the speed at a given point in time

44 Flash Card On the front write: Velocity On the back write: The speed and direction of an object

45 Flash Card On the front write: Slope of graph On the back write: D vs T graph=speed V vs T graph=acceleration Steeper slope=more speed or acceleration

46 Accelerometer Observations 1. What happens when you walk slowly at the same rate? 2. What happens when you speed up? When you slow down? 3. What happens when you stop?

47 Warm-up 2/14/11 Review: List all of the flash card words you can remember. Use resources. Teach the Teacher Question: If I could give you a gift card to any store in the mall for $100, which store would you want? Failure video

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