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Ranchers & Farmers By: Cameron Smith, Ken Evans, Ricky Flores.

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1 Ranchers & Farmers By: Cameron Smith, Ken Evans, Ricky Flores

2 Food Food is extremely important for our country, but we don’t have enough land… We need to cut down the rainforest, so that we can grow more food, & with more food, we can export more, thus making more money. With more money we can better our country & get rid of all our debt.

3 New Ways of Cutting Down Instead of cutting down & burning the rainforest, I suggest that we cut down the trees, clear them, & then begin planting while clearing, in order to not harm the soil. If the soil isn’t harmed, then we don’t have to cut down more of the forest, thus saving more of the rainforest, while making profit.

4 Grazing and Farming In order to support the growing economy or brazil we the farmers and ranchers need more land for the use of cattle and poultry that is used to supply the people of brazil and the world with cheap beef and chicken.

5 Rainforest destruction We believe that what we are doing is not rainforest destruction rather rainforest relocation as we will need sustainable land for our animals we will leave shallow root trees in certain areas so as to preserve the CO2 cycle for future generations. These trees serve another purpose as they protect the topsoil important to crop growth and sustainability

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