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NATURE of SKILLS  Pattern - run, jump, throw, push, strike, kick lift, push  Skill - pattern adapted to a task (e.g. HJ, Clean)  Technique - variations.

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Presentation on theme: "NATURE of SKILLS  Pattern - run, jump, throw, push, strike, kick lift, push  Skill - pattern adapted to a task (e.g. HJ, Clean)  Technique - variations."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATURE of SKILLS  Pattern - run, jump, throw, push, strike, kick lift, push  Skill - pattern adapted to a task (e.g. HJ, Clean)  Technique - variations of a skill (e.g. VB serve)  Style - unique timing or specialized moves  Constraints - limits (e.g. person, rules, equipment)

2 CLASSIFICATION of SKILLS  CLOSED - predictable environment - adhere to ideal biomechanical principles  OPEN - unpredictable, execution often less than ideal  DISCRETE - definite beginning & end  CONTINUOUS - run,swim,row,bike,skate


4 Overall Performance Objective: OPO 1. Horizontal Distance 2. Vertical Distance 3. Project for Accuracy 4. Accuracy with Speed 5. Manipulate Resistance 6. Timed over a Distance 7. Ideal/Model Pattern 8. Interact with Elements

5 OPO: Project for Max Distance HORZ

6 OPO: Project for Max Distance VERT

7 OPO: Project for Accuracy

8 OPO: Accuracy with Speed

9 OPO: Manipulate a Resistance

10 OPO: Move Over a Timed Distance

11 Move Body in an Ideal or Model Pattern

12 OPO: Interact with the Environment

13 Examples of Biomechanical Principles  Factors Affecting Muscle Force (e.g. length/tension)  Momentum (linear and angular)  Radius (v = r  )  Kinetic Link (Throw and Push Patterns)  Lift and Drag (e.g. Airfoil Shapes, Magnus Effect)   of Projection, Attack, and Attitude  Rebound and Spin  Methods of Initiating Body Rotations

14 ANALYSIS PROCESS  Discrete Parts  Mechanical Purpose of each Part  Biomechanical Factors  Biomechanical Principles to achieve BF  Critical Features (i.e. observable body movements)

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