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Electricity and Utilities Panel. Area: 8.5 million sqm Inhabitants: 188 million 8 th World economy 2007 GDP: US$ 1,500 billion Economy growth 2007: 5.4%

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity and Utilities Panel. Area: 8.5 million sqm Inhabitants: 188 million 8 th World economy 2007 GDP: US$ 1,500 billion Economy growth 2007: 5.4%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity and Utilities Panel

2 Area: 8.5 million sqm Inhabitants: 188 million 8 th World economy 2007 GDP: US$ 1,500 billion Economy growth 2007: 5.4% 2008-2012 E: 4.0% p.a. 1 Energy consumption growth 2007: 5.8% 2008-2017 E: 5.5% p.a. 2 1 Source: IBGE 2 Source: EPE (04/16/2008) Brazil Overview

3 Corporate Structure RME - Controlling Shareholders [ 52.1%] LUCE 25.0% Free Float Market 33.6%6.5%7.8% Total shares: 203,886,836 Market Value: R$ 4.4 billions (as of October 16, 2008) New Projects 100.0%

4 Sustainability Return to shareholders Trading Energy Growth in Generation Business Losses Reduction Operational Efficiency Strategy

5 Distribution

6 3.9 million clients (attending over 10 million people) Energy sales (LTM) - 23,550 GWh 70% of the consumption of Rio de Janeiro state (Brazil’s 2nd GDP) Distribution Gross Revenue (LTM) - R$ 7.7 billion Residential Industrial Commercial Others Network Use Residential Industrial Commercial Others Free Costumers Other Discos 8% 42% 8% 31% 11% Net revenues by segment (LTM) 22% 28% 7% 10% 12% 21% Energy distributed GWh (LTM) 4th largest energy distribution company in Brazil LIGHT

7 Installed Capacity 855MW HPP Santa Branca 56 MW Lajes Reservatory HPP Fontes Nova 132 MW HPP Usina Subterrânea Nilo Peçanha 380 MW HPP Pereira Passos 100 MW HPP Ilha dos Pombos 187 MW Light’s generation business Actual capacity 6th largest private company in hydro-generation in Brazil

8 * Light holds a 51% stake in each project. Assured Energy 2008 SHP Paracambi 2010* SHP Lajes 2010* HPP Itaocara 2013* Total 2013New Projects 855 13 9 99 976 3061,283 Light’s new generation projects Strategy of growing in generation + 50%

9 Trader (R$ MM) Others (R$ MM) Trading Business Integration with clients The clients portfolio rose from 9 in 2006 to over than 40 in 2008 1H08 1H07 Air conditioning system of Santos Dumont Building. Energy efficiency projects in 33 buildings of Oi telecommunications company. Sale of 1/3 of the energy from SPH Paracambi. Long term contracts for the sale of 220 Mwa. Contracts with Votorantim and other relevant energy consumers. 9.2 million 2.9 million 39.7 million 6.7 million

10 Losses combat80.4 Distribution network development78.6 Quality improvement (structure optimization and preventive maintenance) 35.5 New generating projects3.4 Investments Main investments - 1H08 2005 277 2006 322 2007 355 2008 (E) 258 1H08 576 318 2H08 (E)

11 *Based on the closing price of the previous day to the announcement Financial Results Net Income (R$ million) 20051H071H082007 2006 243 528 489 1,077 -150 1H07 518 2H07 203 2007 721 8.3% 12.4% 4.1% Dividends and Dividend Yield* DividendsDividend Yield

12 (1) Net Debt = Total Debt (excludes pension fund liabilities) - Cash Indebtedness Net Debt and Leverage Levels 20052006 2,540 2007 1,462 Jun/08 1,550 3,147 Net Debt (ex-Braslight)Net Debt/Ebitda 4.1 3.4 1.1 1.4

13 Indebtedness 2008200920102011201220132014After 2014 74 57 151 141 343 410 281 457 * Principal only Maturity: 5.3 years Amortization Schedule* Jun08 (R$ million) Debt Cost Evolution Nominal CostReal Cost 17.03% 12.85% 12.17% 12.90% 10.73% 9.42% 7.38% 6.45% Long Term 96% Short Term 4% US$/Euro 4% CDI/Selic 78% TJLP 18%

14 Shares Performance

15 Contact Information Ronnie Vaz Moreira Executive Vice-President and IRO Ricardo Levy Finance and IR Superintendent + 55 21 2211 2814 Cristina Guedes IR Manager + 55 21 2211 2560

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