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Student Characteristics. Student Descriptors Student A ~ student who can answer fairly independently Student B ~ student who may need pictures or other.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Characteristics. Student Descriptors Student A ~ student who can answer fairly independently Student B ~ student who may need pictures or other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Characteristics

2 Student Descriptors Student A ~ student who can answer fairly independently Student B ~ student who may need pictures or other cues to assist in responses Student C ~ student who will need assistance of parent/guardian, siblings, teachers, friends to complete the tasks.

3 Student A: John, Age 18 Has a Mild Mental Disability (MMD) Reads at a 9 th grade level Easily communicates verbally with peers and teachers Has a good understanding of his strengths/needs/interests Will be a senior next year and is thinking a lot about what he wants to do after high school

4 Student B: Keenan, Age 14 Has a Mild Mental Disability (MMD) Reads and writes at a second grade level Communicates verbally, but typically uses one or two word combinations, rather than complete sentences. His speech is difficult to understand Has difficulty expressing his strengths/needs/interests Will transition from Middle to High School soon

5 Student C: Annie, age 8 Attends an FMD classroom and attends library, art and recess with her same-aged third grade peers Has significant cognitive disabilities Has Cerebral Palsy Does not walk, can sit independently Does not use oral speech, smiles to express pleasure or “likes,” looks at desired items - but this only works if someone notices; cries and fusses when she dislikes something; spits out foods she does not like Recognizes her family in pictures and recognizes several real objects, but does not recognize pictures of items Her crying and fussing can be disruptive during class

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