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Administering ELDA K & ELDA 1-2 English Language Development Assessment Assessing ELL Students in the Primary Grades Developed by the Limited English Proficient.

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Presentation on theme: "Administering ELDA K & ELDA 1-2 English Language Development Assessment Assessing ELL Students in the Primary Grades Developed by the Limited English Proficient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administering ELDA K & ELDA 1-2 English Language Development Assessment Assessing ELL Students in the Primary Grades Developed by the Limited English Proficient State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (LEPSCASS) of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and Measurement Incorporated (MI)

2 Overview Background Background Assessment Considerations Assessment Considerations Purpose and Nature of ELDA K & Purpose and Nature of ELDA K & ELDA 1-2 ELDA 1-2 General Format General Format Administration Administration What you will need What you will need What you will need to know What you will need to know

3 Philosophical Foundation for ELDA K & ELDA 1-2 National Association for the Education of Young Children National Association for the Education of Young Children Methods that are developmentally appropriate, culturally, and linguistically responsive Methods that are developmentally appropriate, culturally, and linguistically responsive Classroom-based assessment Classroom-based assessment Tied to children’s daily activities Tied to children’s daily activities Characteristics of Appropriate Assessments Characteristics of Appropriate Assessments Who can Administer ELDA K & ELDA 1-2? Who can Administer ELDA K & ELDA 1-2?

4 Characteristics of Appropriate Assessments Everyday, naturalistic settings Everyday, naturalistic settings For this age level, the emphasis will be toward the student’s comfort level within the setting For this age level, the emphasis will be toward the student’s comfort level within the setting Multiple methods and measures Multiple methods and measures Verbal and non-verbal procedures Verbal and non-verbal procedures Occur across diverse aspects of curriculum Occur across diverse aspects of curriculum Involve a range of activities Involve a range of activities Assessments involve multiple people Assessments involve multiple people Age appropriate tasks Age appropriate tasks

5 Who Administers ELDA K & ELDA 1-2? Individual currently licensed by the Arkansas Department of Education as a teacher or administrator Individual currently licensed by the Arkansas Department of Education as a teacher or administrator Proctors may be classroom aides who assist a test administrator with test administration. Proctors may be classroom aides who assist a test administrator with test administration. If test materials are present in any testing situation, an individual licensed in the state of Arkansas by the Arkansas Department of Education as a teacher or administrator must be present in the room. If test materials are present in any testing situation, an individual licensed in the state of Arkansas by the Arkansas Department of Education as a teacher or administrator must be present in the room. Under no circumstances should unlicensed school personnel handle testing materials or administer any part of a state test, such as the English Language Development Assessment (ELDA). Under no circumstances should unlicensed school personnel handle testing materials or administer any part of a state test, such as the English Language Development Assessment (ELDA).

6 Who takes the ELDA? In general: ALL students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) In general: ALL students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) Specifically: ALL LEP students in grades K-2 who have not met state exit criteria Specifically: ALL LEP students in grades K-2 who have not met state exit criteria

7 Purpose and Nature of ELDA K & ELDA 1-2 Determine Level of Language Acquisition Determine Level of Language Acquisition Separate Inventories for K and 1-2 Separate Inventories for K and 1-2 Observation of Student Behaviors and Student Performance Observation of Student Behaviors and Student Performance Typical Behavior and Performance Over Time Typical Behavior and Performance Over Time Focus on Four Aspects of Language: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing Focus on Four Aspects of Language: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing

8 General Format Separate inventories for the four language domains (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing) Separate inventories for the four language domains (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing) Inventories are assembled into a single student booklet Inventories are assembled into a single student booklet Descriptions of student behavior corresponding to a specific standard objective Descriptions of student behavior corresponding to a specific standard objective

9 Contents Listening (7 Rows) Listening (7 Rows) Reading (14 Rows) Reading (14 Rows) Speaking (8 Rows) Speaking (8 Rows) Writing (9 Rows) Writing (9 Rows) ELDA K and 1-2 Test Administration Manual Spring 2008

10 Score Points 0 = No Evidence of Mastery 0 = No Evidence of Mastery 1 = Minimal Evidence; With Much Support 1 = Minimal Evidence; With Much Support 2 = Moderate Evidence; With/Without Support 2 = Moderate Evidence; With/Without Support 3 = Clear Evidence; Independence 3 = Clear Evidence; Independence

11 Inventory Sample (Listening) L01 1.1. Follow simple 1 – 4-step directions in sequence to complete a task with and without visual support. To move from a score point of 0 to 3, the student needs to follow more and more detailed instructions. A one-step instruction might be something like, “close the door,” while a three-step instruction might include, “Go to the door, get the note from the assistant, and bring it to me.” Score Points 0123 Does not meetScore Point 1. Student follows simple 1-step directions given in English with or without visual support (pictures, gestures, modeling) Student follows 2-step directions given in English with or without visual support. Student follows at least 3-step directions given in English with or without visual support.

12 Administration What you will need What you will need Administration Tips Administration Tips Quick Start Guide Quick Start Guide Define Terms Define Terms Inventories Inventories Teacher Support Materials Teacher Support Materials

13 What You Will Need Test Administration Manuals for ELDA K and ELDA 1-2 Test Administration Manuals for ELDA K and ELDA 1-2 These manuals contain the observation inventories (1:3 ratio) These manuals contain the observation inventories (1:3 ratio) Teacher Support Materials for ELDA K and ELDA 1-2 (1:3 ratio) Teacher Support Materials for ELDA K and ELDA 1-2 (1:3 ratio) Answer Documents for ELDA K and ELDA 1-2 (enough to assess each K-2 student) Answer Documents for ELDA K and ELDA 1-2 (enough to assess each K-2 student)

14 Remember! – Administration Tips Give student several different directions, in different situations, for different purposes. Give student several different directions, in different situations, for different purposes. Observe the student interacting with other adults, other children, both academic and social. Observe the student interacting with other adults, other children, both academic and social. Draw a conclusion about the student’s typical level of response Draw a conclusion about the student’s typical level of response Record that observation as a score point of 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the answer document Record that observation as a score point of 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the answer document

15 Let’s take a look:  Condensed Standards  Inventories

16 Define Terms Length of text OR conversation: Length of text OR conversation: Short Short Medium Medium Long Long Level of Teacher Support Level of Teacher Support Grade Appropriate Grade Appropriate High Frequency Words High Frequency Words

17 Review Both Inventories Note Similarities Note Similarities Note Differences Note Differences Plan Ahead Plan Ahead

18 Review Teacher Support Materials l Suggestions, Not Prescriptions l Feel Free to Use Your Own Materials

19 Final Comments - Review Everyday, Naturalistic Settings Everyday, Naturalistic Settings Multiple Methods and Measures Multiple Methods and Measures Verbal and non-verbal procedures Verbal and non-verbal procedures Occur across diverse aspects of curriculum Occur across diverse aspects of curriculum Involve a range of activities Involve a range of activities Assessments Involve Multiple People Assessments Involve Multiple People Age Appropriate Age Appropriate

20 Security Concerns & Procedures All ELDA materials should be considered secure All ELDA materials should be considered secure All district and state procedures must be followed to ensure security is maintained. All district and state procedures must be followed to ensure security is maintained.

21 Questions??? Measurement Incorporated ELDA helpline:

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