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Ramona JHS 2015-2016 Beginning of the Year Reminders.

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2 Ramona JHS 2015-2016 Beginning of the Year Reminders

3 Student Expectations   Respect – A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.   Perseverance – Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.   “I won’t give up no matter what!”   Compassion – Sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.   “I will feel for others who need help, and act on their behalf.”   Integrity – The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. “I will be honest and show strong character even when no one is watching.”

4 Behavior Expectations   Complete information, including dress code, is included in the Agenda / Handbook   No Scooters and skateboards on campus   No riding bikes on campus   No aerosol containers, Axe body spray   No gum, laser light pens   No Drugs, alcohol, Cigarettes, electronic cigarettes

5 Lunch Rules  Walk to the lunch lines after placing backpack in 6 th period room  Wait in single file lines (no pushing or crowding lunch cart)  Eat food only at blue table and inside cafeteria  Place trash in trash containers  Show respect to staff  Use only your pin number to access your account

6 Off Limits Areas during lunch Can not go in grass quad unless with a teacher Can not go past red lines by PE area or behind buildings (By Room 36) Only access to the back is through the Tunnel

7 ELECTRONIC REMINDERS Cells phones, IPods, etc. must be turned off once the student arrives on Ramona’s campus and be placed in his/her backpack not in a pocket Cell phones may be used off-campus after school (Not on-campus at any time, including lunch and before/after school) No IPods or MP3 players on campus

8 ATTENDANCE ATTEND SCHOOL EVERY DAY AND ON TIME and be recognized for Perfect Attendance Lates and missing individual classes count If you are going to miss more than 5 days of school sign up for an independent study Ask the office for details.

9 DRESS CODE REMINDERS Follow the dress code printed in your agenda Dress Code applies for all school activities including promotion and dance

10 DRESS CODE  No Hats or hoodies  Shirts with sleeves only  No sagging pants or belts  No lace or see through shirts  Underwear must NOT show  Underwear must NOT show  No inappropriate pictures on clothing/ backpacks (Anything with drugs, alcohol, sexual content, violence)  No slippers, flip flops, shower shoes  No Facial Piercings

11 DRESS CODE cont.  No bandanas  No Bare Midriffs  NO Beanies  No Chains  Heels must be less than 2”  NO EXCEPTIONS!


13  No “hugging”  No “holding hands”  No “kissing”  No “play fighting”  No “bullying”  Keep hands to Yourself

14 Bullying and fighting  Let us know  Exercise restraint (Walk away)  Allow teachers, administrators and parents to police behavior  No one should feel unsafe or threatened Severe consequencesSevere consequences

15 Cyberbullying  All electronic messages are permanent The police can find out who sent anything The police can find out who sent anything Pictures and information posted on the internet can be seen or sent to anyone Pictures and information posted on the internet can be seen or sent to anyone Threatening or inappropriate messages can be forwarded to anyone Threatening or inappropriate messages can be forwarded to anyone Police and school consequences are increasingPolice and school consequences are increasing

16 Drugs and Intoxicants  All of the schools have seen an increase Consequences are increasing Consequences are increasing Marijuana Marijuana Alcohol and tobacco Alcohol and tobacco Prescription drugs Prescription drugs Be aware of your futureBe aware of your future

17 Consequences / Interventions  Consequences can include, but are not limited to the following: counseling, lunch and after school detention, Saturday Schools, suspensions, referral to police and parent notifications, contracts Progressive Discipline  Student must have a 2.0 GPA or greater in order to participate in any extracurricular activities.  Power Lunch begins Sept 8th

18 AFTER SCHOOL REMINDERS You must leave campus unless you are involved in a supervised activity such as color guard, band, clubs, homework help, RAAP, detention, intervention, or sports Anywhere outside of campus is off-limits to hang out and wait for rides, including the back of the school and the park.

19 Any questions, please see Dr. Nash, Mrs. Lopez or Mrs. Brown Thanks

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