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A Selected Tour of NLP in the British Isles Diane Litman Leverhulme Visiting Professor University of Edinburgh August 2007 - July 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "A Selected Tour of NLP in the British Isles Diane Litman Leverhulme Visiting Professor University of Edinburgh August 2007 - July 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Selected Tour of NLP in the British Isles Diane Litman Leverhulme Visiting Professor University of Edinburgh August 2007 - July 2008


3 The University of Edinburgh  School of Informatics (AI, CogSci, CL, CS) –Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems »Directors: Johana Moore (and Steedman) »Faculty: Goldwater, Keller, Klein, Koehn, Lapata, Lascarides, Lavrenko, Oberlander, Osborne, Renals, Thompson, Webber »Researchers, Visitors, etc. –Centre for Intelligent Systems and Their Applications –Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation –Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science –Even More!

4 From Flat …

5 …to Forum


7 The University of York (Oct)  Suresh Manandhar  Alan Frisch, Daniel Kudenko  Multi-agent systems  Machine learning  Constraint programming  Natural language processing  Games and interactive drama


9 University of Edinburgh Talks  Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems/ Human Communication Research Centre Seminar (Nov) –Mihai  Dialogue Systems group (Dec) –Hua  Interdisciplinary Tea (Jan) –Art  Distinguished Lecture Series (Feb)


11 Oxford University (Nov)  Computational Linguistics –Stephen Pulman  Sample Projects –Accurate and Efficient Parsing of Biomedical Text –COMPANIONS –Verb-initial grammars: A multilingual/parallel perspectiv  Knowledge Representation


13 The University of Sheffield (Nov) Marilyn Walker Mark Stevenson (no photo) Yorick Wilks (mainly at Oxford) Rob Gaizauskas … NL Analysis (IE and Dialogue), Architectures for NLP, NL Generation and NLP Resources and Tools.


15 University of Aberdeen (Dec)  Natural Language Generation Group –Affecting People with Natural Language –The Joking Computer –Generating Textual Summaries of Clinical Temporal


17 The Open University (Jan)  Natural Language Generation Group –Document Structure –Conversational Agents –Politeness and bias in Dialogue Summarization –Report Generation  Donia Scott, Richard Power, Paul Piwek,  Sandra Williams, Clara Mancini


19 Dublin City University (Feb)  CNGL (Centre for Next Generation Localisation) –“Our work is guided by the vision of enabling people to interact with content, products and services in their own language, according to their own culture, and according to their own personal needs.” –machine translation, speech, etc. –$$$$ (NAACL gold sponsor)  Josef Van Genabith, Director  Other Dublin universities


21 Cambridge University (Feb)  NLIP (Natural Language and Information Processing) Group –Simone Teufel –Ann Copestake –Stephen Clark (moved from Oxford) –Ted Briscoe –(Karen Sparck Jones)  Steve Young (Engineering) –speech and dialogue


23 University of Ulster (Apr)  Michael McTear

24 And many more I didn’t get to!  Manchester  London  Brighton  Sussex  Birmingham  …

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