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October 3, 2012. “Do What’s Right!” The “Do What’s Right!” Program builds upon the IHSA’s current efforts to promote and recognize sportsmanship within.

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Presentation on theme: "October 3, 2012. “Do What’s Right!” The “Do What’s Right!” Program builds upon the IHSA’s current efforts to promote and recognize sportsmanship within."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3, 2012

2 “Do What’s Right!”

3 The “Do What’s Right!” Program builds upon the IHSA’s current efforts to promote and recognize sportsmanship within our teams, schools and communities. The Program sets minimum guidelines and may be incorporated into a conference or schools existing sportsmanship program.

4 When a conference or school registers for the Do What’s Right! program, they agree to communicate and actively educate their students, fans and communities of the following: Do What’s Right! Expectations: Represent your school and community through positive interaction with opposing fans and players. Uses positive cheers, chants, songs or gestures. Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat. Respect and acknowledge the integrity/judgment of officials. Exhibit positive behavior before, during and after the contest.

5 1. Posters are available online to all member schools and licensed vendors to customize and print in programs. 2. Use the poster as the back of pre-season meeting agendas, tournament programs and regular season line-up cards. 3. Use in play bills and on school websites. 4. Posters are available online as a template for schools to change the pictures as they wish.

6 Conference representatives and independent school Administrators register annually from May 1 - October 20 using the available online forms through the Do What’s Right! webpage. Option 1: Conference administrators or coaches do not rank teams or fans during the regular season and do not recognize a school for earning the most points through out the school year. Option 2: Conference administrators and/or coaches rank players, teams and fans during the regular season based on the DWR! Expectations. Teams are recognized per season with a DWR! Certificate. Option 3: Conference schools recognize one school with the annual sportsmanship award. This school, accumulated the most regular season points throughout the three seasons.

7 Sport A Winning Attitude SAWA Reports should be used to report any instance where a coach, player, team, official, or spectator has demonstrated exemplary sportsmanship at an IHSA interscholastic contest. Recipients of SAWA Reports will receive the report and a certificate as well as recognition on the IHSA website. SAWA Reports forms are located in the Schools Center and the Officials Center for completion.

8 You, too, can have Add A. Tude bring the right attitude to your event. Charming and energetic, Add A. Tude is perfect for assemblies, conferences, special events, and any sporting contest. Add A. Tude is comfortable anywhere! The Add A. Tude mascot is scheduled to make public appearances throughout the school year. Among the venues will be the state tournaments for both the IHSA and the IESA, the IPA Fall Conference in October, the State School Board Joint Conference, and the IADA Annual Conference. To book Add A. Tude for an appearance at your next event, fill out a downloadable scheduling form from the IHSA website and submit it to the IHSA Office.

9 These banners are available for purchase directly from GDS through the Sportsmanship Link on the IHSA website for $75.00 plus shipping. You may customize each banner with your school name, mascot or nickname. Choose from 2 designs on vertical or horizontal banner. Downloadable order forms are available on the IHSA website.

10 The SAC is a diverse group of students who participate in interscholastic athletics/activities and are focused on providing education and leadership through open and honest communication with all member school students, administrators and coaches. The committee serves as a liaison between students, administrators, the IHSA Staff and Board of Directors. The Student Advisory Committee promotes the ideals of the IHSA, including leadership, sportsmanship and integrity.

11 SAC Nomination Process  Any IHSA member school Administrator may nominate a freshman and/or sophomore male and female to be a member of the IHSA Student Advisory Committee.  There is no limit to the number of students nominated from a school but no more than one student from a school will serve on the committee at a time. Nomination forms can be found online by clicking on the Advisory Committee page link followed by Student Advisory Committee.


13  All State Academic Team Sponsor 26 student-athletes recognized each year 26 student-athletes recognized each year Member schools can nominate one boy and one girl Member schools can nominate one boy and one girl Applications are posted online through the Schools Center and will be available in early December Applications are posted online through the Schools Center and will be available in early December

14 All-State Academic Team Banquet  April 15th  DoubleTree Hotel, Bloomington

15 Recognizes students who excel in the classroom while participating in IHSA sponsored sports or activities  The student must currently be a junior or senior in an IHSA member school.  The student must have completed at least one full season in an IHSA interscholastic activity in good standing.  The student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent on an alternate scale, after the 5th or 7th semester. Each member school principal or official representative should notify the IHSA office in writing as to the number of eligible students they have in their school. The IHSA will send member schools a certificate of recognition for each eligible student.

16 The IHSA annually nominates individuals for the NFHS awards below…do you have a worthy candidate in your school? Let us know! NFHS Hall of Fame  Top honor in all of High School sports and activities  Currently 24 inductees from IL, including Red Grange, Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Quinn Buckner. NFHS Spirit of Sport  Honors individuals from schools (students, coaches, fans, etc.) who are exemplary models of sportsmanship or have overcome enormous obstacles

17 Does your school have a…  A great story regarding a student, coach or the community?  Video of an incredible or improbable play?  Individuals who are going above and beyond off the field?  A charitable event to raise money/awareness for a good cause?  An act of great sportsmanship?  An athlete setting season or career records?  A story that is getting local media attention that you believe is worthy of statewide or national recognition? Please let Matt Troha at the IHSA know. Whether through our website, social media or direct communication with state and national media, we want to highlight the great accomplishments of our member schools.


19 Annual Principals Professional Conference  October 21-23 - Peoria, IL 

20 Annual IADA Conference  May 3-6, 2013-Peoria, IL 



23 Schools are required to use only licensed vendors to produce programs and merchandise in conjunction with IHSA state series events. A list of licensed vendors can be found at:

24 School’s voice in the post-season assigning process School’s voice in the post-season assigning process 2 critical components located in the Schools Center 2 critical components located in the Schools Center Contest Ratings Contest Ratings Top 15 List Top 15 List

25 In 2011-12: In 2011-12: For all sports 64% of possible Top 15 Lists were submitted by schools For all sports 64% of possible Top 15 Lists were submitted by schools For all sports, 58% of possible ratings were submitted by schools For all sports, 58% of possible ratings were submitted by schools For schools, certified officials, and officials associations/assignors, Top 15 Lists are due by: For schools, certified officials, and officials associations/assignors, Top 15 Lists are due by: September 7 th (fall) September 7 th (fall) December 7 th (winter) December 7 th (winter) April 5 th (spring) April 5 th (spring)

26 The Illinois High School Activities Foundation (IHSAF) is a non- for-profit corporation dedicated to recognizing academic and interscholastic achievements by high school students in Illinois. Help support the IHSA Foundation and join us for the Annual IHSAF Golf Outing! Tuesday, June 11 Bloomington, IL The Den at Fox Creek

27 Peak Performance IHSA Exhibit  The IHSA Peak Performance Center gives visitors the chance to test their fitness levels and challenge their wits in a number of IHSA sports and activities, from basketball and wrestling to chess and music. Display your physical prowess measuring reaction time, balance, strength, vertical jump and throwing, kicking and dribbling skills. Challenge your brain with actual Scholastic Bowl questions and a computerized chess challenge. Learn if you have what it takes to make that split-second call as an umpire or referee. Show off your ability to distinguish musical pitch or create your own unique beat. Watch debate and performance-based programs, while honing your ability to evaluate them. Look up past records and clips from IHSA activities.

28 “The official IHSA ball” in the following state series contests: football, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, water polo and soccer football, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, water polo and soccer Specific product information can be found on the IHSA website (search box  legal balls)Specific product information can be found on the IHSA website (search box  legal balls)


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