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Professional Development Topics that help students demonstrate Proficiency in State Standards on the CST.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Topics that help students demonstrate Proficiency in State Standards on the CST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Topics that help students demonstrate Proficiency in State Standards on the CST

2  Set Department Goals for the year  You communicated student learning by posting grades and assignments on the Panorama Website for parents and students

3  Lessons focused on Standards-Based Instruction and created lessons sure to “hit” those Standards students need to know to be successful on the CAHSEE, CST, and the Periodic Assessments

4  MyData – CST Scores from the prior year. Looked at Basic students in classes to see what it takes for them to move to Proficiency.  CST Release Questions – Decided which ones to focus on in class based on the frequency of appearance on CSTs.  Created a Bank of Questions from the CST Release Questions.  Periodic Assessment Analysis - Looked at most frequently missed questions. Why students missed them?

5  Teachers Shared Strategies for the Power Standards  Shared Strategies to make material understandable and meaningful to students by – looking at the Content – determined key concepts and skills, Connections – to what students already know to what they need to learn

6  You made the material Comprehensible to students by using pictures, diagrams, repeating new words, checking for comprehension  Interaction – interacted with students by asking many questions and using a variety of groupings in your classrooms.

7  You selected five students in your classes to focus on and discuss their grades, attendance, and CST Scores  You did a Self-Reflection and selected one thing to do differently this year to get different results.

8  You Set Personal Goals for yourself: For example: - Make the objectives clearer for your classes by writing it on the board - Checking for Understanding often to make sure they “got it” and if they didn’t you made sure they “got it” the next day

9  Presented Lessons on Best Practices to your colleagues  Shared SDAIE Strategies with your colleagues  Gave Common Midterms and Finals then analyzed the results of those midterms and finals  Discussed strategies to teach Writing Skills

10  Developed Common Lab Rubrics/Expectations  Vertical Teams in your department to discuss standards and skills that students need in order to go to the next level  You prepared for CAHSEE  You discussed Rigor in your lessons and shared your strategies with your colleagues

11  You did all of this work on Professional Development Tuesdays, on Saturday, during Thanksgiving Week  All of this work you did with your colleagues brings us to the..........

12  CSTs


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