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From Print Collections to Digital Corpus: Re-envisioning Records of Early English Drama Online Routes & Routes Summer Institute 2014 Jason Boyd /

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Presentation on theme: "From Print Collections to Digital Corpus: Re-envisioning Records of Early English Drama Online Routes & Routes Summer Institute 2014 Jason Boyd /"— Presentation transcript:

1 From Print Collections to Digital Corpus: Re-envisioning Records of Early English Drama Online Routes & Routes Summer Institute 2014 Jason Boyd / / @jasonaboyd Assistant Professor, Department of English Acting Co-Director, Centre for Digital Humanities Ryerson University, Toronto

2 Roots & Routes 2014: Sociability and Materiality  Pertinent RRSI2014 questions:  What new ways of envisioning archives [or more generally, collections] (as processes as well as products) are being facilitated by digital technologies?  How do digital media and methodologies change the ways in which we identify, access, and interpret historical records?  What might "collaborative research" in digital environments have to learn from (and teach) the history of earlier forms of scholarly sociability?

3 Overview  I. REED in Print to REED Online: Need, Challenges, From Collections to Corpus  II. The Fortune Theatre Records Prototype Digital Edition  III. Reediting REED: Social Editing

4 REED (Records of Early English Drama) series

5 REED series (published collections in red)

6 REED’s semi-diplomatic transcription  Lincolnshire, p.48

7 Divisions of a REED collection

8 Perseus Project 4.0 (1995-)

9 British History Online (2003-)

10 History of Parliament (1936-; Online 2011)

11 OED (1884-; Online 2000)

12 DNB (1884-; Online 2004)

13 REED on Internet Archive

14 REED Dorset/Cornwall on IA

15 From Collections to Corpus

16 Proposed REED Online Structure

17 Proposed Architecture of REED Corpus REED Editorial Procedures COLLECTION INTRODUCTIONS Collection 1 Editorial Team Acknowledgements Historical Background Drama, Music, and Popular Customs Collection 2 Etc. Collection 3 Etc. CORPUS of RECORDS Search/Advanced Search CUMULATIVE APPARATUS Saint’s Days and Festivals Bibliography Glossaries Latin English Index


19 Fortune Theatre Records Prototype Digital Edition (FTR):

20 Text Encoding Initiative (

21 Example REED at-codes  @a\...@a \ Encloses text written above the line  @b\...@b \ Encloses text written below the line  @l\...@l \ Encloses marginalia in the left margin

22 Presentational to Descriptive Markup REED at-code {…} (render in italic) {(signed)} John Smith {Finsbury Manor Records} l{ett}res patent{es} TEI P5 equivalent John Smith Finsbury Manor Records l ett es patent es

23 Document damaged, missing text

24 Dittography

25 Dating note

26 Overwriting

27 Editorial correction

28 Conjectural editorial correction


30 REED Anglo-Latin Wordbook

31 Anglo-Latin Wordbook: ‘histrio’

32 ‘Patrons and Travelling Companies’

33 Patrons and Performances Web Site (2003-)

34 William Stanley, Earl of Derby

35 Gawthorpe Hall, Lancashire

36 Cumulative Performance Itinerary

37 EMLoT faceted browser

38 Henry III Fine Rolls: Subject index

39 REED Lincolnshire 239 St James' Churchwardens' AccountsLA: LOUTH ST JAMES PAR/7/2 f 124v* (21 April—12 April) (Payments)... Item paid to ye queens maiesties seruantes whenas they plaied in ye church xij s....

40 REED Lincolnshire, index entries churches playing in churchwardens accounts Elizabeth I, queen of England players entertainers and entertainment patronized performers see also players; plays and playing Louth locations in St James records St James' Churchwardens' Accounts players patronized playing places chapels, churches, and churchyards plays and playing queens of England see also Elizabeth I St James, Louth, church of servants see also players

41 ‘beer’ York (1979)no entry Coventry (1981)no entry (but entry for ale) Newcastle Upon Tyne (1982)drink, for Norwich 1540-1642 (1984)drink, at, for Cumb/Westmld/Glouc (1986)beer, see under drink drink, at beer Devon (1986)beer, see under drink and drinking drink and drinking beer Cambridge (1989)no entry Heref/Worc (1990)beer, see under drink and drinking drink and drinking beer Lancashire (1991)drink and drinking ale and beer Shropshire (1994)drink and drinking, at, prohibited Somerset (1996)beer, see under drink and drinking drink and drinking ale and beer Bristol (1997)beer drinks (kinds of) beer Dorset/Cornwall (1999)beer, see under drinks (kinds of) Sussex (2000)beer drink and drinking see also ale; beer; wine

42 The Papers of George Washington (1976-)

43 Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody (2008)

44 Wikipedia

45 Shirky, Chapter 11  Promise  Tool  Bargain

46 Why does Wikipedia Work?  Unmanaged distribution of labour (power law distribution)  Publish, then filter  Multiple motivations of contributors  Community

47 Wikipedia, “Asphalt concrete” stats

48 Ray Siemens, et al.

49 Crowdsourced scholarship  Transcribe Bentham

50 Transcribe Bentham Top Contributors

51 Transcribe Bentham FAQ

52 Transcribe Bentham Subjects

53 WikiProjects

54 “Parish ale,” Wikipedia


56 Thank you! Jason Boyd Department of English & Centre for Digital Humanities Ryerson University, Toronto @jasonaboyd

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