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Aquarium Animals Mrs. Wiedemann’s Class. Seastar Michael Polek 5 arms Has 2 stomachs Will re-grow its arms Meat eater Lives under a rock It eats coral.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquarium Animals Mrs. Wiedemann’s Class. Seastar Michael Polek 5 arms Has 2 stomachs Will re-grow its arms Meat eater Lives under a rock It eats coral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquarium Animals Mrs. Wiedemann’s Class

2 Seastar Michael Polek 5 arms Has 2 stomachs Will re-grow its arms Meat eater Lives under a rock It eats coral and fish.

3 Lobster Colton Raiber  There are a lot of lobsters in the ocean but I am going to tell you about a Maine lobster. A Maine lobster lives on the ocean floor. Maine lobsters eat a lot of crabs, clams, worms, mussels, flounder and other lobsters. The Maine lobster’s anatomy is that the lobster has a very tough shell to not get eaten. Their shell is called an exoskeleton. They also have a tail fan and four tiny legs to walk.

4  Now I am going to tell you some interesting facts about Maine lobsters. The first thing I am going to tell you is they are cold blooded. The next thing I am going to tell you is they can live to be 100 years old. The last fact is some octopi eat Maine lobster.

5 Angelfish Baylee Phetteplace Do you know what an Angelfish eat. They like to eat worms and sponges. They also like to eat coral heads. They live in the warm ocean waters. They grow to be about 12 to 15 inches. They are a type of fish that has a thin oval body and long pointed fins. Angelfish produce by laying hundreds of eggs at a time.

6 Catfish Andrea Kyle Catfish live in the lakes, rivers, streams and other places. They live in a big group of catfish. They eat at the bottom of the water. They look like they have 6 to 7 layers of whiskers. They are brown, light gray, blue- gray and have black spots. Silvery-gray catfish have lots of amazing thing about them. People like to eat them.

7 Seastar Abbie Summers There are lots of seastars. The seastar can have more than 213 legs. The seastars have 2 bellies.

8 Penguin Angela Ely What do you know about Penguins? Well by the end of this you will know more. Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. A Penguin’s diet (which is what they eat) is fish, krill, squid, and crustaceans. The Emperor Penguin has a black bill with a yellow orange stripe. They have black webbed feet with claws,black feathers on their back and yellow by their neck. That is what they should look like when you see them. An interesting fact about Penguins is they can be 3.7 feet tall and weigh 65 pounds. Now you know about Penguins.

9 Sea Turtle Derek Bowen There are lots of different kinds of turtles but the one I would want to tell you about is HUGE. It is a sea turtle. These huge turtles live in shallow coastal warm waters. They are cold blooded animals. They are vertebrates. They can be any color. They eat crustaceans. Crustaceans are hard shelled animals. Did you know they can lay up to 200 eggs. Try not to pollute their waters, thanks.

10 Clown fish Faith Fridman  Hi, I’m Faith and you might know him as Nemo. But, the name of this fish is a Clown fish. Clown fish live among sea anemone, on the ocean floor and Austrailia’s Great Barrier Reef. This fish eats anemones left overs, dead anemone tentacles and dead plankton. Here’s what it looks like, it is orange with vertical white stripes. They have rounded fins too.

11  Here are some interesting facts. Clown fish can to be about 2 to 5 inches long. Clown fish kill other animals that come by. That’s what I learned about Clown fish.

12 Flounder Gavyn Mason  Hello my name is Gavyn and I would like to tell you about something that lives in the ocean called a flounder. Flounders live in the ocean on the ground. It feeds on blue fish, weak fish and clams. The flounder has two eyes on one side. It is ugly. It is flat. They can be fourteen inches long! What is interesting about the flounder is that the eggs float in the water. It is weird that their ugly.

13 Harbor Seal Jack Jandzinski I am telling you about a harbor seal. A harbor seal lives in the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Their diet is mollusks, clams and fish. They can weigh up to 375 pounds. Their predators are orcas, polar bears, sharks, stellar sea lions, and walruses.

14 Shark John Sadowski  I am going to tell you about sharks. They live in warm seas. They eat meat. They are 40 feet long. They are the longest of all fish. They can weigh up to 15 tones. Sharks are dangerous.

15 Seastar Karlee Gagnon It has 5 arms and it is red and orange and pink. It lives in the ocean on a rock and it goes up to the surface.

16 Horseshoe Crab Kyle Szpara  Hi my name is Kyle. Do you know what it is like to be a horse shoe crab well come on I will tell you about it. A horseshoe crab lives in warm shallow coastal water on the sea floor. A horseshoe crab eats sea worms and mollusks. A horseshoe crab has a hard outer shell. It has 5 pairs of jointed legs and a pair of pinchers. And it can weigh up to 10 pounds. One interesting fact is a horseshoe crabs likes clams.

17 Puffer Fish Lacey Johnson  Where does a puffer fish live? They live in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. What does a puffer fish eat? They eat, meat, corals, sponges and sea urchins. What does a puffer fish look like? They have a small mouth. They have a tube shaped body. When they puff up they are 2 feet long. Want to know the most interesting facts? The puffer fish is a blowfish and swellfish.

18 Sea Anemone Patrick Fontaine  What do you know about sea anemone. It lives in shallow waters worldwide. They eat fish, mussels, zooplankton and small crustaceans. Crustaceans are small animals with a hard shell on them. Sea anemone come in many colors. They look like a flower. It has a collar on it. Water comes in the body through the ostium. They can float through the water. They live a long time. Clown fish live near sea anemones. It is a predator to other animals. What did you learn from this story?

19 California sea lions Sarah Newland  Do you want to know what it feels like to be a California sea loin. California sea lions live in Western North America. California sea lions eat meat, fish, squid, octopus, crabs, clams and lobster. California sea loins look like they have thick fur and they are dark brown. California sea loins interesting facts are it barks and honks, they are fast swimmers. They swim up to 25 mph. It has four flippers. It weighs 250 pounds. They are 6.5 feet long. California sea loins are awesome.

20 Moray Eel Shane R. Nelligan  Moray eels live in a coral reef or areas with shallow water. Moray eels eat other fish, including other eels. They are muscular and snakelike. Their body is circular and they have gills. It has small eyes, an elongated fin and a powerful jaw with long sharp teeth. Moray eels are a bony fish. They are camouflaged. Moray eels are nocturnal. They are out at night.

21 Mussel Taylor Bishoff Mussels live in salt water. They live in oceans. Mussels eat plankton for food. Mussels have hard shells on top and bottom. They close tight in case of danger. Mussels are only 4 inches long. They can live in fresh water. People eat mussels. Mussels live at the bottom of sandy water. Some people like to catch mussels is rivers and lakes.

22 Sea Horse Tomi Cordz  Can you imagine being a tiny sea horse? Well let me tell you how they live. Sea horses (like me) sleep on leafy seaweed beds. We like our home in warm water. We LOVE tiny shell fish to eat. We have long sea horse heads, curled tails, long snouts, large eyes, and bony plates. Our females ( like me) lay eggs and then the male keeps the eggs inside their bodies 50 to 60 days.

23 The male has the eggs. Do you want to know how they hold the eggs? They have a special pouch. Now you know a lot about my species. So I will see you later. I have to swim!

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