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Client Name, LP Accounting Procedures: General Asset Accounts.

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Presentation on theme: "Client Name, LP Accounting Procedures: General Asset Accounts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Client Name, LP Accounting Procedures: General Asset Accounts

2 General Information Available for assets placed in service: – In same year – With same asset class – With same depreciation method – With same recovery period, and – With same convention Treated as single asset for depreciation

3 Advantages of Using GAA Simplified receipt of assets Simplified bookkeeping Simplified disposition of assets Simplified tracking of assets for accounting and tax purposes If any assets are disposed of during a year, depreciation continues unchanged Section 179 expensing still available Eliminates need to track individual components of devices

4 Disadvantages of Using GAA Any dispositions before end of life of the GAA are recorded as the sale of an asset with a ZERO adjusted basis – all proceeds included in taxable income Proceeds taxed as ordinary income / depreciation recapture No losses allowed Election required each year on tax return for assets placed into service that year

5 Procedures Each invoice for purchase of devices segregated into: – GAA for that year – Items to be expensed, ie, templates GAA items booked into Fixed Assets in QuickBooks with date designation Depreciation booked at end of year, quarterly or monthly

6 QuickBooks Changes Some account name changes Separate accounts for office equipment, computers, leasehold improvements, etc. “Device” GAA parent account GAA subaccount with year designator – Devices:2005 – Devices:2006 Separate Excel spreadsheet or database to track serial numbers in particular year

7 GAA Example Assumptions – Units placed into service this year: 200 – Cost per unit: $125 – MACRS recovery period: 5 year – Convention: Half-year Disposition of 75 units in Yr 2 for $50/unit Disposition of remaining units in Yr 4 for $40/unit

8 Depreciation Comparison Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Regular 5,000 6,500 3,000 900 - - GAA 5,000 8,000 4,800 1,440 - -

9 Comparison of Year 2 Sale Regular GAA Sales price 3,750 Adjusted basis 6,000 - Gain/(Loss) (2,250) 3,750

10 Comparison of Year 4 Sale Regular GAA Sales price 5,000 Adjusted basis 3,600 5,760 Gain/(Loss) 1,400 (760)

11 Comparison of Taxable Income Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Totals Regular (5,000) (8,750) (3,000) 500 - - (16,250) GAA (5,000) (4,250) (4,800) (2,200) - - (16,250)

12 Summary Simplifies device acquisition and accounting Over time, net taxable income using GAA identical to tracking discrete devices and/or components Significant time savings No need to change current device tracking methodology

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