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Cyber Defence Data Exchange and Collaboration Infrastructure (CDXI)

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2 Cyber Defence Data Exchange and Collaboration Infrastructure (CDXI)
Luc Dandurand NATO C3 Agency Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

3 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
NATO C3 Agency Mission: Enable NATO’s success through the unbiased provision of comprehensive C4ISR capabilities NC3A mainly provides acquisition and scientific support to NATO and NATO Nations Key player at helping Nations achieve interoperability CDXI is sponsored by NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT, Norfolk, VA) Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

4 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
What is the CDXI? Ultimately, the goal of CDXI is to transport cyber defence data between organisations through a resilient, global infrastructure structure the data for machine processing feed it directly into automated applications provide assurance of its origin and quality provide access controls for confidentiality provide tools to collaborate on improving the data enable commercial exploitation Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

5 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
Cyber Defence Data Reference Information Vulnerabilities Software (Applications and Operating Systems) Hardware Malware Patches and Fixes Verification Tests (e.g. IDS signatures & VA tests) Protocol specifications Certifications Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

6 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
Cyber Defence Data Operational Information Events Incidents IP addresses Implicated parties Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

7 What problems does it solve?
Beyond the basic need to exchange data Lots of data sources saying different things Errors & Discrepancies Different focus and taxonomies → No simple way to fix known errors and collaborate Limited ability to automate CD applications Importing from the Web is often “manual” Limited quality assurance → THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM No resilience → Need a local copy of all data! No automated implementation/enforcement of sharing policies Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

8 Examples of Discrepancies
CVE 18 Nov 2010 Possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

9 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CVE Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

10 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CVE Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

11 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CVE […] Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

12 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CVE ? ? […] Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

13 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CVE […] Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

14 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
How do we fix this? “Support dissension to reach consensus” Easily modify the data and send back to community “Multiple truths” co-exist until further research uncovers the “ultimate truth” Reject or block erroneous data coming into own automated systems Custom Quality Assurance Processes Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

15 Structured Cyber Defence Data
Strategy of CDXI is currently based on Pure enumerations for the specified topics Single identifier for each element (e.g. “CVE-ID”) Used to create all links to other data Agile Data Model User-defined taxonomies User-defined relationships CDXI could implement most, if not all, standards in CYBEX X.1500. Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

16 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
Confidentiality Limited sharing is a reality User-based and role-based access controls Organisational sharing policies Can limit user actions Can automate sharing Multiple security labels and mappings Instances of CDXI exist at every security level (Unclassified, Secret and Top Secret) Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

17 Commercial Exploitation
Required since Industry has lots of data, but more importantly, the resources to refine it Proposed strategy is to encrypt records Sell keys to decrypt the data through contract Industry can resell Tools that use the CDXI Content Quality assurance of content Data-mining Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

18 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CDXI Architecture Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

19 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
Relation to CYBEX Similar to CYBEX in that use/acquisition of the data is out of scope Implements the following CYBEX functions Structuring cybersecurity information for exchange purposes Identifying and discovering cybersecurity information and entities Establishment of trust and policy agreement between exchanging entities Providing assured cybersecurity information exchange Adds support for Dissension to reach consensus, collaboration mechanisms Custom quality assurance processes Commercial exploitation Provides Resilience CDXI tackles the problem from a prototype implementation point-of-view, rather than the CYBEX standards-based approach Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

20 Addressing security challenges on a global scale
CDXI Way Ahead Concept, high-level requirements and proposed architecture will be completed Q1 2011 We plan to build and test a prototype in 2011 We plan to continue prototype development/testing in 2012 and beyond We hope for: Implementation by Industry? Concept valid for any knowledge centric community! For further information: Geneva, 6-7 December 2010 Addressing security challenges on a global scale

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