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Boubakar SAVADOGO. Richard WALTHER. Training and professional integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Boubakar SAVADOGO. Richard WALTHER. Training and professional integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boubakar SAVADOGO. Richard WALTHER. Training and professional integration costing

2 2 % of young Population (less than 25 years) % of completion for primary school Literacy rate enrolment rate in secondary education Enrolment rate in TVET Part of TVET in national education budget Benin 55 – 65%40 - 60% 20 - 70% for adults (15 - 60 years) and 25 - 85% for young (15 - 25 years) 15 - 35%2 - 8%3 - 10% Burkina Faso Côte d'Ivoire Guinée Bissau Mali Niger Sénégal Togo

3 Governments want to expand the rate of access to TVET from 10% to 50% in the next 5 or 10 years

4 How much these ambitious reforms will cost ? How to finance these ambitious reforms? What cost do we calculate ? Cost of the training ? Cost of the training mechanisms ? Cost of the training and the training institutions ? Cost of the global training system and the first professional integration ?

5 To Link efficiency and effectiveness Consider all costs: investment costs and operating costs Investment costs must take into account the investigation and innovation costs of the system Original assumption

6 Methodology Data collected are classified into – Operating costs – Physical (hardware) investment costs – Software ( Research – development and innovation) investment costs – Facilitation of first Professional integration costs Data collected are classified into – Operating costs – Physical (hardware) investment costs – Software ( Research – development and innovation) investment costs – Facilitation of first Professional integration costs

7 Parameters of Operating costs Staff salaries ; Social expendures ; Stored expendable (training input) ; Non stored expendable (electricity, water, etc.) ; Communication costs ; Cost of Maintenance and repair of installatation and equipement

8 Parameters of physical investment costs Infrastructure (depreciation/amortisation, new investment) ; Equipement (depreciation/amortisation, new investment) ; Rolling stock (depreciation/amortisation, new investment)

9 Parameters of R§D investment Costs of curriculum and training materials development ; Costs of Training of trainers and other members of staff ; Costs of Research – development and innovation of the global system

10 Parameters of facilitation of first professional integration Costs of tracking graduates ; costs of workshops or seminar with employers; Costs of complementary courses Cost of business plan Cost of grants program to – buy equipement for starting small enterprise – Allow Credit access – Pay employer’s taxes Etc.

11 COSTS IN SOME COUNTRIES BT FoRes BTS FoRes with BAC BTS FoRes without BAC Average cost per unit CBCG Cocody 1 144 - - TRANSIT 1 049 1 237 898 Accounting 1 071 1 271 943 Business management - 1 158 830 SECRETARIAT 1 202 1 296 1 124 Tourism and hotels - 1 317 1 034 Cote d’ivoire (€) cost in the training center

12 END

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