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¡Fechas importantes! 11 octubre (journal entry deadline) Blog entry- to complete over weekend spanish.html

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Presentation on theme: "¡Fechas importantes! 11 octubre (journal entry deadline) Blog entry- to complete over weekend spanish.html"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Fechas importantes! 11 octubre (journal entry deadline) Blog entry- to complete over weekend spanish.html spanish.html Next week: miércoles, 12 octubre: oral assessment viernes,14 octubre: written assessment 17-21 ¡¡España!!

2 Oral assessment Criteria A+B Written assessment Criteria C+D Find information about a famous Spanish- speaking person and present him/her to the class. Include: full name, country of origin birthday physical description personal qualities description of his/her family 3 MINUTES your teacher will ask you questions ¿CUÁNDO? miércoles 12 octubre OPTION 1) Find information about a famous Spanish-speaking person and write a composition, including: full name, country of origin birthday physical description personal qualities description of his/her family OPTION 2) Find information about a famous Spanish-speaking person and write an interview between you and him/her. Include: full name, country of origin birthday physical description personal qualities description of his/her family

3 Oral Assessment You will be talking in front of the class for 3 minutes You may use fsmall cards/ powerpoint/poster with brief notes about your persona famosa NO full sentences allowed You may write something like: ✓ Jennifer Lopez – 24/07 two brothers Not permitted: ✗ Se llama Jennifer Lopez. cumpleaños 24 julio/ dos hermanos Remember that at the end I might ask you questions like: ¿Tienes hermanos? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? These questions will be about yourself and you’ll have to answer them spontaneously. So make sure you practise these at home!!

4 ¿Cómo eres? Tengo los ojos…Tengo el pelo…y…Tengo… marrones verdes azules grises corto largo rizado liso ondulado de punta moreno castaño rubio pelirrojo barba bigote pecas Llevo gafas Soy rubio/ soy pelirrojo

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