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SP425 Quantum Mechanics II with Advanced Laboratory II.

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1 SP425 Quantum Mechanics II with Advanced Laboratory II

2 QM Courses SP327 Modern –relativity –old quantum theory –QM overview SP324 Quantum I with Advanced Lab I –QM formalism with strange math SP425 Quantum II with Advanced Lab II –What do you do if... ? (aka perturbation theory) –QM Applications survey Hydrogen atom multielectron atoms molecules nuclear solid state elementary particles quantum statistics

3 Recommended Resources Eisberg & Resnick –std junior year physics book, but... some surfing.... Griffiths “Intro to QM” –available in lab Melissinos “Experiments in Mod Phys” –available in lab

4 SP425 Short Syllabus Uncertainty Analysis SP324 Review Perturbation Theory – how to correct oversimplified calcs Time-dep Perturb Theory – how to calculate decay rates Corrections to the simplified hydrogen atom from last semester Multi-electron Atoms Molecules Quantum Statistics (preview to SP444: Stat Mech) Nuclear Solid State / Condensed Matter / Superconductivity / SQUIDS Elementary Particles Relativisitic Quantum Mechanics: Dirac Equation

5 SP425 Lab Emphasis Use real equipment, do your own thing Do your own background reading Technical writing for physics (satisfies USNA capstone requirement)

6 FIND AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION sheets & manuals, Melissinos suggestion sheets FIND PARTS ASSEMBLE TAKE PRELIM DATA and do quick analysis to verify correct assembly & parts working Good to Go ? TAKE GOOD DATA and analyze How can results be improved? MAKE ADJUSTMENTS FINAL ANALYSIS WRITE REPORT FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO YOU FOUND IT, YOU FIX IT * SP324 SP425 *If it’s broken, inform JeffV

7 Ocean Optics Spectrometers Absorption of solar radiation Typical line spectrum ~ 2 nm

8 Jarrell-Ash ½ meter Hydrogen/deuterium reduced mass Fine structure energy splittings in Na & Hg ~   eV

9 Jarrell-Ash 1 meter Hydrogen/deuterium reduced mass Fine structure energy splittings in Na & Hg ~   eV

10 Telatomic ESR & PSR Measure electron g s Measure proton g s

11 Leybold-Didactic ESR Measure electron g s Examine the ‘medium’ effects upon the electron g s

12 Telatomic Pulsed NMR g-factor is used to determine the environment of the electron in various materials

13 TeachSpin Optical Pumping in Rb How magnetic fields affect the energies of states with m j m l m s Especially the selectivity of transitions

14 High-Temp Superconductivity Study the superconducting transition and compare yittrium & bismuth compounds. Measure superconducting currents & B-fields

15 NanoScience Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope Take pictures of individual atoms and defects on surfaces.

16 Extremely High Resolution Ocean Optics Spectrometer Observe fine structure splittings in Hydrogen & Deuterium (I hope) ~0.003 nm

17 Accelerator Measuring the inner electron orbits of atoms and how that information can be used for composition determinations.


19 Jarrell-Ash 2 meter Fine Structure in Deuterium Zeeman Effect in isotopic Hg

20 Leybold-Didactic Zeeman Effect in Cd How magnetic fields affect the energies of states with m j m l m s

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