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5 Section 11.0 Communications Subsystem Space Technology

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1 5 Section 11.0 Communications Subsystem Space Technology
GSFC 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” Section 11.0 Communications Subsystem Victor J. Sank Communications Lead Engineer ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001

2 Agenda Key Requirements Documentation Allocations
Transponder, Diplexer and HPA Layout System Concept Design Link Budgets Antenna Block Diagram Development Testing Issues Back-up Slides

3 System Requirements S/C shall implement X-band communications link with the ground. (MRD ) The spacecraft shall be able to downlink telemetry and receive uplinked commands. (MRD ) The transponder system shall be capable of decoding “special/hardware" commands from the uplink without the use of the CDH or FSW and execute discrete pulse signals to other units on the spacecraft. (MRD ) The spacecraft shall have two, ground selectable, downlink data rates; 1Kbps and 100Kbps. (MRD ) The spacecraft shall be able to support 2-way radiometric Doppler tracking. The system radiometric Doppler tracking accuracy shall be sufficient to support ground antenna pointing at distances of 2 to 5 Re. (MRD and MRD ) The spacecraft shall provide a minimum RF output power of 1.5 W, measured at the antenna port of the diplexer. (MRD )

4 Derived Requirements 10MB HK and Science data playback plus RT HK in min contact 11m Ground Antenna (minimum) Convolutional coding on telemetry , r = 1/2, K = 7 Due to the use of 1/2 rate convolutional encoding, the necessary symbol rate (in kilosymbols per second, Ksps) is twice the required data rate (in kilobits per second, Kbps). Coherent RF turn around using CCSDS recommended ratio Stable oscillator

5 Documentation

6 System Allocations Mass Volume DC Power Thermal Operate Survive
Transponder Unit Kg Front End Unit (Dplxr & HPA) Kg Antenna Kg System Total Kg Volume Transponder Unit cm3 Front End Unit cm3 Antenna cm3 DC Power Rcvr Only W Rcvr and Xmtr W Thermal Operate Survive Transponder, HPA & Dplxr to 50 °C to 60 °C Antenna to 40 °C to 80 °C

7 Transponder, Diplexer and HPA Layout
(2.95 x 2.45 x 1.97 in) Diplexer (3.3 x 1.1 x 0.5 in) HPA (3.0 x 1.5 x 0.6 in) Scale: 3”

8 Communications System Design Concept (1 of 2)
Performance Two Data rates baselined; 1 and 100 Kbps At <5Re Data transfer of 100Kbps with a BER of <1X10-5 Two-way, Coherent Doppler Tracking is baseline One-way Doppler will provide backup orbit determination Other Attributes 5V transponder, excluding HPA HPA mount point minimizes thermal variation at Oscillator X-band Uplink and Downlink 3 dB margin in Telemetry link budget >20 dB in Command link budget

9 Communications System Design Concept (2 of 2)
Frequency and Spacecraft ID Registration (MRD ) NTIA Frequency allocation approval; currently Stage 2 X-band MHz downlink, MHz uplink S-band MHz, MHz CCSDS GSCIDs assigned; minimum Hamming distance 4; (used to uniquely identify spacecraft in CCSDS frame header) ST E0 ST E ST B SOMO/CSOC SCIDs assigned (for ground handling of data) ST ST ST

10 Link Budget: X-band Space – Ground (1 of 2)
1 Transmitter Power (W) dB 2 Antenna gain (dB) 3 SC Antenna beamwidth (°) FWHM 4 Passive Loss (dB) cables, etc. 5 EIRP (dBW) dBm 6 Freq. (MHz) 7 Range (km) Re 8 Space loss (dB) 9 Atmos, Scint, Rain Att (dB) high elevation 10 Polarization loss (dB) 11 Rcvd power den (dBW/m2) 12 Rcvd PSD over 4 KHz convo coded

11 Link Budget: X-band Space – Ground (2 of 2)
13 Ground antenna size (m) ft 14 Antenna gain (-surf loss)(dB) % eff 15 Antenna beamwidth (deg) FWHM 16 Power Received (dBm) Bkg Temp 40K 17 Antenna to LNA Loss (dB) diplexer Temp 75.09 18 LNA gain (dB) N=1.2dB, T=92.29K 19 System temp (deg K) dB K 20 System G/T (dB/K) L14 - L19 21 C/No (dB-Hz) L12 + L 22 Data rate (bps) dB (N = dBw) 23 Implementation loss (dB) Rcvr and BS 24 Avail Eb/No (dB) L21 - L23 - L24 25 Eb/No required (dB) E-5 coded (4.2 ideal) 26 Avail margin (dB) Line 24 - Line 25

12 Link Budget: X-band Ground – Space (1 of 2)
1 Transmitter Power (W) dB 2 Antenna gain (dB) m 3 SC Antenna beamwidth (°) FWHM 4 Passive Loss (dB) cables, etc. 5 EIRP (dBW) dBm 6 Freq. (MHz) 7 Range (km) Re 8 Space loss (dB) 9 Atmos, Scint, Rain Att (dB) 10 Polarization loss (dB) 11 Rcvd power den (dBW/m2) 12 Rcvd PSD over 4 KHz

13 Link Budget: X-band Ground – Space (2 of 2)
13 Space antenna size (m) omni 14 Antenna gain (-surf loss) 15 Antenna beamwidth (deg) FWHM 16 Power Received (dBm) Bkg Temp 40K 17 Antenna to LNA Loss (dB) diplexer Temp 75.09 18 LNA gain (dB) N=3 dB, T=288.63K 19 System temp (deg K) Bkg 40. dB K 20 System G/T (dB/K) L14 - L19 21 C/No (dB-Hz) L12 + L 22 Data rate (bps) dB (N = dBW) 23 Implementation loss (dB) incl mod & diff coding 24 Avail Eb/No (dB) L21 - L23 - L24 25 Eb/No required (dB) E-5 uncoded 26 Avail margin (dB) Line 24 - Line 25

14 ST5 Quadrafilar Helical Antenna
Beamwidth to +60º from ecliptic Receive Gain 0dB Transmit Gain 0dB Operating Frequency: 8.47 GHz LHCP Diameter: inches Length: inches Turns: 1 Trace: copper Dielectric core: EccoStock LoK (Dielectric Constant =1.7) Notes:There are four traces in the dielectric core. Traces are 90° apart from each other. Traces do not touch each other. Drawing not to scale.

15 Antenna Gain (Stand alone)
-180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Antenna Gain (Stand alone) ST5 Quadrifilial Helical Antenna 5 -5 -10 (Gain in dB) -15 -20 -25 -30 Angle (Deg) LHCP RHCP

16 Antenna Gain with Choke Rings
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 -180 -155 -130 -105 -80 -55 -5 20 45 70 95 120 145 170 Degree Gain (dB) LHCP RHCP ST5 Ideal Antenna with Choke Ring

17 Transponder Functional Block Diagram
Auxiliary Command Inputs UpLink Lock to C&DH Cmd Decoder Special Command Detector C&DH Data C&DH Clock LNA Command Receiver Special Cmd reset Coherent Reference Rx Status Rx/Tx Status Output to C&DH Status/Control Transponder Controller X-band Up/Down Diplexer Control Transponder Mode Control from C&DH Tx LO Generator Oscillator Downlink Clock to C&DH HPA Transmitter Telemetry Downlink Telemetry from C&DH Front End Units Transponder +7.2Vdc +5Vdc

18 Transponder RF Block Diagram

19 L, C and S-band Synthesizers

20 Transponder Digital Block Diagram
Tracking RX Conditioning Data Clock Generation Special Command Decode C&DH Command / Status Interface LPF, 2kHz- 1MHz I from Tuner IC Q from I in Q in RX Data Data out 9.625 MHz VCO To Synth. Master Clock Lock Indication & other status Oscillator Control Q out I out RX Clock TX Clock Commands / Status Parameter change / status read ADC Clocking TX Data Out Data In Synthesizer setup & other commands Radio status interface Discrete Hard & Soft C&DH Reset C&DH Cmd & Status Out TX Data 6-8 bit DAC or Resistor Ladder To Modulator IC To AGC AGC +/- Loopback (2 rates, and set-to-nominal) 8 bit XpdrReset Soft Reset Bit Lock Carrier Detect Signal Detect ó õ

21 Communications System Development
Transponder System Development Transponder being designed under phase 2/3 SBIR Will result in breadboard/test unit and Qual unit Firm fixed price (FFP) contract expected for flight units After Transponder CDR, Aug 2001, contract for flight units will be issued No Heritage; New technology, 5 volt, digital, single reference oscillator New development. Requires full qualification Antenna Development In progress at GSFC Code 567 Feed blanks under contract with Emerson & Cuming Polyflon to lay traces on blank feeds Have prototype Choke Ring Assembly; needs final design and fab

22 Communications System Technology
Technology Characteristics Receiver and transmitter will use common frequency synthesis (common to any transponder) Under development by AeroAstro Technical Readiness Level is currently about 3/4 Untested conventional design, Hardware prototyping

23 Testing and RFGSE Test Program is under Development per ST , Component Test Requirements and Guide Lines Will include compatibility and performance characterization RFGSE One RF Rack to include PSK Modulator/Xmtr (µdyne TSS-2000) S-band Receiver (µdyne MRB-1200 or 700) Upconverter (Miteq UP-25020) Downconverter (Miteq DN-25020) Spectrum Analyzer (HP 8596E) Oscilloscope (HP54602B) Plotter/Printer/PC Power Meter (HP4418A) Power Meter Heads (HP8481A, H) Bit Error Rate Test Set (FBD-6000A or BitAlyzer 26, 400, 622)

24 Risk Mitigation (1 of 2) Risk
Oscillator; 40 weeks ARO for flight units HPA 1.5 W DC to RF efficiency not confirmed Diplexer transmit filter may have high insertion loss DSNBand stop filter may be required that adds to insertion loss

25 Risk and Mitigation (2 of 2)
GSFC is working with AeroAstro to specify and buy the transponder oscillator. GSFC will provide for screening and qualification of the oscillator for flight with the chosen vendor and deliver it to AeroAstro for integration and qualification of the transponder. To mitigate scheduling risk, AeroAstro is building a non flight oscillator for the EM unit. The Qualification Transponder Unit will be fully tested and flight qualified, enabling it to be utilized for flight. A backup/replacement amplifier has been built by AeroAstro. Its 1.5 W output does not meet the 2.0 W HPA output requirement, but it can be utilized by ST-5, lowering the risk from mission critical to a performance (data rate) issue. Use of a low insertion loss Diplexer may require an additional band stop/ band reject filter (BRF). The filter needs to have steep cut-off characteristics at the band edges and high selectivity or Q factor and low insertion loss in-band. Even though BRF may not be needed, specifications are being drawn up and filter will be ordered.

26 5 Back-up Slides Communications Subsystem Space Technology
GSFC 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” Back-up Slides Communications Subsystem ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001

27 ST5 Mission Overview S/C - Mission Configuration
Satellite constellation technology mission (3 satellites) GTO orbit, Spin stabilized < 25 Kg, < 25 watts X-band space to ground; S-band space to space Magnetometer Space - Ground Communication AeroAstro transponder is 1 of 8 technologies to be demonstrated Orbit determination via 2 way coherent Doppler S/C Position Accuracy for pointing 11 m antenna: 10 Km 1 Kbps to 100 Kbps downlink rate, CCSDS format 1 Kbps to 8 Kbps uplink rate, BPSK on X-band carrier

28 Transponder Tracking Block Diagram

29 SINDA/G Thermal Analysis
61 45 Oscillator 72 57 Up/Down converter 84 69 Synthesizer 60 Baseband Max Board Temp(°C) Max board Temp (°C) Radio Board S/C 40 °C S/C 25 °C

30 CCNT Link Budget: S-band Space - Space
1 Transmitter Power (W) dB 2 Antenna gain (dB) 3 SC Antenna beamwidth (deg) omni FWHM 4 Passive Loss (dB) cables, etc. 5 EIRP (dBW) dBm 6 Freq. (MHz) 2265 7 Range (km) 1000 8 Space loss (dB) 9 Atmos, Scint, Rain Att (dB) 10 Polarization loss (dB) 11 Rcvd power den (dBW/m2) 12 Rcvd PSD over 4 KHz convo coded

31 CCNT Link Budget: S-band Space - Space
14 Antenna gain (-surf loss)(dB) % eff 15 Antenna beamwidth (deg) omni FWHM 16 Power Received (dBm) Bkg Temp 40K 17 Antenna to LNA Loss diplexer Temp 75.09 18 LNA gain (dB) N=3.5dB T=359.23K 19 System temp (deg K) dB K 20 System G/T (dB/K) L14 - L19 21 C/No (dB-Hz) L12 + L 22 Data rate (bps) dB (N = dBw) 23 Implementation loss (dB) incl mod & diff coding 24 Avail Eb/No (dB) L21 - L23 - L24 25 Eb/No required (dB) E-5 coded (4.2 ideal soft) 26 Avail margin (dB) L25 - L26

32 Transponder PDR Review Actions
SCR Held May 10-11, 2000 8 actions assigned, all closed with originator Transponder PDR October 19, 2000, PDR January 31, 2001 56 RFAs written, 39 closed, 17 Open until Transponder CDR 2 Compliance matrix AA Close, fill by CDR 3 Incomplete items AA Open, close by CDR 10 Present signal characteristic to electrical systems ST5 Done, close by CDR 11 Mechanical, thermal, electrical interfaces AA Done, close by CDR 13 Define resets ST5/AA Done, close by CDR 16 Work with electrical systems on C&DH interface AA/ST5 Done, close by CDR 17 Provide parts list AA Done, close by CDR 29 Parts qualification and testing AA Open, close by CDR 31 Plan for reduced magnetic signature AA Open, close by CDR 35 Specify transponder-C&DH command and telemetry AA Done, close by CDR above plus special commands ST5/AA Done, close by CDR 46 Phase noise vs tracking accuracy ST5/AA Open, close by CDR 47 Specify limit on spurs to meet system requirements AA Open, close by CDR 49 Show that Cmd format is supported by ground stationsST5 Open, close by CDR 50 Define testing for development and compatibility AA/ST5 Open, close by CDR 53 Develop plans for false and self lock testing AA Open, close by CDR 54 Generate plans for packaging AA Open, close by CDR

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