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“Comparisons of Possible Sites for Two Aquaculture Species in the San Juan Island Area” Meadowdale Middle School Spring, 2014 Ryan Kennedy, Raina Shaw,

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Presentation on theme: "“Comparisons of Possible Sites for Two Aquaculture Species in the San Juan Island Area” Meadowdale Middle School Spring, 2014 Ryan Kennedy, Raina Shaw,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Comparisons of Possible Sites for Two Aquaculture Species in the San Juan Island Area” Meadowdale Middle School Spring, 2014 Ryan Kennedy, Raina Shaw, Aryella Barribeau, Shana Prine, Ethan Sargent, Jocelyn Needham

2 Our Mission: Mr. Clams Seafood Company has hired us to find the best site to place an aquaculture farm in the San Juan Islands area.

3 Overview of two species for aquaculture… Pacific Oyster  Native to Japan  1-3 years to develop to market size  1.5-3 inches long  $10/pound value  98% of world’s oyster production!  Generally do not produce pearls.Geoduck  Native to our region  Name means “dig deep” (Nisqually tribe)  Siphon can be 3-6 ft, up to 15 pounds!  Among oldest living animals (168 years old!)  $10/pound in US, $40/pound in China

4 Sample Sites Obstruction Island Pelican Beach Spencer’s Spit Huckleberry Island East of Lopez

5 Cool science materials we used: Plankton Nets Niskin Bottle Sediment Sifter Bucket-ometer Colorimeter Graduated Cylinders

6 Methods/Procedure Sailing team navigates to deployment site Deploy plankton nets at surface and at 20 meters for a 5 minute tow. Collect water sample with bucket at surface and using niskin bottle at 20 meter depth. Settle plankton to measure biomass. Use colorimeter to measure salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature. Collect and sift a sample of the sediments. Record all data on “Motherboard”


8 Temperature Data RECOMMENDATIONS: Huckleberry Island and Pelican Beach best for Pacific Oyster, Spencer’s Spit and Obstruction Pass best for Geoducks. Temperature of water in deg F

9 Salinity Data Recommendations: The best places to farm Geoducks would be Huckleberry Island and Pelican Beach at 20 meters. For Pacific Oysters, East of Lopez, Spencer Spit, and Obstruction Pass (all at 20 meters in depth). Salinity in ppt

10 Acidity of Water Recommendations: Obstruction Pass and East of Lopez best for both species (Pacific Oyster and Geoduck). pH Level

11 Recommendations: East of Lopez at 20 meters and Obstruction Pass at surface best for Pacific Oyster. Spencer’s Spit at surface best for Geoduck. Recommendations: East of Lopez at 20 meters and Obstruction Pass at surface best for Pacific Oyster. Spencer’s Spit at surface best for Geoduck. Dissolved Oxygen D.O. in parts per thousand (ppt)

12 Amount of Plankton Recommendations: Since the more food the better, Pelican Beach at 20 meters and East of Lopez would be the best places to farm both species. Recommendations: Since the more food the better, Pelican Beach at 20 meters and East of Lopez would be the best places to farm both species. Plankton mass collected in tow (ml)

13 LocationSedimentIdeal GeoduckIdeal Pacific Oyster Huckleberry Island GravelSand, MudRock Pelican BeachGravelSand, MudRock Obstruction Pass GravelSand, MudRock Spencer SpitSand, Gravel, Shell Sand, MudRock East of LopezRockSand, MudRock Recommendations: Spencer’s Spit best for Geoducks, East of Lopez best for Pacific Oysters.

14 Overall Best Location for Pacific Oyster Farm LocationTempSalinityAmount of Plankton Dissolved Oxygen Water Acidity (pH) Sediment Huckleberry Island Pacific Oyster Pelican Beach Pacific Oyster Geoduck or Pacific Oyster Obstruction Pass Pacific Oyster Geoduck or Pacific Oyster Spencer’s Spit Pacific Oyster E. Lopez Pacific Oyster Geoduck or Pacific Oyster Pacific Oyster Geoduck or Pacific Oyster Pacific Oyster

15 Overall Best Location for Geoduck Farm: LocationTempSalinityAmount of Plankton Dissolved Oxygen Water Acidity (pH) Sediment Huckleberry Island Geoduck Pelican Beach GeoduckGeoduck or Pacific Oyster Obstruction Pass GeoduckGeoduck or Pacific Oyster Spencer’s Spit Geoduck E. Lopez Geoduck or Pacific Oyster

16 Overall Best Sites Spencer’s Spit Geoducks East of Lopez P. Oyster

17 ANY QUESTIONS? Pic raina shaw here

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