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Plot: The most important element. Plot The sequence of events in a story. Without a plot, you have no story. There are five elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot: The most important element. Plot The sequence of events in a story. Without a plot, you have no story. There are five elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot: The most important element

2 Plot The sequence of events in a story. Without a plot, you have no story. There are five elements.


4 Exposition The beginning of the story. Introduces the characters and setting. Characters can be major, minor, round, flat, dynamic, or static. They can be developed directly or indirectly

5 Rising Action Story starts to get interesting and the conflict is introduced.

6 Conflicts Internal conflicts – a struggle within a character – Person VS Self External Conflicts – a struggle with an outside force – Person VS Person, Person VS Nature, Person VS Technology.

7 Climax The reason your read The most intense moment The turning point

8 Falling Action The tension begins to calm down Loose ends are tied up

9 Resolution The problem is solved and the story comes to an end.

10 Through a well-developed plot: The author will communicate a theme or message about life. Use various literary elements such as figurative language, foreshadowing, flashbacks, etc. Use many points of view such as first, second, and third person – limited or omniscient.

11 Assignment Summarize the events of each plot component for The 11:59. You can use the textbook and pages to create a document.

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