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CLIMATE CHANGE INDICATORS: UPPER ATMOSPHERE.  Global Temperatures  GHG emissions  Heat waves  Drought  Precipitation  Flooding  Cyclones  Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIMATE CHANGE INDICATORS: UPPER ATMOSPHERE.  Global Temperatures  GHG emissions  Heat waves  Drought  Precipitation  Flooding  Cyclones  Sea."— Presentation transcript:


2  Global Temperatures  GHG emissions  Heat waves  Drought  Precipitation  Flooding  Cyclones  Sea Surface Temp  Sea level  Ocean acidification  Arctic sea ice  Glaciers  Lake ice  Snow cover  Snowpack  Growing season  Plant hardiness  Leaf/Bloom dates  Bird wintering ranges Changes occurring in the Lower Atmosphere (Troposphere)

3 It’s easy to notice or hear about change when it’s happening around you (in the troposphere) What about the other layers of the atmosphere? Are changes occurring there?

4 How is the upper atmosphere measured from the ground?  RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) is a technique for detecting and studying remote targets by transmitting a radio wave in the direction of the target and observing the reflection of the wave  Target of incoherent scatter radar is electrons in the earth's ionosphere rather than a discrete hard target (like an airplane)  High energy ultraviolet radiation from the sun removes electrons from some of the atoms and molecules in this region, and these electrons can scatter radio waves  Amount of energy scattered from each electron is well known, the strength of the echo received from the ionosphere measures the number of electrons in the scattering volume  Scattering technique can determine density, temperature, velocity, and composition of the charged upper atmosphere [ionosphere] Incoherent Scatter Radar

5 This map shows all of the world's operational incoherent scatter radars There are only 9 worldwide (as of 2000) Where are Incoherent Scatter Radars? MIT Haystack 2000

6 Millstone Hill  Located in Westford, MA  Capable of making observations ranging from 90 to 1000 km in altitude  Radar system  A fixed vertically pointing antenna (Zenith) uses megawatt transmitter and 68 m diameter fixed antenna [1963 - now]  A fully steerable antenna (MISA), 46 meter diameter [1978 – now]  SWFX 5 SWFX 5 MIT Haystack

7 EISCAT/ESR  European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association  It operates three incoherent scatter radar systems  Two in Northern Scandinavia  One in Svalbard Wikipedia | Credit Tom Grydeland

8 Arecibo  Radio Telescope located in Puerto Rico  305 m in diameter (largest single-aperture telescope)  Makes frequent appearances in movies and TV shows NOAA accessed via Wikipedia

9 Jicamarca Radio Observatory (JRO)  Studies the equatorial ionosphere in Lima, Peru  Main antenna is the largest of all the incoherent scatter radars in the world  300m x 300m square array Wikipedia | Public Domain

10 NASA Upper Atmosphere Satellite Projects TIMED - Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics and Dynamics Developed to explore Earth’s atmosphere above 60 km Launched December 2001 The MissionThe Instrument SABER - Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry Aboard TIMED Designed to measure energy budget of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere Collected data over 8 years NASA

11 Cutting Edge Research …  ~40 years (1968 – 2006) of ionospheric data taken from the Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar is used  MIT scientists have been studying, analyzing and interpreting the results  Here is what they have discovered …

12 What trend do you notice? Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack

13 MIT Scientists state a +1.9K/year Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack

14 What trend do you notice? Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack

15 MIT Scientists state a -1.2 K/year Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack

16 What trend do you notice? Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack

17 MIT Scientists state a -3.2 K/year Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack


19 Altitude vs. Ion Temperature % change per decade There is more error in the lower atmosphere because there are fewer measurements made The temperature profile indicates a DECREASE in ion temperature in the upper atmosphere above 200km Zhang, Shun-Rong | MIT Haystack

20 Let’s Compare Things are heating up …  Average global temperature has increased at a rate of roughly 0.15 - 0.20°C per decade over the past 40 years  This seems small, but has triggered many changes (polar cap melting, etc.) Things are cooling down …  Trend shows a 2 - 3˚C decrease per decade over the past 40 years  Change is much bigger (10X!) than in the lower atmosphere  Total change is readily observable in data record LOWER ATMOSPHEREUPPER ATMOSPHERE

21 What is causing the Upper Atmosphere to cool? The answer is Radiative Cooling  Process by which a body loses heat by radiation  Greenhouse gases (particularly CO 2 ) radiative effects become more pronounced and produce a cooling effect in the upper atmosphere Lastovicka et al. “Global Change in the Upper Atmosphere.” Science v.314 no.5803 (24 November 2006) pg. 1253 – 1254.

22 A quick video may help

23 Active and Ongoing Research  The upper atmosphere is an area that requires further studied  More data is needed to confirm the observed trends  Observed change in upper atmospheric temperature is large, which makes it easier to measure Photo taken by Shun – Rong Zhang | used with permission

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