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Do hypoxia- and temperature-induced changes in habitat use affect fish abundance and quality? Kevin L. Pangle (Central Michigan University), Paul J. Hurtado.

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Presentation on theme: "Do hypoxia- and temperature-induced changes in habitat use affect fish abundance and quality? Kevin L. Pangle (Central Michigan University), Paul J. Hurtado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do hypoxia- and temperature-induced changes in habitat use affect fish abundance and quality? Kevin L. Pangle (Central Michigan University), Paul J. Hurtado (MBI; OSU), Yuan Lou (OSU), Elizabeth A. Marschall (OSU), Daniel K. Rucinski (LimnoTech), Dmitry Beletsky (University of Michigan), Stuart A. Ludsin (OSU)

2 Goal Explore the population consequences of how thermal stratification & hypoxia affect growth & survival of pelagic fishes.

3 Thermal Stratification Rabalais, Turner & Wiseman (2002) creates environmental heterogeneity drives vertical distributions & habitat use. How? Thermal stratification hypoxia Vanderploeg et al (2009) Temp DO ZP Fish

4 Nutrients (N, P) Phytoplankton Bacteria Hypoxia Excess Nutrients Hypoxia

5 Coutant (1987)

6 Study System: Lake Erie Canada USA Warm epilimnion West Central East Cool Low oxygen Cool hypolimnion (becomes hypoxic)

7 Vanderploeg et al (2009)

8 Zooplankton Benthic Macroinverts. Walleye ( Planktivorous Fish Benthivorous Fish Emerald shiner ( Rainbow smelt ( Yellow Perch (©Shedd Aquarium) White Perch ( Piscivorous Fish Brandt et al. Central Lake Erie Food Web

9 –Direct mortality Sessile benthic organisms more affected than mobile organisms Mobile pelagic species can be susceptible –Sub-lethal effects → more likely for mobile species Caused by reduced access to optimal temperature, prey or refugia Atlantic Menhaden (Narragansett Bay) ( Gulf Menhaden (N. Gulf of Mexico) ( An “island” of dead menhaden Hypoxia effects on fish?

10 Modeling Approach Mechanistic Model: behavior/movement, physiology, ecology. GrowthSurvival Physical Environment (Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen) Sub-lethal consequences: growth (fish mass; w) Direct consequences: survival (# of fish; N) Movement # of fish N fish mass w

11 Physical Environment (1987-2005) Rucinski et al, 2010 “Bad”

12 Annual Variation (1987-2005) o

13 o

14 Modeling Approach Mechanistic Model: behavior/movement, physiology, ecology. GrowthSurvival Physical Environment (Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen) Sub-lethal consequences: growth (fish mass; w) Direct consequences: survival (# of fish; N) Movement # of fish N fish mass w

15 Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Q3Q3 Q…Q… Q 24 Movement Model Water column divided into 24 “patches” each roughly 1 meter deep. Q i = quality of patch i N i = # fish in patch i N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 N…N… N 24 Leave based on “patch” quality N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 N…N… N 24 Redistribute Movement Rule: Quality = GRP x Survival Q i = (G i -G min ) x (1/ μ i )

16 Predation, low DO, high Temperatures, “other”: Mortality Rate (μ) Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) Temperature ( ⁰ C)

17 Predation, low DO, high Temperatures, “other”: Predation (by Walleye) depends on light, attack rates, response rates, success rates. Hypoxia: Temperature : Thornton & Lessem curve (BEM) Other: Mortality Rate (μ)

18 General Model GrowthSurvival Physical Environment (Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen) Movement # of fish N fish mass w

19 CoolWarm

20 CoolWarm

21 Results: 1987-2005 (Aug-Oct) Population Size

22 Results: 1987-2005 (Aug-Oct) Growth Rate

23 Results: 1987-2005 (Aug-Oct) Mortality Rate 1994

24 Results: 1987-2005 (Aug-Oct) Refugia Low MortalityHigh Mortality


26 Concluding Remarks Summary Warming and hypoxia negatively impact pelagic fish: ↓Survival (direct) ↓ growth (indirect) ↑ aggregation/density Model captures key interactions affecting growth & survival Allows us to quantify contributions from many factors Directly explore causal relationships Applicable to other species

27 Concluding Remarks Management Implications Meso-scale (~1m) environmental factors may have big effects! Refugia during hypoxic events – hard to measure/predict Information gaps? Mortality model, movement rules, refugia Next steps Horizontal movement? Sources of mortality? Fish with other natural histories? Thermal preferences? Feedback via trophic interactions? Disease risk?

28 Questions?








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