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Plagiarism What is it? Any time a student represents work done by someone else as his or her own, that student has committed an act of plagiarism.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism What is it? Any time a student represents work done by someone else as his or her own, that student has committed an act of plagiarism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism What is it? Any time a student represents work done by someone else as his or her own, that student has committed an act of plagiarism.

2 What is the penalty for Plagiarism? F

3 ILS Integrated Library System software that manages library operations with separate modules that interact and share a central database of records. Actually two databases.

4 ILS Modules Acquisitions – select, order, budget… Cataloging – create bibliographic records Serials – check-in serial issues Circulation – record circulation in and out Interlibrary Loan – lend and borrow from other libraries OPAC – Online Public Access Catalog – display holdings to patrons

5 Acquisitions Selection Ordering Budgeting Receiving Payments Claiming and canceling late and unfulfilled orders

6 Cataloging Create records –Describe materials –Classify materials

7 Serials Describe and check-in serial issues Record binding Claim late issues

8 Circulation Record circulation in and out of library

9 Interlibrary Loans ILL –Lend and borrow material from other libraries

10 OPAC Online Public Access Catalog Display library resources to patrons Pulls data from catalog, serials, and circulation modules

11 ILS Databases Bibliographic database –Bib records –Authority records –Order records –Item records –Serial check-in records –MARC data Patron database –Borrower records

12 Bibliographic record Description of material –Physical description –Subjects - LCSH –Classification – call number

13 Bibliographic Utility Source for bib records – OCLC

14 MARC MAchine Readable Cataloging All the information from a catalog card in machine readable form

15 Evolution of ILS Circulation OPAC – catalog Web-based OPAC Integration of other modules (acquisitions, serials, ILL) Revamp of interface for end-user –Encore - SFPL –Aquabrowser

16 The Future Disintegrated or Non-integrated System –Various modules/components from various vendors Open Source

17 Local Databases Newspaper indexes Community information Digital archives

18 Statistics and Reports An important function of the ILS is to provide statistics and reports. –Circulation stats –Budget reports –Collection reports

19 Accuracy of data Any system is only as good as the data it contains. Data entry can be the weakest link. Importance of security and authorizations

20 Database Terminology Database – electronic filing system Field –Category of data or information. Some tools allow you to search within a particular field, such as subject heading, abstract, journal title, or domain name. File – a collection of data with a filename Record – a collection of fields Transaction - an interaction with a database management system Table – where data is stored in a database

21 Relational Databases Melton, Beth “Databases: Access Terminology and Relational Database Concepts.” 09/LPMArticle.asp?ID=73 09/LPMArticle.asp?ID=73

22 Is an ILS a relational database Microsoft Access What is a relational database? How does it relate to an ILS? One-to-One One-to-Many

23 Database Design How do you determine how many tables you need? What fields you need? How to prevent redundant data?

24 Authorization Public access Various levels of staff access Grant access that is needed to perform job duties

25 Turnkey System vs. software only Out-of-the-box Software needs to be installed on server

26 Open Source Software Software that is freely available for people to use and develop Evergreen by Georgia PINES –

27 Systems Administration Backup Managing authorizations

28 Next Generation Aquabrowser – –Graphical cloud Encore –SFPL – –Faceted browse WPopac – –Tagging and comments

29 Troubleshooting Common Knowledge Check the obvious Look for clues Read documentation Ask for advice Observe and learn

30 Technologies in Libraries Blogs – Chat/IM reference – – aries_Using_IM_Reference#California aries_Using_IM_Reference#California

31 Wikis Library Best Practices Wiki –

32 Relational Databases For next week read: –Melton, Beth “Databases: Access Terminology and Relational Database Concepts.” 09/LPMArticle.asp?ID=73 09/LPMArticle.asp?ID=73

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