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18 17  Pakistan ranks 113th among 120 countries in literacy rate, which is projected to reach 60% till 2015 from the existing 55 %. (Wikipedia)

19  Only about 80% of Pakistani children finish primary school education. (Wikipedia)  Urdu and English are major academic languages.  Vocational studies get priority over language study.  Majority of those who finish education lack comprehension of languages studied. 18

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25  The average reader spends about 1/6th of the time they spend reading in actually rereading words.  50% of American adults are unable to read an eighth grade level book. 24

26  Book reading for majority implies reading text books.  Bi-polarity of languages as in Urdu vs. English is causing aloofness from language study. 25

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29  Bi-polar language format pauses a great lingo-impediment in the way of building a good comprehension at earlier stages.  Text book based curriculum leaves little room for extra-curricular reading or pleasure reading. 28

30  For most part, the students remain engrossed with cramming for good grades at school and then in tuition which allows no time for pleasure reading.  When students do try to read a story book, the comprehension difficulties renders only partial benefits of reading. 29

31  Minimal parental support and supervision with regards to book reading causes the child to rely on the secondary sources of information like TV, computer etc.  It is limiting their comprehension and composition ability, as they usually don’t learn to face any challenge. 30

32  Many of our students come from background with small income and more than five kids a family e.g. sailors’ and soldiers’ kids. This shifts the focus to other financial matters, with book purchase as not even the last choice.  When somehow parents do manage to make purchases, they are made to relent with toys and gaming objects than books. 31

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34  Therefore our initiative is to promote reading culture with proper understanding.  We understand, literacy is more than just recognising words; it’s about understanding the context in which words are employed.  It’s about perspective, logic and relevance as well as sorting, analysing and digesting information.  The simple act of reading is, basically, exercise for the brain in the same way as sports is exercise for the body. 33

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37  To improve the reading skills of students  To make reading an enjoyable practice  To promote and encourage reading culture at all levels  To generate awareness about importance of reading  To help uplift literacy ratios  To remove the complexes of shy and cowardly students 36

38  Mrs.Rana Saima Qamar (English)  Ms. Saima Yousuf (English)  Mrs. Unber Zia (Urdu)  Mrs. Nazia Firdous (Urdu) 37

39 Sir 38

40 Parents to be taken onboard. They should read with their children for at least 15 minutes each day) 39

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44 1. Based on selected students from 1-6 class 43

45 2. Survey based on Languages: English and Urdu 3. Identification of grey areas 4. Poetry 5. Text 6. Pronunciation *Time duration: 2 weeks * Survey team leader from V & VI to compile the survey result, along with their Class Teachers 44

46  Time Duration: In tutorial period- 15 minutes either activity.  Library Period. 45

47  Students are required to read for 15 minutes at home everyday. Parents should sign weekly at the assigned space to confirm that this has been done.  Students are to fill out the reading logs, whenever they read independently in class or at home. 46

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52  Out-of-school reading habits of students have shown that even 15 minutes a day of independent reading can expose students to more than a million words of text in a year. 51

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54 1. POSTER COMPETITION  CLASS ROOM ACTIVITY  TOPIC: “READING FOR JOY”  Class Room/Corridor Display  Results (1 ST,2 ND,3 RD ) 4-5-2013 53

55 2. STORY BOARDS & REVIEW WRITING COMPETITION:  Best story boards from 1s and 2s given certificates of appreciation  Best Urdu & English reviews from 3-5 classes given certificates of appreciation 54

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60  We’ve created wiki, a mini website for having global interaction and more than 100 people were asked to share our wiki.  We readily accept suggestions and share experiences with students from other schools as well parents through this collaborative internet online tool. 59

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62 Awareness Creation Programs Readers’ forums for discussion on reading issues Book sharing week/s

63 Inspiring students to read properly Creating space and time for extra- curricular reading activity Involving parents into the process for productive results Making reading a fun activity Developing and assessing comprehension skills of our pupils

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