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 Model used to examine World Religions  This refers to the way a prophet or founder receives revelation from the higher power  May come from another.

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2  Model used to examine World Religions

3  This refers to the way a prophet or founder receives revelation from the higher power  May come from another person, from a divine messenger, or from within oneself  Ex. Moses and the burning bush from the book of Exodus

4  Statement of shared beliefs of a religious community  Summary of core beliefs  Ex. The Apostle’s Creed or Nicene Creed for Christians

5  Ethical and moral standards taught by religious traditions  Ex. The Ten Commandments for Jews and Christians

6  Religious practice in worship expressed through rituals  Religious rituals may include prayer, sacrifice, offerings, processions, ceremonies, liturgies, etc.  Ex. Catholic Mass

7  How a Religion affects society  Ex. Many Canadian Holidays (Christmas, Easter) are Christian Holy days

8  How a Religion evolves over time  Ex. Christianity’s fractioning into Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, modernization of beliefs

9  You will work independently or with a partner  Choose a topic that interests you (sport, hobby, type of food, movie, TV show, etc.)  Create a poster or powerpoint presentation detailing the 6 C’s for the topic you have chosen  You may use the internet to help you find information, but all websites must be cited  Hand in a hard copy or email a copy of your final presentation and the works cited page by: _______  Call, Creed, Code, Culture, Cult, Change

10 K/UKnowledge of concepts is clearly evidence, fulfilled criteria, met deadline /10 APPOverall appearance, neatness, quality, organization /10 THCreativity, higher thinking, accurate information and detail /10 COMMMechanics of writing/10

11  Exemplar: Olympics

12   The first Olympic games were sponsored by a Greek wealthy philanthropist named Evangelos Zappas. He offered King Otto of Greece permanent funding to revive the olden version that was held in Athens hundreds of years ago. He funded three Olympic games and during the third one, Baron Pierre de Coubertin came up with the idea to form the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and this is where the Olympic Games that we know today started.

13   The belief is that the Olympics provide a way to promote healthy competition between countries. Everyone around the world enjoys watching it because it is a change from the usual bad news that you see. It is a good way for people to show their pride in their country, through both competing and watching.

14   There are many codes that are in the Olympics. One of the most important ones is not to cheat; this includes things like anti-doping rules.  There is also the unspoken rules of good sportsmanship towards one another and as well as always giving it their best and trying their hardest.  Many believe that practice makes perfect and train constantly for months before to get prepared.

15   Every year each country that hosts the Olympic Games tries to out-do and have a bigger and better performance at the opening ceremonies than the last.  There is also the symbol of the Olympic Torch, a symbol from the olden days of Ancient Greece. For each game, the torch is lit in Greece and from there it is transported through many various forms of transportation to where the games are held.

16   The Olympics become a big part of our society every four years when they are held. Leading up to the games, television changes to feature commercials supporting the Olympics and their athletes. Some feature athletes using their products and others show the athletes telling their stories.  Canadian stores sold mittens featuring the Olympic symbol to promote the Olympics and raise money for the athletes. 1

17   The Olympics have changed lots over the years. Back in the times of Ancient greece they only held a total of ten olympic events. In current times they hold more five times that, as well as the winter games.  The games also change where they are hosted every year which was different from the single place it used to be held in athens.  Also, the viewing of the games has changed from seeing it in person to being brodcasted all around the world.



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