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Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 Future Network: Mobility Tae-Wan You ETRI, Joint ITU-T SG 13 and ISO/JTC1/SC 6 Workshop on Future Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 Future Network: Mobility Tae-Wan You ETRI, Joint ITU-T SG 13 and ISO/JTC1/SC 6 Workshop on Future Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 Future Network: Mobility Tae-Wan You ETRI, Joint ITU-T SG 13 and ISO/JTC1/SC 6 Workshop on Future Networks Standardization (Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012)

2 Outline Overview of ISO/IEC WD 29181-4 Future Network: Problem Statements and Requirement – Part 4: Mobility Introduction to R&D Project in Korea MOFI: Mobile-Oriented Future Internet Architecture of Future Internet for Mobile Environment Project sponsored by Korean government Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 20122

3 ISO/IEC 29181-4: Status ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG7 Editors: Seok-Joo Koh (Korea) Maryam Roshanaei (UK) Status 3 rd WD (as of May 2012) Plan PDTR Ballot (Sep. 2012) Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 20123

4 ISO/IEC 29181-4: Status Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 20124

5 Motivations Paradigm Shift: from Fixed to Mobile Mobility is a key factor in the design of FN Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 20125

6 Mobile environment in FN Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 6

7 Mobile environment in FN Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 7

8 Related works on mobility in FN Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 8 SDO IETF: Mobile IP, Proxy Mobile IP, etc ITU-T: Q.22/13 (Mobility Management) ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6: WG7 (Future Network) R&D Projects eMobility (FP7) FIND, GENI AKARI (Japan) MOFI (Korea)

9 Problems of Current Internet Overloaded semantics of IP address Identifier and Locator as well Single protocol for heterogeneous networks No consideration of heterogeneous networks Integration of data delivery and control function No distinction between data plane and control plane Centralized mobility control Home Agent (central anchor) of Mobile IP Traffic overhead, failure by DoS attack, non-optimal routes Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 20129

10 Architectural Requirements for FN Separation of identifier (ID) and locator (LOC) Permanent ID and Temporary LOC (Mobility, Multi-homing) Separation of access/backbone networks Support of Heterogeneous access networks Separation of control plane from data plane Control (mobility) information: mission-critical User data packets: best-effort Distributed mobility control Built-in mobility control (cf. MIP: patch-on) Use of Optimized Route (Query-based signaling) Scalable management of ID-LOC mappings Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201210

11 Functional Requirements for FN Location management ID-LOC mapping management for mobile hosts ID-LOC Binding and Query Operations Route optimization Direct (Optimized) path between two communicating hosts Handover control Seamless handover for on-going sessions Route Update Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201211

12 Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI) Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201212

13 MOFI ( Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201213

14 Project Overview Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201214

15 Problems vs. Design Principles Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201215 Current Internet MOFI Design PrinciplesFunction blocs IP address as ID & LOC Separation of Host ID from IP address Host ID and Local LOC (HILL) IP address based communication HID-based communications Global IP-based routingLocal LOC-based routing Combined data delivery and control Separation of control plane from data delivery Dynamic Distributed Mapping System (DDMS) Static Centralized Mapping b/w ID&LOC Dynamic Distributed ID/LOC Mapping System Data-driven packet delivery for mobile hosts Route optimization using location query Query-First Data Delivery (QFDD)

16 Three Functional Blocks Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201216

17 HILL: Host ID & Local Locator (HID-based global comm. & LOC-based local routing) Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201217 Advantages Free from address depletion problem Not require globally unique address allocation (e.g. IPv4/6) Make private-to-private network communication possible very easily More efficient to support mobility and multi-homing Help to resolve the BGP routing table explosion problem Secure HID provides security and privacy

18 DDMS: Dynamic Distributed Mapping System Advantages More efficient management than Agent-based Centralized LM of legacy Internet for mobile dominant environment ITO, single point of failure, unwanted traffic introduction, etc. Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 18

19 QFDD: Query First Data Delivery Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201219 Advantages More efficient delivery than the Send-First of legacy Internet for mobile dominant environment ITO, optimized routing path, reduction of unwanted traffic introduction, transmission delay, etc.

20 Overall Architecture Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201220

21 Data Delivery Model Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201221

22 Overall Mapping System Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201222

23 Implementation Status Linux-based Implementation Kernel based AR and Local Mapping system IPv6 based HID, convention IPv6 application Click-based Implementation AR and Host developed by Click Modular Router MOFI Proxy Agent (MPA) developed NS-3 Simulator MOFIs full spec. developed by NS-3 Data and control plane, handover scenario Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2012 23

24 Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions Mobility is one of the key issues in Future Network Current focus on Problem Statement and Requirement in the JTC1/SC6 Several projects are progressed in the world Recommendations Collaboration is needed between JTC1/SC6 and ITU-T SG13 for global standardization Possible items Requirement Architectural Design Identification, etc Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201224

25 Thank you for your attention ! Q & A

26 Linux-based Implementation Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201226

27 Click-based Implementation Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201227

28 Implementations: NS-3 Simulator Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 201228

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