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ILLIAD AND DISCOVERY SERVICES TLA 2015 Pamela Johnston University of North Texas Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "ILLIAD AND DISCOVERY SERVICES TLA 2015 Pamela Johnston University of North Texas Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILLIAD AND DISCOVERY SERVICES TLA 2015 Pamela Johnston University of North Texas Libraries

2 UNT Libraries’ Single Search Box

3 Results: Bento Box

4 Online Articles Search: Summon


6 2013-2014 Where Do Article Requests Come From?

7 Summon: Why So Few? Main Audience: 30,000 undergraduate students In 2013-2014 undergrads accounted for 12% of all ILL requests submitted Undergrads may not be familiar with ILL service Graduates and faculty tend to use specific databases; more focused research Default: Full-Text Only Satisfied with full-text items found Patrons tend not to change defaults

8 2013-2014 2,300+ Requests for Articles That Were Available in UNT Databases

9 No Source Given/Full-Text Available ILLiad Web AlertResults Alert ran during November 2014 October 2014: 37% November 2014: 26% Web Alert is being used again in Spring 2015 Future Add catalog link to article request form

10 Ebscohost/Full-Text Available Queried ILLiad for data using Custom Search Exported 192 requests to Excel Searched appropriate Ebscohost database for each article title Results: 54% of the full-text articles could be located with one click…

11 The 54%: Article Linking

12 Serials Solutions: Linking from Ebscohost Detailed RecordResults Removed ILLiad link from Detailed Record April 1 – 10, 2015: 6 April 1 – 10, 2014: 143 Future New branding logo for find full- text link

13 Trouble-Shooting September 2014 Spike in requests via Ebscohost for Elsevier articles Tech Services investigated: Elsevier was updating their linking syntax March-April 2014 Spike in requests via Ebscohost Tech Services investigated: Serials Solutions changed name of linking service, so Ebscohost settings needed updating April 2012 Date not populating correctly in article requests via Ebscohost Modified ILLiad OpenURL Mapping table which corrected issue

14 Best Practices ILL staff – monitor requests, look for trends Know your ILL management system Investigate and trouble-shoot Communicate with your Technical Services staff Share information with Subject Liaisons so they can educate users

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