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A Free Crowd-Sourced Website for the ER Community Dr. Rob Waring Dr. Charles Browne

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Presentation on theme: "A Free Crowd-Sourced Website for the ER Community Dr. Rob Waring Dr. Charles Browne"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Free Crowd-Sourced Website for the ER Community Dr. Rob Waring Dr. Charles Browne

2 Site features Hundreds of links Blogs and comments Graded Reader tracking and review area Online Graded Text Editor Information for researchers ER and EL Videos Apps…….

3 Site features So what’s new????? – Revised interface – Massive number of bugs fixed – On-the-fly Japanese and Korean interface – HUGELY updated database – Added several hundred texts (500-600 still to put up) – Move to Amazon Cloud (faster expandable service) – Revised Online Graded Text Editor (OGTE) – Lots of back-end stuff – registration, text upload system – Apps…..





8 New App suite coming soon (Fall) iOS and Android GSL, AWL, NGSL, NAWL in one app Learner Management System Bulk registration for teachers Monitor, download data for all registered students Additional lists later -TOEIC, Business, Eiken etc. Yes, it’ll all be free… (maybe a paid ‘pro’ version)


10 READ Magazine (soon)

11 ER videos, texts, tools and more…

12 What is the Online Graded Text Editor? A FREE editing tool for teachers and authors It allows users to analyze the vocabulary in a text by pre-set levels Allows you to write something to a specific level You can add your own wordlists (if you ask nicely)

13 Black – in level Red out of list Red underline – out of level Green – ignored words Black – in level Red out of list Red underline – out of level Green – ignored words


15 Exported data: Excel format can be manipulated as you wish

16 Student resources

17 Quick and dirty Reading Level Assessment

18 Reading Room Text Share Searchable library of hundreds (soon thousands) of texts – mostly crowd sourced under Creative Commons pro bono Comprehension questions Wide range of genres – fiction; non-fiction Can bookmark items Timed speed reading area Right-click words to learn them

19 Library contains thousands of texts


21 Clicking shows more information


23 Adaptive text and learner levels Texts are assigned an initial level on publication Users rate the texts on three scales which adjusts the level for their L1 peers Their ratings of texts adjusts their own reading level

24 Speed Reading Panel





29 Listening Room Over 1200 texts Mostly dialogs Read while listening, or listen only Quizzes Each text rated Track the time listened

30 Listening Library

31 Listening Text

32 ER-Central Vocabulary 110,000 meanings, 86,000 types, 100,000 proper nouns 88,000 English definitions now, more soon Translations in Japanese (Arabic, Chinese, Korean.) Tracks individual meaning senses bank – river ; bank – row ; bank – money Right-click any word in a text to learn it Wordlist management (add and delete words) Flashcards with spaced repetition practice


34 Once added, word can then be learned via games & flashcards

35 All flashcards & games teach words in list via spaced repetition…








43 All vocabulary learning tracked in a simple LMS…

44 Wordlist management

45 All flashcards & games teach words in list via spaced repetition…

46 Bulk Student Registration Users can register individually and send their data to the teacher on request (from their Progress window) Teachers create an Institution account and bulk upload (excel spreadsheet) students You can enter their username and password. Option for real names and student numbers (privacy concerns). Users enter their own data once they first login. Available very soon (end Sept.)

47 ER-Central needs texts ER-Central is for the ER community Anyone can add materials Upload using ER-Central’s Text Creation Editor make an account easy and quick text enter add images if you wish add comprehension questions (optional) you decide the level

48 Price … Totally Free No advertising No grants No sponsorship All we ask is your help … …… give us texts …… spread the word …... get your students using it

49 Look for these extensive reading tools and many others at our free site TELL EVERYONE!!! Thank you for your time

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