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Introduction to Discrete Mathematics J. H. Wang Sep. 14, 2010.

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1 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics J. H. Wang Sep. 14, 2010

2 Instructor and TA Instructor –Jenq-Haur Wang ( 王正豪 ) –Assistant Professor, CSIE, NTUT –Office: R1534, Technology Building –E-mail: –Homepage: –Tel: ext. 4238 –Office Hour: 15:10-17:00 on Tuesdays, 10:10-12:00am on Thursdays TA –(TBD)

3 Course Overview Course: Discrete Mathematics Time: 13:10-15:00pm on Tuesdays, 17:10- 18:00pm on Thursdays Classroom: R1332, Technology Building Prerequisite: college algebra Course webpage:

4 Target Students For those who –Are CSIE freshmen (or non-CSIE major graduates), –Familiar with basic college algebra, –Preparing to learn more details in mathematical facts, and –Want to learn how to think logically and mathematically

5 Resources Textbook: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 6th ed., by Kenneth H. Rosen, McGraw-Hill. (International Edition, imported by 歐亞 ) – mhtml mhtml References: – Discrete and combinatorial mathematics : an applied introduction, 5th ed., by Ralph P. Grimaldi, Addison- Wesley, 2004. – Discrete mathematics, 7th ed., by Richard Johnsonbaugh, Pearson, 2009.

6 Teaching Lectures 4-5 homework assignments –Homeworks should be turned in within two weeks Mid-term and final exams

7 Grading Policy (Tentative) grading policy –Homework assignments: 30% –Midterm exam: 35% –Final exam: 35%

8 What Will You Learn Introduction to mathematical facts –Logic, set theory, number theory, linear algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, (discrete) probability theory Mathematical reasoning and problem solving Gateway to more advanced courses –Data structures, algorithms, database, automata, formal languages, compiler, computer security, operating systems

9 Outline & Schedule Outline –Fundamentals (Ch. 1-4) Logic and Proofs Sets, Functions, Sequences, and Sums Algorithms, Integers, and Matrices Induction and Recursion –Enumeration (Ch. 5-8) Counting Discrete Probability Advanced Counting Relations

10 Outline & Schedule (Cont’) Outline (cont’d) –Graph Theory (Ch. 9-10) Graphs (to be covered in “Data Structures” and “Algorithms”) Trees (to be covered in “Data Structures” and “Algorithms”) –Advanced Topics (Ch. 11-12) Boolean Algebra (to be covered in “Digital Logic Design”) Modeling Computation (to be covered in “Automata Theory”)

11 Outline & Schedule (Cont’) (Tentative) Schedule –Fundamentals: 4-5 wks –Enumeration: 6-7 wks –Graph Theory: 4-5 wks –Advance topics: 2-3 wks (if time permits)

12 Thanks for Your Attention!

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