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Canadian Institute for Health Information. Occupational Therapist Workforce, 2012 2.

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1 Canadian Institute for Health Information

2 Occupational Therapist Workforce, 2012 2

3 Our Vision Better data. Better decisions. Healthier Canadians. Our Mandate To lead the development and maintenance of comprehensive and integrated health information that enables sound policy and effective health system management that improve health and health care. Our Values Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Excellence, Innovation About CIHI 3

4 About CIHI’s Occupational Therapist Data Companion products on CIHI’s website The following companion products are available on CIHI’s website at Occupational Therapist Workforce, 2012 Summary and Provincial/Territorial Profiles (XLSX) Presentation (PPTX) Data Tables (XLSX) Methodology Guide (PDF) Previous Reports Occupational Therapists in Canada series Reference Documents Occupational Therapist Database Manual Privacy Impact Assessment For more information, please contact Program Lead, Health Human Resources Canadian Institute for Health Information 495 Richmond Road, Suite 600 Ottawa, Ontario K2A 4H6 Phone: 613-241-7860 Fax: 613-241-8120 Email: Website: 4 Collecting and reporting health human resources (HHR) data assists decision-makers in the planning and distribution of health care providers. Since 2006, CIHI has collected data on the supply, distribution and practice characteristics of occupational therapists in Canada.

5 5 Percentage Growth of Supply of Occupational Therapists, Labour Force and Overall Population, Canada, 2008 to 2012 Since 2008, the supply of registered occupational therapists has grown by over 11%, more than two times the growth rate of the Canadian labour force.

6 6 Selected Health Professionals per 100,000 Population, Canada, 2008 to 2012 Between 2008 and 2012, the occupational therapist workforce per 100,000 population increased from 38 to 40.

7 7 Percentage of the Occupational Therapist Workforce by Number of Employers and Usual Weekly Hours of Work, Canada, 2012 Over 40% of OTs worked more than 36 hours per week, on average. Of these, just over 20% reported having more than one employer.

8 8 Occupational Therapist Workforce by Age Group, Canada, 2008 and 2012 While the proportion of occupational therapists age 60 and older increased slightly, the proportion of occupational therapists younger than 30 has decreased since 2008.

9 9 Thank You

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