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Photo by Karl Steinbrenner Update on Card Programs Presented By Valerie J Alley, CPCP.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo by Karl Steinbrenner Update on Card Programs Presented By Valerie J Alley, CPCP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo by Karl Steinbrenner Update on Card Programs Presented By Valerie J Alley, CPCP

2 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 2 Current “Hot” Topics –What is a Pcard? –Commonwealth Program –3% Withholding –1099’s –Rebate

3 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 3 What is a Pcard? Multi-purpose bank card aimed at streamlining the traditional purchase order and payment processes for lower-dollar transactions Based on standard, Visa/MasterCard credit card Provides enhanced internal controls & reporting Purchasing Cards are given to employees to acquire goods and services for their organization Central bill / Central pay / Corporate liability

4 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 4 What is a Pcard? The majority of states and large corporations have established programs Not simply a credit card it’s a “payment tool” –The Commonwealth of Virginia uses the term “Charge Card” so it does not infer they give employees credit Includes technology to streamline your purchasing process

5 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 5 Commonwealth of Virginia Program Sixteen years ago –2,500 cards –Average spend $6 million for a fiscal year Today –Over 20,000 cards –Average spend over $30 million per month –FY 2010 spend $426 million The Commonwealth allows localities and authorities in Virginia to “piggy-back” on the State Contract –Gives the localities and authorities the benefits of a large contract –Gives the Commonwealth additional volume to reach higher rebate tiers

6 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 6 3% Withholding –Goes into Effect January 1, 2012 –Effect on 1099’s –Effect on Card Transactions

7 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 7 1099 Changes Effective January 1, 2011- December 31, 2011 No longer responsible for 1099 reporting for card transactions After 2011 ?????

8 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 8 Rebate –Rebate is a viable revenue source Pcard (SPCC and GOLD) and ATC 1.46% Individual Liability Travel less of a % –Volume for FY2012 expected to grow substantially based on being excluded from 3% Withholding

9 AGA February 2011 Charge Card Administration 9 Conclusion Questions?

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