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METHODOLOGY OF IMPLEMENTING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Námesztovszki Zsolt - University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica.

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Presentation on theme: "METHODOLOGY OF IMPLEMENTING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Námesztovszki Zsolt - University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica."— Presentation transcript:

1 METHODOLOGY OF IMPLEMENTING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Námesztovszki Zsolt - University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica Takács Márta - University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica and University, Budapest, Hungary Dragana Glušac – Tehnički fakultet „Mihajlo Pupin“, Zrenjanin CINTI 2011 - 12 th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatic, 2011 Budapest, Hungary.

2 METHODOLOGY OF IMPLEMENTING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION  I Information society  N Network communication  P Prerequisits for becoming full participants of the information society

3 Methodological characteristics of IT learning:  o one student – one computer  t teaching methods

4 Educational environment:  T Traditional education environment  C Combined education environment  I Interactive education environment

5 Hardware of workstations in informatics lab (configurations, network) Softwares of workstations in informatics lab:  N NetSupport School  D DeepFreeze

6 The ultimate goal of teaching IT contents:  t to build up a system of skills, wich is flexible and can be improved  t to prepare students for using several IT tools  t to prepare students for independent learning, for searching and classifying content from the Inernet  t to prepare children for safe use of the Internet and for the challenges of e-learning

7 Prerquisites for adopting IT concepts and developing IT skills:  5 584 ECDL course students from Vojvodina  4 4 x 20 lecture (Operation System, Word, Excel and PowerPoint) – practice test  B Before the course the participants answered to questions about: age (birth date), use of computers, knowledge of English and education  E Environment: interactive education environment

8 Research hypothesis:  Y Younger people adopt IT concepts and improve IT skills more succesfully  H Having a computer at home and using it (daily) at workplace positively influence the adoption of IT concepts and the development of IT skills  K Knowledge of English positively affects the adoption of IT concepts and the development of IT skills  Q Qualifications and the level of education have a positive influence on the adoption of IT concepts and the development of IT skills.

9 Hypothese 1: age groups

10 Hypothese 2: daily use of computer - 12 participant (2,05%)

11 Hypothese 3: knowledge of English

12 Hypothese 4: education

13 Conclusions For successful adoption of IT contents (in our survey), the most important factors are age, possessing a computer at home or at work and the knowledge of English.

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