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Fighting for Liberty on Many Fronts

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1 Fighting for Liberty on Many Fronts
Chapter 6 Section 4

2 Women Take part in the War
When the men left for war the women had to take on added work at home. Some planted and harvested the crops. Others made shoes and wove cloth for blankets and uniforms. What was Handy Betsy the Blacksmith know for?

3 Women Take part in the War
Many women followed their husbands to the battles. There they cared for the wounded, washed clothes, and cooked. Martha Washington joined her husband whenever she could. Many women achieved lasting fame for their wartime service. What was Betsy Ross of Philadelphia known for?

4 Women Take part in the War
Women were even courageous enough to take up weapons and join the battle. During the Battle of Monmouth in 1778, Mary Ludwig Hays carried water to her husband and other soldiers. What did the other soldiers call her? When her husband was wounded, she took his place, loading and firing the cannon.

5 Women Take part in the War
As women participated in the war they began to think differently about their rights. As the women took on more responsibilities they became more independent and confident and willing to speak out. What did most men in Congress think about women?

6 African Americans Face Hard Choices
By 1776, over a half a million African Americans lived in the colonies. At first the Continental Congress did not allow African Americans free or slaves to join the army. Members did not trust African Americans with weapons. The British, however offered African Americans freedom who served the king.

7 African Americans Face Hard Choices
What did Washington fear? What did he do in response? About 5,000 African Americans from all the colonies, except South Carolina served in the army. How many served in the navy? There were about 9 African American minutemen who fought at Lexington and Concord.

8 African Americans Face Hard Choices
What were the 3 African Americans who the textbook name? Some formed special regiments and others joined white regiments as drummers, fifers, spies, and guides. Who were spies? What were the difficult choices African Americans faced?

9 African Americans Face Hard Choices
Many slaves did escape their masters, especially those living along the coast were the British navy patrolled. In one instance 500 runaway slaves offered their service to a British captain. Toward the end of the war several thousand slaves sought freedom by following British troops through the Carolinas.

10 African Americans Face Hard Choices
Slaves that joined the Patriots joined in hopes that the war would end slavery. Some white leaders also hoped for the same outcome. What document made them believe this? What did James Otis write? By the 1770’s slavery in the North was declining and there was a number of free African Americans. During the American Revolution many states moved to make slavery illegal including which states?

11 The War on the Western Frontier
As the war ensued the battles spilled over onto Indian lands. Both the British and Americans began to try to win support of the Indian tribes. In the end who was more successful in gathering more Indian support?

12 The War on the Western Frontier
They convinced many Native Americans that a Patriot victory would mean more white settlers crossing the Appalachian and taking Indians lands. Who did the British gain support from in the south? What did the British encourage the Cherokees to do? Who won?

13 The War on the Western Frontier
In the northern frontier which tribe supported the British? What did they do? What did George Rogers Clark do and who help him? Clark then planned a surprise attack on the British fort at Vincennes.

14 The War on the Western Frontier
When Clark’s small force reached the fort, they spread out through the woods to make their numbers appear greater than they really were. What did the British commander think? On the southwestern frontier Americans received help from which country?

15 The War on the Western Frontier
At the very beginning New Spain (Louisiana) remained neutral. However, Bernando de Galvez favored the Patriots and secretly supplied medicine, cloth, muskets, and gunpowder to the Americans. In 1779, Spain entered the war against the British, de Galvez seized British forts along the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. He also drove the British out of West Florida. Which city was named after this courageous leader?

16 Fighting at Sea At sea the Americans could do little against the greatest navy at the time. The British blocked all the colonies ports. However, occasionally an American captain would capture a British ship. What was the greatest American sea victory?

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