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Welcome Parents! As you come in: Sign up for a conference time (located on my desk). If you are interested in donating items to the classroom, please take.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! As you come in: Sign up for a conference time (located on my desk). If you are interested in donating items to the classroom, please take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! As you come in: Sign up for a conference time (located on my desk). If you are interested in donating items to the classroom, please take a look at our classroom wishlist and take a hand Find your child’s desk and read the note they wrote you. Use the paper on their desk to write a note back (feel free to use the materials in their pencil box to decorate your note!) If you have any forms on your child’s desk, please fill those out now.

2 Ms. Kim’s 3 rd Grade Class Welcome to Back to School Night!

3 Agenda  Teacher Introduction  Classroom Expectations  Schedule  Nine Week Plans  Math Grouping  Homework  40 Book Challenge  Useful Websites  Grading  Retakes  Vacations  General Classroom Information  Volunteers  Contact Information  Questions

4 A Little Bit About Me…  I graduated from James Madison University with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and a Master’s in the Arts of Teaching.  This is my second year teaching at Pinebrook.  I love to cook, bake, scrapbook, and spend time with my family.

5 Classroom Expectations  Students arrive promptly, unpack, and begin morning work.  Students are to stay on task and not disrupt the learning process.  Students are to be respectful, responsible, and ready. Students will copy their homework in their agenda at the beginning of the day and hand in completed homework in a timely manner Incomplete homework will be done during recess. Dojo Points, P.A.W.S (Individual Students) Bravo Board (Table Groups) Star Jar, Tally Chart (Whole Class) P.A.W.S Think Sheet--filled out in class and sent home for parent signature. (example in packet)

6 Class Schedule *Located on the Pinebrook website

7 The First Nine Weeks MATH  Geometry  Place Value  Rounding Numbers  Addition & Subtraction (inverse relationships)  Temperature and Calendar  Money SCIENCE  Scientific Investigation  Matter  Natural Cycles (Sun, Earth, Moon)

8 The First Nine Weeks (cont’d.) SOCIAL STUDIES  Government  Famous Americans ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS  Effective Communication Skills  Word Analysis Skills  Reading Strategies (fiction/non-fiction)  Demonstrate Comprehension of Fiction  Descriptive Paragraphs (Personal Narratives)

9 Math Grouping  Differentiated—classes switch  ALL students’ are taught the same content, but activities/content are delivered according to individual needs.  Meets needs of all students.  Meeting increased demands of SOL test.  Fall and Spring pre- assessments for re- placement

10 Homework  Students will receive approximately 30 minutes of homework every night.  Word Study/Grammar and Math will be every night.  In addition students are expected to read 20 minutes every night.  Students are expected to use their agendas daily.  Parental supervision of agenda use is strongly encouraged.

11 The 40 Book Challenge  Students read at least 40 books within different genres  They can choose any book to read within the genres  Students may only use 1 book from a particular series. Ex. They cannot count more than 2 A-Z Mystery books as 2 of their fiction books.  Only 2 picture books.  Any book that a student reads that has more than 350 pages counts as 2 books.  Goal- to instill the love of reading and to get students reading different types of books- this is not a race or competition  How- Everyday, students read at least 15-20 minutes independently at school and at night, students read at least 20 minutes at home. These all get recorded in their daily reading log. Once they complete a book, they will record it on the chart (in school).  At the end of the year, we will celebrate everyone’s success

12 Useful Websites    Username: ykim

13 Grading Teachers will use the following grading scale for student work: 4– Consistently goes beyond established goals for achievement/contributions or explains & justifies reasoning behind an answer  - Consistently transfers, applies, and expands skills  - Routinely applies problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum  - Consistently shows originality, creativity, and intuitive thinking beyond standard expectations 3– Meets established goal for achievement  -Demonstrates all required knowledge of content area  - Frequently transfers, applies and expands skills  - Periodically demonstrates originality, creativity, and intuitive thinking  3 + : applies some of the “4” expectations

14 Grading 2– Demonstrates partial knowledge of established goal for achievement, but is progressing toward complete knowledge of standard  - Infrequently transfers, applies and expands skills  - Progressing toward expressing original, creative and intuitive thinking  - Rarely applies problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum  2+ : applies some of the “3” expectations 1-Has difficulty/does not meet established grade-level goals for achievement and expectations  - Requires support to meet established goal for achievement  -Seldom or never understands, transfers, or applies skills  - Does not apply problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum  - Rarely shows originality, creativity, or intuitive-thinking skills in completing assignments  1+ : applies some of the “2” expectations


16 How I Grade  Formative Assessments: -Ongoing -Check for understanding -Highest score is a 3  Summative Assessments -Quizzes and Tests -2 level 4 questions -Getting all questions right earns a score of 4 -Getting one of level 4 questions earns a 3+

17 Retakes on Summative Tests  Students will be permitted to retake a summative assessment if they received a score lower than a “3”  The highest score a student can earn on a retake is a 2+

18 Vacations If you are planning on taking a vacation that will be more than 3 days, you must email Mr. Thiessen to have them approved. Early Dismissal- 2:15 is the cut-off time to change any last minute dismissal routines. After 2:15, it cannot be changed. Form on Pinebrook website

19 General Classroom Information  Classroom blog   Twitter- @mskim3rdgrade  Remind 101

20 General Information  Scholastic Book Orders   Amazon Wishlist Class page on Pinebrook website Math class

21 Volunteers!  – pw: RM27  working with students in classroom (fluency, math groups), at home work (cutting), Thursday Folders

22 Contact Information  Please feel free to contact me via:  Notes sent in with your child  Emails 

23 Questions

24 Thank you for coming! I look forward to a great year!

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