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The French and Indian war was a war between the British, French, Spanish, Colonists, and the Native Americans. And the Proclamation of 1763 was the official.

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Presentation on theme: "The French and Indian war was a war between the British, French, Spanish, Colonists, and the Native Americans. And the Proclamation of 1763 was the official."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French and Indian war was a war between the British, French, Spanish, Colonists, and the Native Americans. And the Proclamation of 1763 was the official treaty ending the war. The colonists were not very fond of this idea.

2 Sugar Act of 1764 This was a tax on merchants because the sugar(molasses and other shipped items to the colonies) that was used in the colonies was imported from the West Indies. This law also stricken the law of no smuggling.

3 The Quartering Act was passed by parliament in 1765; this act required the colonists to quarter, house, and feed these soldiers. Britain made the colonists quarter the soldiers because of the French and Indian War, and Britain could not pay for the expenses. So, they the colonists house the soldiers. Britain also made them quarter the soldiers so that they could make sure that the colonists were doing what they were supposed to do.

4 The Stamp Act is when Britain passed a law stating that colonists that bought paper must pay a tax, this list included playing cards, diplomas, contracts, etc. The colonists were extremely angry when parliament passed this law because they thought that they should be able to purchase paper without paying a substantial tax. Some of the colonists boycotted British goods. One of the most famous groups that protested this were the Sons of Liberty.

5 Repeal Stamp Act and Declaratory Act of 1766 Parliament repealed the Stamp Act because the Sons of Liberty were acting very violent(tar feathering). But they put out the Declaratory Act and it said that England was in charge.

6 Townsend Act of 1767 The Townsend Act was a law stating that colonist must pay taxes on glass, led, paint, ext. This was also the law that allowed British to enter homes, offices, ext to search for smuggled good. This angered the colonists a lot.

7 In the fall of 1768, 1000 British soldiers stationed inside of Boston; they were the under the command of General Thomas Gage. In 1770 colonists began to throw anything they could get towards the British soldiers. John Adams had to defend the Redcoats against a bunch of rebels. In the end John Adams successfully persuaded the jury to call the British innocent for firing into the crowd. Four people were killed and one was a slave Crispus Attucks.

8 The Tea Act of 1773 was the event before the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act was saying that the colonists must drink the East India Tea( India was part of Britain at the time) instead of the good Dutch tea. And they must pay a tax for the tea that they drink.

9 The Boston Tea Party was one of the most historical events in the history of the making of United States of America. This was when the Sons of Liberty dressed up like Mohawk Indians, boarded ships packed with tea and dumped then into the Boston Harbor. That night the Sons of Liberty dumped a total of 342 chests of tea. This is when the famous quote “ No Taxation without Representation” began.

10 Committees of Correspondents This was a group of men that exchanged letters to each other about colonial affairs in Massachusetts. Started by Samuel Adams.

11 Minute Men and Militia The Minute Men were part of a militia in each state and the men were called in a minutes notice. Hence the name minute men. The militia was a group of soldiers that defended their state against the British.

12 Intolerable Acts of 1774 The Intolerable acts stated that the British soldiers could stay at any colonial persons home whenever, the Boston Harbor would be shut down until all of the tea that was dumped be paid for, banned the Committees of Correspondents, and all British would be sent to Britain to be tested at trial. This was called the Coercive Acts in Britain.

13 First Continental Congress of 1774 The First Continental Congress was a group of delegates that did not like the way that Britain was treating the colonists. The group never wanted to break a part from Britain but just to inform Britain and to make them change their ways and to give them equal rights. This was a meeting of delegates from all colonies except Georgia in 1774 they wanted to make Parliament change the laws.

14 Second Continental Congress of 1775 This was the second time that the Continental Congress met, this time they would create a Continental Army under the command of General George Washington, print money to give to the soldiers, and act a single nation.

15 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere of 1775 Paul Revere was part of a spy network that spies on the British. The British were originally planning to go to New York but changed courses because Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and the colonial weapons were all in Massachusetts. Paul Revere and 2 other men, rode all night by horse to warn every town in the course of the British. And especially the Minute Men to prepare them for the battle.

16 Battle of Lexington in 1775 The Battle of Lexington is arguably the first real battle of the Revolutionary War. This battle was between the minute men and the British soldiers. The commander of the Minute men was Captain John Parker with about 70 Minute Men; against General Thomas Gage and approximately 700 British troops. This is the famous battle for the “shot heard around the world” no one really knows who fired this shot but it did not help the minute men. In the end of this battle 8 minute men lay dead and the British continued to Concord.

17 Battle of Concord in 1775 After Lexington the British marched towards Concord a small town of Massachusetts. After the overwhelming victory for the British in Lexington General Thomas Gage wanted to continue that winning streak. He and the 700 from Lexington were to face off with 7000 minute men. The British would have been long gone without the great reinforcement of 1000 more red coats.

18 Battle at Fort Ticonderoga of 1775 This was a battle that impacted the colonies like no other; Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys from Vermont fought the world’s greatest army the British. 20000 British vs. 1000 Green Mountain Boys; the Battle at Fort Ticonderoga took place in May of 1775 in New York. This battle was a huge moral victory for the colonists, once they captured the fort they found tons of huge guns and cannons in the fort. These were later used in another battle.

19 Battle of Quebec This battle was to get control of New France (Canada). George Washington was the General of The Continental Army, he thought that if he took Quebec then the Canadians would side with the colonists and they would have a better chance to beat Britain. The weather was very bad and the conditions were horrible, the attack was under the command of General Benedict Arnold. This was a horrible attempt and was a huge loss.

20 Olive Branch Petition The

21 Battle of Boston This battle was a huge moral victory for the colonists, General Washington was in command of this battle. He forced the artillery from Fort Ticonderoga to be moved to Boston(where the British were stationed). He ordered the cannons to surround the city and tell the British to retreat. General William Howe and 25000 troops left the city and so did 1000 loyalists left.



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