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ICT Standardization Challenges in Laos

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1 ICT Standardization Challenges in Laos
ITU Workshop on “Bridging the Standardization Gap” (Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012) ICT Standardization Challenges in Laos Ms. Phavanhna Douangboupha Deputy Director of Cooperation Division, Department of Planning, and Cooperation & International Cooperation, LaoCERT Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

2 MPT Organization Chart
Minister Vice Minister 1 Vice Minister 2 Special Communication Department Information Technology Department Telecommunication Department Posts Department Financial Department Inspection Department Personal Department Administration Office Posts and Telecommunications Institute ICT Research Center Lao National Internet Center (LANIC) E-Government Center Assistant to Minister Planning and Cooperation Department Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

3 Contents Factors Trends Challenges Steps Taken Q & A
External Factors Regional External Factors International Internal Factors Trends Challenges Steps Taken Q & A What will cover today are the followings: Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

4 Lao PDR Some Factors External Factors Regional
External Factors International Internal Factors Let’s firstly consider some of the factors including regional, international, and domestic factors Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

5 External Factors Regional
ASEAN Community AIPO, 26th General Assembly, Article 87 “…harmonizing existing ICT-related laws and ICT standards, with a view to setting up a common legal framework for the e-ASEAN…” ASEAN ICT Master Plan 2015 Digital divide; Integration Strategic thrusts> Economic Transformation> Initiative 1.1: create a conductive environment where business can grow leveraging ICT Action: Develop a framework to facilitate transparent & harmonized ICT regulations: Harmonize regulatory practices and ICT standards 1./Please allow me to quote one of the article at AIPO, 26th General Assembly, where Article 87 said (quote) “The Assembly, recognizing that the digital divide among ASEAN countries, if not timely addressed, could result in further widening of the development gap within ASEAN, urged AIPO Members to make efforts in passing new laws in ICT and harmonizing existing ICT-related laws and ICT standards, with a view to setting up a common legal framework for the e-ASEAN.” (unquote) 2./MPT represents Laos at the TELSOM+TELMIN, in the ASEAN ICT master plan 2015 Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

6 External Factors - ASEAN
ASEAN ICT Master Plan 2015 Strategic thrusts> People Engagement & Empowerment> Initiative 2.2: Ensure affordable ICT products Action: Enhance implementation of mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) Ensure that all technical standards are in the ASEAN working language (English) adopt common standards to reduce time-to-market for ICT products Continue on ASEAN ICT Master Plan 2015 Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

7 External Factors Regional
Neighboring Country E.g. Joint Technical Committee on coordination and assignment of frequency along Lao-Thai, Lao Vietnam and Lao-Cambodia common border Importing Goods e.g. Telecom/ICT equipment, terminal equipment By department of Telecommunication, MPT Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

8 External Factors International
WTO Membership requirements Technical Barriers to Trade International E.g. Integration CLDR – Unicode Common Locale Data Repository i.e. localization ISO Standardization Certificate Taken from WTO: According to the WTO TBTA Article 2 (Preparation, Adoption and Application of Technical Regulations by Central Government Bodies); Where technical regulations are required and relevant international standards exist….Members shall use them….as a basis for their technical regulations. (§2.4); or Where international standards exist or their completion is imminent, the standardizing body shall use them, or the relevant parts of them, as a basis for the standards it develops. (Annex 3/F) * Annex 3 : Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

9 Internal Factors Importing Manufacturing Goods
Ensure People and Environment Safety Quality Consumer Protection Resources & Infrastructure Utilization of scarce resources e.g. frequency spectrum Country Visions and Developments Poverty Reduction Turning from Land-locked to Land-linked Best practices Regulations Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

10 World Trends Smart Society, Mobile IPTV & Smart TV
Mobile Platform & Cloud Computing Wireless Infrastructure – 4G Social Media & Contents ICT Convergence Security Green ICT Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

11 Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012

12 Internet, Mobile Internet Penetration
PSTN (The Public Switched Telephone Network): 3 Operators No. of Mobile Operators: 4 Mobile phone penetration is about 83% of Lao population No. of ISP: 6 ADSL (25,000 in 2011), 3.5G (HSDPA) (> 20,000 in 2011), WiMAX Internet Penetration 8.1% of the total population is connected to the internet Lao PDR Trends Mobile Phone Wireless Infrastructure – 3G ICT Convergence Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

13 Lao PDR Some Challenges
and Some Steps Taken Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

14 Some Challenges Standardization Human Resources Know How
Immediate Term & Short Term & Long Term Infrastructure Resources & Investment Legal Framework (Policy & Regulatory) Awareness Information Technology & Changes (rapid) Maintenance & Management Collaboration Locally Regional International 1./Likewise with many developing countries, there are many challenges in general which some of these we have taken some steps to address the issues. 2./we have to continue on human resource development and set plan for immediate term, short term, and long term 3./Infrastructure – we need to further develop infrastructure as according to our government plan to turn from land-locked to land-linked as per the government socio-economic development plan 4./Awareness – continue to address the awareness challenges; how to make and use the Standards; how to support the standardization system by the government; 5./Collaboration - and we need to learn from ITU, TTA, and other countries for the best practices - Many standards – different companies Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

15 Lao Standard Font by MPT
Some Challenges Some Steps Taken Information Lao Standard Font by MPT Localization - The National Standard Font, “Phetsarath OT”. Working with Google By Ministry of Industry and Commerce Lao PDR Trade Portal Infrastructure The expansions of Telecommunication Infrastructure; Improvement of Transmission backbone – optical fiber, microwave, satellite Law, Regulation, Legal Framework Standardization Law (by Ministry of Science & Technology). Yet to have specific ICT standardization framework. Internet Management Decree 21st/03/2012 (MPT). The amendment of the Telecommunications Act 21st/12/2011 (MPT). Radio frequency law expects to be submitted for approval at the end of the year 2012 (e.g. radio station; facility sharing - BTS Tower, fiber) Know how, Awareness, Human Resources Cooperation (e.g. ITU, TTA of Korea), Training, Information Sharing Posts & Telecommunication Institute International Integration Working with e.g. ITU, ASEAN, KCC of Korea, etc. Budget and Financial Constraint Cooperation, Assistance from international Organization e.g. ITU Priority Areas e.g. focusing Telecommunications Standardization activities 1./Despite the fact that MPT had just recently been established as the ministry officially; we are aware that we have many challenges to continue to address. 2./26 September, 2011, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

16 References: Department of Telecommunication.
National E-Government Center of Lao PDR, MPT. Lao National Internet Center, MPT. Department of Planning and Cooperation. Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

17 Q & A THANK YOU Website:
Contact: Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012

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